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Guest The Ohtani of Time

Chris Benoit

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Guest The Ohtani of Time

Just wondering how many years you guys think that Benoit's got left in him, I think he's still got a few more in him.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I'm convinced that Benoit in a wheelchair will still be going strong circa 2015. He seems like the type that just could not stop even if he is a vegetable.

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Benoits never really wrestled a dangerous style, he should be able to go for at least 2 or 3 more years if he wants to. If the WWE actually do give him the main event push that he seems to finally be getting and keep him pushed I'm sure that'll be a big thing to keep him going.

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Except for the flying headbutt theres not really a lot that HIS moves do that he's likely to hurt himself with. Apart from the neck injury he's hardly ever hurt himself in 3 years. Of course when hes against guys like Kurt and they're suplexing the shit out of each other thats probably not helpful to the neck situation :)

Edited by Superstring

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Guest Goodear

Benoit will be wrestling until he hits a career ending injury. I don't see why he wouldn't go as long as some of the other veterans ahead of him in the age bracket the way he slowed himself for television matches.

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Guest wildpegasus
Except for the flying headbutt theres not really a lot that HIS moves do that he's likely to hurt himself with. Apart from the neck injury he's hardly ever hurt himself in 3 years. Of course when hes against guys like Kurt and they're suplexing the shit out of each other thats probably not helpful to the neck situation :)

Benoit's style is pretty dangerous. I would say he's got to really worry about concussions down the road. I believe he has been quoted as saying he's gotten concussed (is that a word?) from it before.


Benoit's not a super high flyer but he's one of those sick wrestlers such as Regal or Fit Finlay that just take everything super stiff. People crank submissions on him. Look at the difference on how Benoit takes a sharpshooter, Brock Lock or a Walls of Jericho. If you pay close attention you'll notice he eats his opponents offence harder than anyone else in the WWE especailly now since Regal's gone. Sometimes he won't even put his arms up to block a hit. Watch the match against A-Train at No Mercy and try to come up with a stiffer match in the WWE. Even now that he's toned it down some he still takes a lot of risks. The neck bumps he's taken against Eddie since his return have been pretty nasty most notably Eddie's gutwrench belly to belly suplex and the scariest bump I've seen in a while in the WWE where Benoit went head first on the apron over in Iraq. Not to mention his all out style in the ring where he hits evertyhing so hard and fast. Shoulderblocking someone at 100mph is worse for your body than doing it at 10mph. You're more likely to injure yourself like that. Even when Benoit bumps down to the mat he does it quicker than anyone else. Overall, his style is super tough on the human anatomy.


How long does he have left? It's hard to say. It all depends on the neck mostly as that's got to be his weak spot. Maybe his elbow but I haven't heard anything bad about that for a long time. It's kind of a day to day thing.

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2-3 before his in ring work starts to suffer.

The question is whether Chris will decide to step out or continue to push his body.


He's already had neck surgery so it's not unbelievable to think his ring work will suffer sooner rather than later.


I'd say 2 to 3 before he hangs them up.

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It all depends how long he can stay injury free.


I can see him pulling a Flair.

no way will his body hold up that long. the steroid use will eat him alive before he's 50.


i say he's got 2-3 more good years left in him before another neck surgery. after that he'll still probably push himself for another year, but his ring work will suffer badly.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Well let me say this. They need to use him now. He's healthy and all that bullshit. As we have learned with Austin, those fusion surgeries don't necessarily completely heal the brutal injury. This time next year he's going to be laid up again.


I don't see why they are doing this with Benoit now. Eddie Guerrero os fucking hot right now. FUCKING HOT. He is hitting on all cylanders and is the complete package like late '97. But people are buying him as a Main Eventer. Benoit's reaction has been blah or one of general enthusiam...but nothing off the pages like Eddie.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I think both Benoit will have maybe 2-3 years left, I honestly think that he's waiting out for the world title win, so he can complete his career. As far as injuries go, I can see Benoit wrestling until he physically can't anymore, but I honestly hope that he doesn't keep going too long, otherwise he'll end up like Dynamite Kid in a wheelchair.

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