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Apparently GTA is worse than Child Molestation

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Guest wrestlingbs

Here's something to ponder about:


Two years ago I worked at a store that rented movies and video games. GTA: Vice City just came out. Of course I got a copy, and thought it was a great game, probably the best one of the year.


Anyway, one night a guy, around 30, comes up with his two sons. he's buying Vice City, obviously for his kids who were talking about it. His kids must have been 10-12 yrs. old. I rightfully tell him that's it's a mature rated game and it has some pretty graphic parts in it. He looks at me funny and says, "Yeah, so?" He still buys the game.


The morale of this story? Consumer groups have a point about the violence in video games, but not the one they are trying to promote. In reality, kids get their hands on games like GTA not because the retailers aren't doing their jobs , but because parents are too stupid to understand the consequences of their actions.

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Guest BDC

Brought this over for another perspective from www.penny-arcade.com:


If you keep an eye toward gaming news at all, you've seen the New York Post article I'm about to mention. We receive at least one mail pertaining to that piece every ten minutes, sometimes (but not always) with an appended request for comment. I hadn't yet, because I find the whole thing too depressing - the article itself is just sort of strange. The author commits himself fully to spurious claims, which will then be read by people without the inclination to verify them and a rage surplus. It's a frequently iterated recipe.


To begin, I have seen articles of greater erudition float to the top of my Alpha-Bits. I know that the paper we're talking about has the word New York in the name, but don't let that fool you into thinking we're talking about a legitimate outlet. It's clearly a tabloid. I know, I know - New York. Like The Land Of Oz.


The money quote is thus: "This is 10,000 times worse than the worst thing anybody thinks Michael Jackson ever did to a little boy." Let us endeavor to approach greater understanding. I don't know what the worst thing people think Michael Jackson did is, but I know what he was charged with - seven counts of child molestation and two counts of using intoxicants, drugs or alcohol, in order to get the other yucky thing done. I can't believe I'm being made to enumerate these charges, to name that beastly procession like some perverse Adam. But there you have it, this is the reality that these articles have constructed: Producing - or playing? - a game where you portray a mobster is just as bad as drugging and then subsequently raping ten thousand children simultaneously.

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Guest Douche
I rented Child Molestation, and I thought it was pretty good, although I was disappointed that it was short and not very hard.


I want to laugh but I feel so dirty.








Maybe I need to douche! :)

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I ate mushrooms to gain powerups...still do as a matter of fact.




'man, you look like koopa!'

Yeah probably the same mushrooms that kept taunting me when I was having trouble picking up my date for prom. I really thought by the seventh house I stopped at that she would be there.

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Guest JacK

Well, you can get movies with this (and more graphic) content in it, so why make such a fuss over a video game?

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