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Guest Ghettoman

Yeah, fuck em right up the ass with a year or two of good pitching and name value. I can hear there colon acting up already.

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Guest Anglesault

Give him time.


It took two years for him to bitch out the Jays, it took him five to betray the Yanks.


He's a parasite.


It takes time.

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Why is he a parasite? Because he left your beloved Yankees? Do you really think Clemens deliberatley set out to "stab the Yankees in the back"? After all the praise he's given to the franchise. After telling ESPN he wouldn't show up at his HOF inductions if he wasn't wearing a Yankees cap.


The fact of the matter is Clemens did plan on retiring, and for various reasons he decided to play another year. In Houston. In his home state. Near his family.

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Why is he a parasite? Because he left your beloved Yankees? Do you really think Clemens deliberatley set out to "stab the Yankees in the back"? After all the praise he's given to the franchise. After telling ESPN he wouldn't show up at his HOF inductions if he wasn't wearing a Yankees cap.


The fact of the matter is Clemens did plan on retiring, and for various reasons he decided to play another year. In Houston. In his home state. Near his family.

It's not a Yankees thing. It's the fact that Clemmens is a Class-A Dick and over-all a TOTALLY untrustworthy piece of shit who will stab the team he is with in the back at first chance he gets. And now he's playing for my beloved Astros and it's obvious, that that he's going to fuck over the Astros too before the year is up.


Clemmens is the most evil piece of shit in baseball. And his treatment of the Red Sox, Blue Jay, and Yankee organizations are proof of him being an untrustworthy fuck who will stab his team in the back at the first chance he gets.

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Guest Ghettoman

How did he stab anyone in the back!?


I swear to god, by the standards set for this man, we're all backstabbing peices of shit.

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Guest Anglesault
? Do you really think Clemens deliberatley set out to "stab the Yankees in the back"? y.

You think he did it accidentally?


After all the praise he's given to the franchise. After telling ESPN he wouldn't show up at his HOF inductions if he wasn't wearing a Yankees cap.


And then he pulls this stunt.


I'd say a guy that Yankee fans HATED for close to fifteen years lying his ass off for five years in an attempt to get Yankee fans to accept him and then ripping their hearts out qualifies as a parasite.

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Guest Anglesault

I don't like being lied to. Maybe I overreact, but that's how I feel when I realize someone I trusted lied to me.

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I dislike Clemens for going around and saying he was going to retire, which led to him being put in the All-Star game (although, he arguably deserved to be there on his own, he wasn't chosen the proper way) and him being given standing ovations around the league, most notably in Boston and Florida after the game he started in the World Series and then deciding to come back. These ovations were signs of respect for a great career, one that everyone thought was coming to an end. It's a pretty scummy thing to come back after something like that.


I do think, though, that (some) Yankee fans are over-reacting a bit. He was a free-agent and signed a contract with a team that offered him one. It's not really a betrayal of the team, as they weren't planning on having him as part of the pitching staff in '04, anyway. If he had said something along the lines of, 'If I come back for another year, it will only be with the Yankees' and then and gone and signed with Houston, I could understand how it can be seen as someone ripping your heart out, but if you're going to hate him for signing on with another team, hate Pettitte just as much.

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Guest Anglesault

New York didn't offer him a contract because he said he was retiring.


At the time, we had no reason to assume he was lying.


Obviously we all learned a lesson

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Guest Anglesault

That's the lesson George learned.


You have to know every time someone claims they are retiring George will remember the time Rocket lied to his face and offer that person a contract anyway.

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After Andy was signed with Houston, Roger started thinking. Then when the radio station rolled up to his house in a Hummer and said it was his if he played for Houston, then he really started thinking. After that it was off to Hawaii for golf and talks with Andy and 3 days after they returned to Houston Roger signed.

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Guest HungryJack

Wow, AS. You act as if you let Clemens fuck you on your first date, and he never called you afterward. Stop being such a pussy. If anyone's a chump, it's Yankee fans.


If Clemens was a guy Yankee fans HATED so much for 15 years, why is it that you fags went crazy for him when he came to NY?


As for "stabbing teams in the back", Baseball isa buisness. Players don't play for peanuts, they play for MONEY. Why not go somewhere they can get more? it's not like they owe to any particular team or owner?

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Guest Anglesault
If Clemens was a guy Yankee fans HATED so much for 15 years, why is it that you fags went crazy for him when he came to NY?

We don't deny talent.


As for "stabbing teams in the back", Baseball isa buisness. Players don't play for peanuts, they play for MONEY. Why not go somewhere they can get more?


Just a Hunch-He could have gotten a shitload and a half from George. Certainly more than 5 mil.

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Clemens signing with Houston wasn't about money. It was about one final go-round with his best friend, at home, in front of his family.


If the Yankees hadn't let Pettitte get away, Roger Clemens would still be retired. I guarantee that.

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Guest Anglesault

If the American Olympic Baseball Team wasn't a group of fuck ups he might still be retired.


I doubt it though.


Its hard to look into the mind of a deliberate liar.

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Guest Anglesault

Deliberate was the best adjective I knew.


Main Entry: [2]de·lib·er·ate

Pronunciation: di-'li-b&-r&t, -'lib-r&t

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin deliberatus, past participle of deliberare to consider carefully, perhaps alteration of (assumed) delibrare, from de- + libra scale, pound

Date: 15th century

1 : characterized by or resulting from careful and thorough consideration <a deliberate decision>

2 : characterized by awareness of the consequences <deliberate falsehood>

3 : slow, unhurried, and steady as though allowing time for decision on each individual action involved <a deliberate pace>

synonym see VOLUNTARY

- de·lib·er·ate·ly adverb

- de·lib·er·ate·ness noun


Pretty decent choice.


Of course, I'm open to a better word.

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I don't like being lied to. Maybe I overreact, but that's how I feel when I realize someone I trusted lied to me.

You trusted a baseball player? Why? Sports is a business, both from the ownership perspective and from that of the players. You're taking this WAY too personally.

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Guest Anglesault
You trusted a baseball player?


Well now I know better.


If Shithead Clemens did anything good in all of this, it was to teach me nott develop an emotional attachment to a sports team.

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He changed his mind, he is allowed to do that, and he is free to basically offer his services to any team willing to pay for them and to accept a contract from any team of his choosing. So what if he said he was going to retire, he is allowed to change his mind and go somewhere else to play one last time with his best friend and in front of his family. Quit bitching about it. But most of the people doing the bitching are yankees fans who bitch about having a team who has made the playoffs every year since 1995( would have made it in 1994), has what 27 world titles, has four world titles in 8 seasons, and is the most prestigious sports franchise outside of maybe the Montreal Canadiens. Those Yankees fans just have such a shitty team to root for.

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Guest MikeSC
You trusted a baseball player?


Well now I know better.


If Shithead Clemens did anything good in all of this, it was to teach me nott develop an emotional attachment to a sports team.

Why do I suspect that you told Red Sox and Blue Jay fans that they were "bitching" about him leaving them?


He's a pro athlete. The Yanks had no loyalty for him. He had no loyalty for them. It is a business.


That you actually developed an "emotional bond" for him is almost sad. I figured fans in NY would be a little more jaded.


To go ahead and spare you the pain --- Marbury will screw the Knicks at the soonest possible convenience, too. And Shockey will probably screw the Giants if he can.


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Maybe I'm missing something about Clemens "retirement"


How many games have been played since he "walked away"?


How much spring training has he missed?



And he may have said he was retiring...but Clemens to the Astros was talked about THE DAY AFTER PETTITE SIGNED THERE.


If George cared to see if Clemens was coming back...he could have called him in the last month.

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Guest Anglesault
If George cared to see if Clemens was coming back...he could have called him in the last month.

Not after he didn't offer him arbitration.


Marbury will screw the Knicks at the soonest possible convenience,




So what if he said he was going to retire, he is allowed to change his mind and go somewhere else to play one last time


And I have the right to call him a liar.


It's absurd to think that someone would merely change their mind at the drop of a hat when you're dealing with something as important as a career.


If Clemens truly intended to retire, he'd at the VERY least last out the winter.


He didn't, so I have no reason to believe he ever had any intention to hang it up. Andy going to the Astros just answered the "what team?" question.

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