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Guest MikeSC

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Guest JMA
Most people I know are pro-choice, but that doesn't make it mainstream. Basically because most people I deal with are young 20-something know-nothing degenerates, who have been spoon-fed liberal causes and liberal propaganda via television, movies, school and through products their whole life. If one bases mainstream opion on soley their surroundings, then they're missing the entire picture.

Liberal propoganda? Please. The whole LIBERAL CONSPIRACY~! thing was a joke, but paranoia against liberals isn't. Believe it or not (and I know you don't) there isn't a secret society of left-wingers trying to destroy "family values." Some pundits seem to actually believe this.

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Guest MikeSC
The thing is that the pro-choice crowd really doesn't have anybody like the pro-life bombers.


These terrorists (no distinction is necessary) make the pro-lifers look bad, and affirm thoughts in pro-choice peoples' heads that yes, any sane person would agree with them instead of the bombers.


And heck, I'm pro-choice and even I recognize that.

Umm, the pro-choicers who oppose banning partial-birth abortions are pretty scary people.


I suppose a desire to not hurt animals isn't mainstream considering that groups like PETA are insane.


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