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Heat and Velocity

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Remember when Sunday Night Heat had angles take place on it? Big matches? Yeah, back in the Attitude days, and the days of Russo. But I remember when Heat got pretty damn good ratings for the WWF. Since they have a brand extension these days, why not use Velocity and Heat as places to put one big match a week and advance angles, instead of using them as recap/jobber shows? They could probably bring ratings up just by during RAW having a "this happened last night on Heat" sort of thing, to give people the impression that they should watch the other show because stuff actually happens on it. Just a thought.

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I remember those days very fondly.(Seems about 25 years ago rather than 5) Unfortunatley to make Heat and Velocity must see shows would require at least 2 things The WWE doesn't have right now: Good Writing and Long Term Planning.

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But they didn't have Smackdown until the very end of Russo's tenure. It meant they could make Heat less of a throwaway show, because they didn't have another 2 hours of prime time programming to worry about.


Adding storylines to Heat is still a good idea, but I'm just trying to give the WWE's rationale for not doing it anymore. I really don't see why they couldn't have storylines with guys like Storm, Venis, Dreamer and co on Heat, with the occassional RAW cross-over.

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But they didn't have Smackdown until the very end of Russo's tenure. It meant they could make Heat less of a throwaway show, because they didn't have another 2 hours of prime time programming to worry about.


Adding storylines to Heat is still a good idea, but I'm just trying to give the WWE's rationale for not doing it anymore. I really don't see why they couldn't have storylines with guys like Storm, Venis, Dreamer and co on Heat, with the occassional RAW cross-over.

True, but that was before the brand extension. When that happened they had RAW and Smackdown, so Heat was the third show of the bunch, so they didn't need it to advance angles. But now the brands are separate, so RAW and Smackdown are each the "top" show, each with a "second" show in Heat and Velocity. If they did it before with RAW and Heat, why not again with Raw and Heat and Smackdown and Velocity? Besides, they could use it as a hype machine to announce matches and have guys do interviews to promote the big show on Monday or Thursday, and stuff like that.


I guess it's just easier to replay segments, though.

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in 2000 heat had pretty good angles like the "Christian has to lose 2 pounds in an hour" and you were guaranteed a Dean Malenko match every week on the show.

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I think part of the reason Heat got pushed down also was if anything big happened, it got spoiled over the week. Smackdown has a short time between taping and airing, whereas Heat had the whole week. The results of anything interesting were pretty much given away in that huge chunk of time.

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in 2000 heat had pretty good angles like the "Christian has to lose 2 pounds in an hour" and you were guaranteed a Dean Malenko match every week on the show.

Malenko... and to think, we're getting Steiner main events these days!

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