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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The OAO Hate/Defend Randy Orton Thread

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It's kind of an impossible statement to answer.


He only gets that kind of net heat because he was hand picked to be pushed hard.


Anyone who got that kind of net heat would have gotten it by being pushed hard too.


Where exactly is it that he's supposed to end up? As a top guy? Cause that can happen without getting any heat in the arenas. It doesn't prove anything other than that Vince wants to push him.


Brock is the perfect example. Got no heat until the day he won the title...and the heat he got was face heat despite the fact that he was supposed to be a monster heel.


Brock eventually got over and improved in the ring.


Orton will eventually get over too. After a long time of nonstop pushing...he'll probably get as over as some other WWE guys who are already over and don't get pushed at all.

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Guest Ghettoman

So sit through the mindless bitching and exaggerating until then? Or randomly encourage some debate and discussion on the topic outside of cheesy jokes in the raw thread?

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Guest Anglesault
So sit through the mindless bitching and exaggerating until then?

Well, we have to sit through the bad matches and low heat level, so it's a trade.

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Guest Ghettoman

You know what, I think I have an idea.


Instead of all this, I'll simply become the other extreme, I'll constantly pimp him and talk about how over and how good he is, and we'll just be like two pees in the same pod, growing on different trees.


I like the way it's gonna be already. And did you guys hear that heat on the "you are my bitch"!? It was the biggest pop of heel heat in the history of wrestling.

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Guest Ghettoman

No you don't have to sit through it, you can change the channel, it's beauty of a TV show.


Sadly in the Raw thread I can't even find a page without his name on it, and with posts its always too late.


But again, we've reached a middle ground of gross conflict, so just enjoy it.

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Guest Anglesault
You know what, I think I have an idea.


Instead of all this, I'll simply become the other extreme, I'll constantly pimp him and talk about how over and how good he is,

As opposed to what, exactly that you do now?


No you don't have to sit through it, you can change the channel, it's beauty of a TV show.


And you don't have to post here

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Guest Ghettoman

Your right, but I enjoy posting here so I'll continue to.


"As opposed to what, exactly that you do now?"


Discuss, debate, have people question there own thinking for the sake of reaching a common ground.


Or whatever you'd like to say I've been doing, I mean you are the fact maker around here.

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Guest Anglesault
Or whatever you'd like to say I've been doing, I mean you are the fact maker around here.

I see you as someone who greatly exagerates the quality of Orton's matches an the level of his heat.

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Guest Ghettoman

I guess saying things like 'not as bad as you say' gave me away.


I'll be sure to remember if you counter points but don't present your own opinion, whoever your debating with will make it up for yuo.

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Guest Anglesault
I guess saying things like 'not as bad as you say' gave me away.

Oh, but he is.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Someone forget the unusual stretch of silence between the bitch comment and out of nowhere loud boos.


Cough:Audio Enhancement:cough

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No, MNF doesn't have people scripting what happens during the game.


Sure they do; they're called coaches.


Coaches = Bookers

Players = Wrestlers

Announcers/Host = Announcers

Producer = Producer

Writer = Writer.


MNF is an advertised event, which guarantees a game between two teams. Thats what a PPV is, only it's like your getting 10 games.


MNF is on "free" TV. They still deliver the expected action. RAW tends not to. PPV's are where they go "above" regular expectations - or at least, should.


Raw would be those players talking about the game, what there going to do in that game, having things happen that build a story into the game. It's like an NFL live, the only difference is matches are used to further those stories at times, which would be like Salsbury and Berman getting on there fake field to show what could or will happen.


No, when more than half the show is in-ring, it's ABOUT wrestling. If it was like NFL live there would be *very* little of it. Afterburn is NFL Live.


My point about Raw was you can't use something not presented as a wrestling event in comparison to something that was. Raw didn't advertise a card for a month, ROH did. There's clear differences between them, mainly that one is a tv show and the other is a wrestling event, that make comparing them as if they were the same wrong.


Raw is not presented as a wrestling event? So when I go to http://www.ticketmaster.com/browse?categor...=tm_sports_b_27 and see Raw being listed as a "Wrestling event" it's not presented as a wrestling event? Despite Ticketmaster selling WWE tickets for as long as I can remember... oh, i forgot, it's on TV and therefore is a television show; but other things on TV like MNF isn't a television show. Raw features wrestling matches, Vince can decide to make those matches go 20 minutes or they can go 2 minutes - he's done both before. His hands are not tied when it comes to putting wrestling on the card; he just chooses not to. It's applicable. ROH chooses to put on longer wrestling matches and better shows - is it realistic to think that the WWE can put on ***** matches each night? No. But can they be compared? Yes. Infact, you're letting Vince off with a lot more than he deserves given his resources.


If your judging the WWE's total product, PPV's included, then it's fair game, because your no longer comparing a pencil to a pencil sharpener.


A wrestling show is a wrestling show.


And they do wrestling because it's used to further those stories. Now and then you get an advertised conclusion match, but not often enough to negate what happens the rest of the time and show, and aside from 1 or 2 matches here and there, even the advertised conclusion matches are used to further a story.


They can further stories backstage. They still use wrestling as their primary method of entertainment. They just choose to use it poorly.


If I see someone throw a football on a sitcom about a former football player, I'm not watching a football game. Raw and SD are the same way, the wrestling is simply an element used as a basis for everything and a story teller.


So you're comparing someone throwing a football on a sitcom to over half-a-show dedicated to wrestling ?? (which, btw, is longer than an entire 22 minute sitcom.)


And I'm not arguing the quality of what it is, simple what it is.


You're even wrong with what it is. You're thinking it's friends when it's more like Monday Night Football.


Not much, and that still doesn't make it impossible to turn back and forth.


I've turned back and forth to find the same shitty skit going on, turn back, and am in the closing ends of a match. This happens to me often. I consider myself to be a pretty wise judge of time, wrestling, and television. So "not much" is bullshit. It's happened to me a couple of times tonight and I didn't even watch the whole show. It's not impossible to turn back and forth, but I would wager it's pretty damn difficult to be able to avoid some things and catch others without consistantly watching.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho
In the WWE I think he was a little bigger mostly and that's where we're currently at today. I actually thought he lost a few lbs rescently.


I was recently watching a Benoit match from 2000 and I noticed that he was a bit bigger than what he is today. If I had to take a guess I'd say that he hasn't roided much, if at all since his return. I'm hardly an expert though so take it for what it's worth.


I believe you're right in saying that he trains with very little rest periods, if I recall in an interview he stated that he goes to the gym 6 or 7 times a week and I'm betting that he does plenty of rigorous exercises

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