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FROM THE VAULT: Tom Flesher vs. Mike Van Siclen

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I was so excited when my mom and dad got me tickets to Crimson. I love the SJL so much, and it's so much fun to watch it on TV. They came here a couple of times before, and Mom and Dad took me to see them at the convention center, but live shows aren't on TV. So when Mom and Dad told me they got tickets to Crimson on my birthday, AND that MVS was going to be on the show.... WELL. That made Michelle a very happy gurly.


Yeah, I'm turning 8 today. I'm so excited - when the security man found out it was my birthday, he took me up to meet Axis and Edwin. Suicide King wasn't there yet, but that's okay... I don't like him, he's too mean. Edwin was soooo nice though. He even gave me tickets for right behind the announce table! I could have just kissed him.


But I wouldn't kiss him, especially not when MVS is in the arena. Ooh, he's so hot. He's tall and handsome, and I love his black hair with the red on the end. Some day I'm gonna marry Mike, especially now that that ugly Melissa left to be with Shawn Brody. Her loss. Mom says that I can do anything I want, so when I grow up, I'm gonna come to the ring with Mike Van Siclen, take his robe back to the dressing room, and smooch him when he wins.


When Tom Flesher won the European title from him, I was so mad. I went upstairs and cried and cried. Mom said it was okay, that MVS was gonna win the title back at Crimson, and I got really excited.


So I sat down in the front row and watched Crimson. The whole card was fun, but I couldn't wait for Mike. When the arena went dark, I knew it was him and I just stood up and started cheering as soon as I knew it. "Runaway" started playing, and like I always do at home, I sang along with where it says "You point the finger at me again!" I saw him in his blue spotlight and I just clapped and cheered. He looked real sad that he didn't have his belt, but he knew he was gonna win it back tonight. I did too.


His fireworks went off and it was really cool while he ran to the ring and posed on the turnbuckles. Oh my god! It was so cool when he was on the closest turnbuckle, because he saw my "I


Then his music stopped and Tom Flesher's song started. I hate his music, because it's too slow and it's old. Who ever heard of that guy who sings it? If it was Backstreet Boys or something it would be okay, but... so Tom walked to the ring wearing his belt and I booed and booed and booed. Just like they always do on TV, I started yelling "SUCK MY DICK!" Mom laughed really hard at that, but then she told me to stop.


We were all booing and yelling at him, but he's so stupid that he just kept posing. He did that thing where he flexes his arms and then wipes off his hands, and it's just so ugly. The referee took his belt, and Tom took it back to kiss it. What a jerk he is. He must have wanted to kiss it goodbye because he knew MVS was gonna take it away, cuz That's What He Said!


The referee took it away again and held it up, and then the bell rang.



DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tom waved at Mike, but Mike showed him who's boss and hit him with a spear, and then he rolled though! He's so fast! Tom was so hurt that he didn't get up, and Mike hit him with an elbow. I cheered, and MVS looked at me and waved. Oh, god, he's so cute!


Tom got up pretty quickly, and I heard Axis saying that Mike really wanted to win the match. DUH! Suicide King said that Tom's smarter than Mike and would win the match, and then Edwin said something about pandas. He's silly. Anyways, Mike picked him up and put him in a Rock Bottom! Tom hit the ring so hard that it echoed through the whole arena! Gwen started clapping for him and Tom rolled outside to take a break.


Mike saw him go out but let him go Van Wilder went up and started talking to Tom, telling him that Mike was gonna kick his BUTT, and Tom gave him the finger. Tom didn't see that Mike was jumping off the ropes, though! That's so cool when he jumps off the middle of the ropes and dropkicks the guy on the cement! Tom didn't know what hit him and just collapsed on the floor, and MVS got up and raised his hands. He went back in the ring and Van Wilder threw Tom back in.


Mike picked Tom up and bent him over, then hooked his arms and went for a double-arm DDT. Tom stood up, though, and back body dropped Mike onto the mat. Mike hit pretty hard, and so Tom dropped an elbow on him to keep him down. I was sad, but I knew Mike would get back up soon.


Tom dropped another elbow, though, ad lifted MVS up to his feet and then did that Russian leg thingie. Mike hit his head hard, and Tom picked him back up and whipped him onto the corner. Tom went in with an avalanche and I got scared, cuz that usually means he's gonna use the Boilermaker, but he didn't. He just ran in and kicked Mike in his face a couple of times. Poor Mike kept holding his handsome face but Tom just kicked him over and over. Finally he stopped running in and kicking him and pulled Mike up again. He hit him with his hand, and Mike staggered backwards while Tom turned around and posed for the crowd. I booed and booed and booed but he must have thought I was cheering because he looked real happy.


I was happy again soon, though. Mike got up and got to the top rope while Tom was posing, and when he turned around, BAM! Diving spear! YAAAAY! Tom hit the mat and rolled over, and Mike kicked him while he was on the mat. Suicide King said something about how that was cheating, but Edwin set him straight by telling him that Tom was a cheater too, just like Suicide's wife. Suicide got mad and said he isn't married, and then Edwin said, "But you get so mad when I talk about your wife!"


Mike stepped on Tom and went for the Rectal Stretch, but Tom reached down and grabbed Mike's leg. He spun around real fast and pulled Mike down with him, then stood up and had and anklelock. I groaned to Mom. She knew why, too. I hate watching Tom Flesher wrestle. He's so slow! All he does is put on submission holds. It's always such a long time before he starts doing anything exciting, like piledrivers. But my dad likes him because he says it's technically good and something about being a good psycho. Dad says a lot of other silly stuff when he watches wrestling, too... like he talks about working hard and getting pushed, but they're not working, they're fighting, and if you get pushed you can have other moves done to you. He says Mike's got a face and Flesher's got a heel, too. Maybe it has something to do with Mike being handsome and Tom wearing those big boots.


Mike was trying and trying to get to the ropes. It was so cool because he was looking at me and I was on the other side of the ropes, so to encourage him I stood up and started yelling how much I loved him and telling him to crawl to me and get the ropes. I think it worked, because he reached EEEEXXXTTTRRRAAAAAAA far the next time and got the ropes. The referee counted to four and Tom broke the hold, and Mike got up to his feet.


Tom jumped up and dropkicked him in the knee, though, and Mike fell right back down. Tom kicked the bad knee a couple of times and then grabbed Mike by the leg and dragged him to the center. Tom dropped an elbow onto the knee and I felt real bad because I could see on MVS's face that he was really hurt. Axis said that Tom was working the leg really hard, and then Suicide said that if Tom wanted to get rid of the height advantage, that's what he'd have to do. King said, "I should know. I was the SWF World Champion." Edwin said something about beating him in a cage match and Suicide got real mad. Axis just sighed like always.


Tom took Mike's leg and started to spin around for a figure-four, but when he came around, MVS grabbed his head and rolled over into a small package!!! The whole crowd, every one of us, counted along with the ref:









but then Tom kicked out. I was so sad that I said "Oh, darn it!" right out loud! Daddy looked over and he was real surprised. I turned so red!


They both got to their feet real fast, but Mike was ready quicker and got Tom with his shoulder jawbreaker! Tom almost fell down but stayed on his feet, so Mike bent over and tried to do the Van Slaminator. Tom was still too in shape, though, and he reversed it. Tom picked Mike all the way upside down. I thought for sure that Mike was gonna get piledriven, but he swung both his feet out and then kicked Tom on both sides of his head at the same time!! Tom yelled and grabbed his head, and Mike kind of tumbled to the ground without getting hurt. He got up and kicked Tom in the stomach, then hit him with an Impact DDT!!! I stood up and cheered while he covered Tom for









but Tom kicked out again! Grrrrr!!! I was so mad! It looked like Mike was, too, because when Tom got up he tried to punch him really hard. Dad said he was getting sloppy. Tom dodged the punch and then hit him with his palm in the side of the head. Mike stumbled a little to the side and I was kinda scared for him, cuz he didn't look good. Tom dropkicked him in the knee again, and Mike fell down real hard. I heard Axis say that Mike's knees were giving him trouble, which made me worry a little bit.


Tom grabbed the leg and started to spin around for a figure-four again, and this time Mike didn't get the small package. Tom just laid back and cranked on the leglock. I covered my face with my hands because I couldn't bear to see him in pain. I heard Axis say, "MVS is really trying to fight it. He's trying to reach the ropes, but he just can't manage to do it!" Edwin said, "He's working really hard to stretch it out, but Flesher's got the ropes!" Then Suicide, big jerk, said, "Does the ref see it? NO! It's perfectly legal!" I stood up and yelled for the referee to look at the ropes, but he just kept asking Mike if he wanted to quit. Daddy asked me to calm down, but Tom was cheating so bad! It made me so mad! Finally Mike got the ropes and made Tom break the hold, but he was already hurt bad.


Mike got to his feet and Tom tried to dropkick him in the leg again, but Mike got out of the way and Tom just hit the mat. Mike pulled him to his feet and it looked like he was gonna hit a DDT, but Tom blocked it, so Mike hit a swinging neckbreaker instead. Tom hit the mat pretty hard again and Mike went to get on top of him, but Tom kicked out before the ref could count. Mike picked him up and threw him over the top rope - right in front of me!!!!!!!!


Mike charged across the ring and I thought he was going to do the springboard dropkick, but he stopped and grabbed his leg while he was running, and then he just slid out under the bottom rope. I hoped he was okay. I think he was, though, because he started really punching Tom hard. He was right there! I could have reached out and touched him if Mom and Dad weren't there! He looked around, and then looked right at me and said, "Gimme your chair." Me!!!!!! I got up and handed it to him quick as can be, and he folded it up and threw it at Tom! Oh, it was so great! He did the Van Siclenator with my chair!!!!!! MY CHAIR!!!!!!!!!! Oooooh, I could just die!


Tom just crumbled down to the concrete, and Van Wilder picked him up and threw him into the ring. MVS smiled at me and said "Thanks!" before he went back into the ring. Gosh, he's SO hot!!!! Mom gave me her chair and then went to get another one from the security man. MVS got to the top rope and waited for Tom to get up. Tom FINALLY got to his feet a few seconds later, and then Mike dived off the top rope and hit the Blockbuster! That move's so amazing!!!!! He covered Tom for









THR- darn it!!!! Tom kicked out! Tom got back to his feet and Mike tried to go for another Rock Bottom, but Tom kicked him in his bad knee! That's not fair! Mike fell down and Tom grabbed his legs. I think he was going for a sharpshooter, but it was a little different. Edwin said it was going to be the Superior Stretch. It doesn't matter, though, because Mike kicked him with his good leg and kept him from putting it on. MVS got to the ropes and pulled himself up, but Tom ran at him really fast and dropkicked him in the knee again. I bet his knees were really hurting. That's so sad! Mike almost fell out of the ring, but he managed to hit Tom in the head really hard and stun him for a little bit, then run at him and hit a spear. It wasn't very good, though, because he couldn't run good on his bad knee.


So then what did Tom do? He rolled out of the ring! I didn't know what he was doing! He went over to the table and grabbed his belt. I yelled at him that the match wasn't over, but he wasn't listening. Axis said he could keep the belt if he lost by countout. That doesn't make any sense, and he was trying to cheat Mike out of his belt!!! Luckily, Van Wilder got in his way!!!!!!!! He told Tom to go back to the ring, and when Tom tried to push him out of the way, Gwen came up behind him and tripped him! YAY GWEN!!!!!! Van Wilder picked him up and threw him back into the ring, and everyone was cheering!


Mike was waiting for him, and when Tom got up, he tried to put him in a chokeslam for the choking jawbreaker. Tom hit him with his palm again, though, and then bent him over to go for a piledriver. Mike was too smart for that, though! Mike stood straight up and I knew he was going to hit the Van Slaminator!!!!! I got my sign out and got ready to chant "That's What He Said" and clap five times while he got his belt....


OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! His knee gave out! I was so sad!!! He just fell down and grabbed his knee, and he was in so much pain... and then that jerk Tom Flesher went and started to put a figure-four on him! Mike couldn't defend it, but he grabbed the ropes right away! Poor Mike!


Tom pulled Mike up and then spun him around to German suplex him. He had Mike on his back for









But Mike kicked out!!!!!!!! I knew he wouldn't go down!!!! He got right back up! Tom ran up behind him when he got up and hit him real hard in the head with his palm... that looks like it hurts! MVS fell forward and had to hold onto the ropes, and Tom reached around and crossed his arms in front of his stomach! He German suplexed him like that - Axis called it a Straitjacket suplex, and it looks really hard to get out of!









TH- YAY!!!!!! Mike kicked out of it again! I didn't think he could make it out of that one! Tom's mad now! He started kicking Mike in the knee again and again and again! Poor Mike's knee! Then, he dropped a diving headbutt onto Mike! Mike couldn't move - he was too stunned! Ugh! This isn't good! Tom picked him up and whipped him into the corner, and then ran in and hit him with an avalanche... but then he put Mike on the top rope! I was so afraid it was going to be the Boilermaker... but all Tom did was do that Superiority Complex thing, where he flipped Mike off the top rope and then did a flying headbutt onto him. Tom didn't try to pin Mike, though. He lifted him up off the ground and put him in a backbreaker. I heard Axis say, "Flesher's going for the Burning Hammer! That's the move that won the European title! If he hits this, Van Siclen's going to be done!"


Just as Axis said that, Mike started wiggling around on Tom's shoulders. he knew he couldn't get caught, and I just kept cheering him on. Finally he slid down Tom's back! He landed on his feet and spun around to go for the Code Red, but Tom spun around just as fast and hit Mike with his palm in the jaw. Mike's face is gonna be all swollen in the morning. That's so sad... I wish I could be there tomorrow and smooch him and make it better. But Tom hit him again and Mike fell down on the mat. Tom put Mike's leg over the bottom rope... his poor hurt leg.... and climbed to the top rope.




Tom did a flying somersault and landed on the leg! Oh my gosh! Mike looked hurt so bad! Then Tom pulled him back to the center and did another couple of elbowdrops to Mike's knee. Mike was just screaming by now, and I was so sad that I covered up my face again with my hands. I heard Axis say that Tom was going for the Superior Stretch again, and this time he got it on. All I heard was Mike yelling, and the referee asking him if he wanted to give up. I tried to plug my ears, but I still heard Mike tapping out on the mat.




DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Axis said his leg was probably broken, and he'd probably be out for a month or two. They didn't have to call a stretcher, but Gwen and Van Wilder had to help Mike out of the ring.


And Tom just sat in the ring, posing up a storm and holding his belt.



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