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I was finally going to pay for downloading music..

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I decided today that I was going to bite the bullet and download music legally.


I went to iTunes.com and downloaded the program. When I went to install it, I wasn't able to because I don't have Windows XP or 2000, so I can't do it. The same thing happened with Napster.


So, it looks like I will still have to download songs illegally. And it isn't my fault.

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So, what prompted you to get suckered anyway?

Must've been that RIAA ad about dance clubs going kaput because a 13 year old girl downloaded music.

Oh yeah, that was it. That was THE dumbest commercial I've ever seen. It made zero sense.


Actually, it was because I can't download any music at school. My school has a firewall up so I can't use KaZaa anymore. I can download music at home but it takes all day to get one song since I have a 56K.


Plus, I might as well do it. Eventually everyone will have to, so I might as well pay for the songs. It is only 99 cents.

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As of right now, all "downloading music legally" means is that you are forced to download what the top 5 or so record labels allow you to download. Thus far there is no forum for indie and more far reaching types of music type shit. So basically unless you want Britney/Christina/Metallica etc.......you are fucked. I refuse to pay for a music downloading service that wants to dictate to me what kind of music I should be downloading. FUCK THAT.

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Plus, I might as well do it. Eventually everyone will have to.



I find the fact that you believe that to be really cute.

I do believe that will happen eventually.


Not in the next year or 2 years, but no more than 10 years all illegally downloading programs will be gone.

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technology is always many steps ahead of where the "law" is. I mean RIAA thought they solved the problem when they closed down Napster. It took them awhile to realize people had moved on from Napster before the RIAA even really caught on exactly to what napster was.

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As of right now, all "downloading music legally" means is that you are forced to download what the top 5 or so record labels allow you to download. Thus far there is no forum for indie and more far reaching types of music type shit. So basically unless you want Britney/Christina/Metallica etc.......you are fucked. I refuse to pay for a music downloading service that wants to dictate to me what kind of music I should be downloading. FUCK THAT.

Metallica refuses to put their music on the legit online srvces. At the Bestbuy I work at, they have Rhapsody installed on a bunch of computers, and that seems pretty good if you have a fast connection. Can't speak to how good the indie selection is, though. I just know they don't have Puffy AmiYumi, but have just about everyone else I like.

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Guest Krazy Karter
My school has a firewall up so I can't use KaZaa anymore.

Ever try DC++?


My friend couldn't use Kazaa/WinMX at his school but he says DC++ (updated version of Direct Connect) works fine.

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technology is always many steps ahead of where the "law" is. I mean RIAA thought they solved the problem when they closed down Napster. It took them awhile to realize people had moved on from Napster before the RIAA even really caught on exactly to what napster was.

The same as they're only catching up with Kazaa now that people are leaving it behind for other programs.


You'd think that someone would hire someone who actually knew their way around the net...

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As of right now, all "downloading music legally" means is that you are forced to download what the top 5 or so record labels allow you to download. Thus far there is no forum for indie and more far reaching types of music type shit. So basically unless you want Britney/Christina/Metallica etc.......you are fucked. I refuse to pay for a music downloading service that wants to dictate to me what kind of music I should be downloading. FUCK THAT.

I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. iTunes has unsigned bands on their music server, as a friend of mine has their band on there, completely unsigned. If you have iTunes, do a search for Electric Candy Shop.


If you or your representation can convince someone at apple you are good enough, you'll be put on.

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I found out the other day that in canada it isn't illegal for P2P downloading. However it is illegal to upload new files for download or soemthing. Odd, but that means I'm not getting sued.

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My school has a firewall up so I can't use KaZaa anymore.

Ever try DC++?


My friend couldn't use Kazaa/WinMX at his school but he says DC++ (updated version of Direct Connect) works fine.

Hmm, I'm going to check that out now.

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