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Pranksters hack into Burger King DriveThru Speaker

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Burger King customers told: 'You are too fat to have a Whopper'


Police believe teenage pranksters are hacking into the wireless frequency of a US Burger King drive-through speaker to tell potential customers they are too fat for fast food.


Policeman Gerry Scherlink said the pranksters told one customer who had just placed an order: "You don't need a couple of Whoppers. You are too fat. Pull ahead."


The offenders are reportedly tapping into the wireless frequency at the restaurant in Troy, Michigan. Police believe the culprits are watching and broadcasting from close range.


Officer Scherlinck said the men are telling customers who order a Coca-Cola that, "We don't have Coke." And when the customer asks what they do have, the hacker would say: "We don't have anything. Pull ahead."


But what has managers concerned is the profanity the hackers are using, according to police.


A drive-through customer has told police if he had children with him in the car and someone used profanity, he would have been upset.


Burger King franchise owner Tony Versace issued the following statement in response to the incidents: "We apologise to our customers who've been insulted by the use of this drive-through speaker."


Management at the fast-food restaurant are reportedly trying to change the radio frequency used for the speakers.


I found this kinda funny. The thing is that its more or less BK's fault for using an unsecure wireless band for their speakers. I dont think changing the radio frequency would stop them for continuing to do it.

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Guest SP-1

I don't think it's BK's fault at all. These kids are doing something THEY shouldn't be doing.

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I don't think it's BK's fault at all. These kids are doing something THEY shouldn't be doing.

Its just like a person who has a wireless internet connection that isn't secured. They are responsible for whatever people do on their connection because they didn't secure the connection. If they secure the connection and someone hacks into it, then its that persons fault.


As far as I can tell, whoever is doing this just used equipment that can be bought in stores and spent some time figuring the frequency out. Its BK's fault for not using some sort of secure connection.

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Guest SP-1

I can't absolve the hackers themselves of their responsibility. That's like saying I stole my dad's wallet because he left it on his nightstand.

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Guest El Satanico

It's not like they were telling them something they didn't already know.


The whole thing is quite humerous. It's also funny that they are making such a big deal over it. Involving the police? Give me a break and is Troy so slow that the police have time to worry about this.


BK didn't need to bring in the police and give the prank attention. They should've just changed their radio frequency and moved along.

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Couldn't they at least come up with something better than "You're fat"? I mean, Kudos for a great idea and all, but come on. "We don't have anything. Pull up." and "You're too fat for a whopper" are the best they can do?

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Guest FrigidSoul
Whomever is doing this deserves some kind of originality award

And their punishment should have to involve working at the place they vandalized...

If they're not working then that's even better for them. Its not like their fellow employees will shun them as Burger King isn't a place where the employees defend it to end...they're probably laughing at it too...I would be.

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Whomever is doing this deserves some kind of originality award

And their punishment should have to involve working at the place they vandalized...

If they're not working then that's even better for them. Its not like their fellow employees will shun them as Burger King isn't a place where the employees defend it to end...they're probably laughing at it too...I would be.

I worked at BK in high school. Trust me, the workers there don't care if you rip on the store...

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I don't think it's BK's fault at all.  These kids are doing something THEY shouldn't be doing.

Its just like a person who has a wireless internet connection that isn't secured. They are responsible for whatever people do on their connection because they didn't secure the connection. If they secure the connection and someone hacks into it, then its that persons fault.


As far as I can tell, whoever is doing this just used equipment that can be bought in stores and spent some time figuring the frequency out. Its BK's fault for not using some sort of secure connection.

I can't believe that you are actually saying that. SpiderPoet's right. Your logic makes no sense.

So if I was shot and killed would it be my fault for not wearing a bullet proof vest?

Incredible. You can get away with anything these days b/c there is always a nitwit to find some way to justify what you have done.

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Guest FrigidSoul

No, it would be your fault for stupidly walking in the way of a bullet...dur

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Guest SP-1

Admittedly, if I were doing it I'd come up with something alot better. This reeks of some mid-teens trying to be "kewl".

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Guest subliminal_animal

Nice one, Mole!


The rest of you are all suckers for falling right into his trap.

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That is pretty funny, and original. And seriously, who the fuck would really do anything but laugh at those guys telling you 'you are fat, don't eat here'.

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