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Guest Stevie Franchise

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Guest Stevie Franchise

Matt Stryker beat Alex Shelley by passout. Stryker worked on the leg the intire match, and made Shelley pass out in the ropes, because he already used his three ropes breaks. gregh said it was a really good match, and Alex Shelley reminded him of Matt Stryker.


Nigel McGuinnis beat Cody Hawk don't know how though. gregh said McGuinnis got busted open big time over his eye, and it was a pretty exciting match.


Chris Sabin beat Jimmy Jacobs


Jimmy Rave pinned Todd Sexton in a 4-corner survival match. gregh said it was a soild match, and the crowd has been really quiet


Next up Homicide vs Styles


AJ Styles Beat Homicide in 17 minutes in the MOTN so far.


Mike Mondo beat Seth Skyfire. Must be the OVW people, atleast I hope. gregh said one of them looked a little like Crash Holly, I forgot which one.


Special K won the Scramble match over D&M and Carnage Crew, when A masked big guy interfered a cost team Ring Carnage the match. Must be the new slugger. gregh said it was a great match, and Joey Matthews was part of the Special K team.


Briscoes retain over Joe/Danielson after Joe backs out of the ring to let Danielson get pinned by Mark Briscoe. gregh says ****. After the match they both spit in each others faces. My note: (Hopefully this leads to Joe/Danielson title match)


SCS and Prophecy fight to no contest. gregh said match was very bloody, and violent. My Note: (I kinda like the no contest, because ending this match with a pinfall would feel more like an ending to a feud then a beginning) gregh says SCS are heels and the prophecy are faces. SCS put all 3 members of the Prophecy through a table to end the show.

Edited by Stevie Franchise

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Apparently Abyss made his debut, Lucy Returned, and Punk did a Pepsi Plunge to Daniels through a table which may of legit hurt him.

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Abyss is a member of Special K?


The Prophecy as faces still seems odd, but if it leads us to CM Punk v. Christopher Daniels I'll be very, very happy.

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