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Guest edge007

WWE - Positives of 2003

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- Velocity (seeing indy guys like London, Spanky, AmDrag, Walters, Rude, etc. on national TV was fun, even if they jobbed in a few minutes, usually)

- Brock/Angle feud

- Anything w/ Cena, but especially his raps

- Rey Mysterio

- Spanky/London, Los Guerreros, WGTT

- Matt Hardy, most of the time

- Flair - even after all these years, he's one of the show's highlights

- Stevie Night Heat...while it lasted :(

- Benoit, of course

- Jericho, most of the time

- HBK, some of the time


That's about all I can think of right now. I guess I'll post more as they come.

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You know, I've been pondering a New Year's resolution for myself...how does "stay the fuck away from any and all WWE wrestling" sound?



I wish the fuck you would.

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Guest Anglesault

- Brock/Angle feud

:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

Well, it was better than simulated sex with dead people.

I'm not so sure.


Section 2, the Gay Lover Period, was every bit as odd and bizarre and unwanted as Necrophillia, but once you add Section 1 (Angle sucks) and Section 3 (Lesnar sucks) you have a period lasting January to November. The sheer mass, combined with missed opportunity of it gets the nod

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Hush you two, I am not in the mood to think about all of that tonight.


Wasn't it at least better than Al Wilson? If not him as a whole, was it not better than his...wood?

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Guest Anglesault
Hush you two, I am not in the mood to think about all of that tonight.


Wasn't it at least better than Al Wilson? If not him as a whole, was it not better than his...wood?

It dragged on longer than Al Wilson, and the homosexual relationship was male. ;)


Wilson over Lesnar/Angle

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Was ANYTHING worse than Brock/Angle to you then, overall?


I'd like to see Dames, or whoever, try to keep up with something for an entire year. That would be good fun in itself.

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It's not about being worse, it's about being better. Therein lies the fundamental difference between you and I downhome (can't speak for AS, though I think he'd agree) regarding the WWE. Angle/Brock could have been a helluvalot better and had more potential than Al Wilson or Katie Vick. This makes them being "bad" more painful.

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Guest Anglesault
Was ANYTHING worse than Brock/Angle to you then, overall?



March to the present and no good maches or skits

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Angle/Brock could have been a helluvalot better and had more potential than Al Wilson or Katie Vick. This makes them being "bad" more painful.

No, I get exactly what you are saying, I just hadn't looked at it like that until now. When I stand back and look at everything, I don't really take shit like Kane/HHH and Al Wilson seriously. It was just there, blah.


So yeah, when they fuck up something with potential like Angle/Brock, etc... it's a lot worse.


What ills me, is that we will more than likely never see Angle/Brock reach the true potential that they had, what with the news with Angle lately. Even if that wasn't going around, we still more than like would never see what could have, what should have been.

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Thus being the most pointless program of 2003. I can't remember an angle that went on and on and on as that one, and ended with basicly no actual ending worth the time they spent on it. Then again, it was the sort of thing that they allowed to go on for so long, there wasn't anything they could do with it in the end...so they just drop it and move on.


Stacey is free to do whatever the hell she wants, and Test/Steiner are now best of friends in their tag team for some damn reason.


That angle even gave ME a headache.

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The only consolation that I have about Angle/Brock is that we might (MIGHT) see it in Benoit/Brock. Benoit vs. Brock from Smackdown, IMO, was significantly better than any of the Angle/Brock matches and they haven't totally botched the fundamentals of the feud (they just have ignored it for the past few weeks... fuckholes).

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Guest Anglesault
My god, they went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and it concludes with Mick Foley letting Stacy go... WHAT THE FUCK?

It would have been a nice little cap off to eight months of hell if Foley hired test and Steiner back as Stacy's slaves. Let that go like two weeks and then have Stacy get her ultimate revenge and end it all, never to be mentioned again.

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My god, they went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and it concludes with Mick Foley letting Stacy go... WHAT THE FUCK?

It would have been a nice little cap off to eight months of hell if Foley hired test and Steiner back as Stacy's slaves. Let that go like two weeks and then have Stacy get her ultimate revenge and end it all, never to be mentioned again.

I'd rather them just end it out of nowhere than have them be Stacey's slaves or something. Ugh, just thinking of what they would put on RAW makes me sick.

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That's actually a good idea AS. I say "actually" not in the way that I'm surprised that you came up with it, but because that actually would be fitting for such a crappy feud.


I'm shocked you still have ANY hope left.


I don't. None. Gone. Benoit is fucked. He'll never get it. He'll never get it. He'll never get it. It won't happen. It won't happen. It won't happen. Fuck the WWE. Fuck Vince Mcmahon. Benoit is stuck in mid card hell and will never get out. No hope. No hope. No hope.


"Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." - RavishingRickRed

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Guest Anglesault
That's actually a good idea AS. I say "actually" not in the way that I'm surprised that you came up with it, but because that actually would be fitting for such a crappy feud.


I'm shocked you still have ANY hope left.


I don't. None. Gone. Benoit is fucked. He'll never get it. He'll never get it. He'll never get it. It won't happen. It won't happen. It won't happen. Fuck the WWE. Fuck Vince Mcmahon. Benoit is stuck in mid card hell and will never get out. No hope. No hope. No hope.


"Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane." - RavishingRickRed

RRR, come on, we both know that we'll have Benoit vs. Heyman on the SD! before the Rumble for a shot in the Rumble. After a long and back and forth match, the ref is bumped, allowing Heyman to his his Paul-zai drop and get a visual 20 count before we hear the chords of "All Grown Up" (not the Rug Rats Version) and Stuffany charges out, lays out Paul with one punch, physcially places Benoit on top of Paul gets the ref to count, and then poses in the ring after the match while Chris sells on the outside.



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That's ridiculous AS.


FIRST, Steph will face Matt Morgan just for the possibility to be back on Smackdown. Then, through a wacky turn of events involving the FBI, Benoit will come out for the save (thus ruining their gambling ring, and getting revenge for their beatdowns). So Stephanie becomes Benoits much-anticipated Manager (as people have been longing for Benoit to get a mouthpiece; the two usual suspects are Anderson and Heyman... so of course, much like in 00, a McMahon fills that role). Thus leading to the Heyman/Benoit match which Steph cleverly sets up through her mother, Linda McMahon. THEN your situation happens. See, you have to build the match and you need more Steph on TV to make it interesting.


After Benoit gets in the rumble, Heyman places a bounty of $15 on his head (because a)Heyman does not have as much money as HHH and b)Benoit is not worth as much as goldberg), and Benoit gets eliminated by, say, Zach Gowen (they eliminate each other, actually, much like Benoit/Cena) and Zach stays in because of his one leg (this is his big heel turn, as he feigns trying to win the rumble to get a shot at Brock and instead collects the bounty on Benoits head - Gowen is the newest member of the Dangerous Alliance... this is Heymans psychological attack on Steph, as Gowen was her soul-saving project.) Steph then challenges Paul to a match to regain her GMship, but first she must fight Zach Gowen, blah blah blah, Benoit runs in, she gets her GMship back and puts Benoit in a title shot vs. Brock at No Way Out. However, Benoit doesn't want Brock, he wants Gowen first. So Gowen and Benoit fight at NWO were Gowen beats Benoit w. Brocks help (the moral here is that Steph can beat Zach, so can Vince, but Benoit can't). Steph books Brock vs. Benoit on the smackdown before Mania - cause Benoit can't headline Mania... and books herself vs. Brock at Mania instead. However, HHH comes out and says "Steph, I love you" and Steph puts HHH in her place where they unify the Smackdown and Raw titles. Benoit, naturally, loses to Brock before Mania... with the help of HHH - because HHH doesn't want to fight Benoit, he wants to fight a "real" challenge; like Lesnar.


So HHH beats Brock at Mania - unifies the titles - and Benoit is mad at HHH costing him the match, so HHH vs. Benoit happens at Backlash (the first smackdown wrestler on a raw show) and HHH beats Benoit - so Benoit goes back to smackdown to face Lesnar at Judgement day where he finally gets his big win for the new Smackdown title... and then quickly loses it to Smackdowns newest superstar, Shane McMahon, 10 seconds after winning it..

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Guest Anglesault

WWE Apologist: Ya see, they give Benoit the title after making him a focal point for months AND they make a new young star in Shane and you people STILL aren't satisfied!

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"Jeez, you people have been whining for YEARS about Benoit not getting a title run and here he gets it and you still complain that it's short and he needed the help of 23 guys to help put Brock away and that he lost it to Shane McMahon. If that won't please you, what will?"




"It could have been worse; he may have never held the title at all. He could have lost it to Linda McMahon. He could have had 30 guys help him."

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Ugh. Those weren't positives at all. What good is the US TItle doing right now? A big fat nothing. IC Title? When it was with Christian, it did nothing. It could of, but alas, no. With RVD, it did even less. With Orton, maybe it'll actually get attention, but for now, it's just another title that's just there to show Evolution dominance. Individually, it's worth dick shit.

The IC title is worthless - has been for a long time now. Part of that reason is because it looks like shit. The whole title situation sucks - and it's so simple to control.


I don't give a shit. Its gives midcarders something to fight for instead of nothing, which is why WWE sucked dick last year for getting rid of the IC title in the first place.

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