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Music downloading programs

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I have no clue what to use now to DL my MP3s. Since I reformatted, I lost all my MP3's, and I was wondering....what should I use to get my MP3s? (I have dial-up)

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Most people seem to like Soulseek for mp3s.

Soulseek is horrible. I can never get it to connect.


I downloaded WinMX today, and its working pretty fine.

If you like waiting INQUE for hours. Unless you are able to enter a chatroom and beg for someone to start your download.

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Soulseek is a great way to get rare indie-type mp3s, though I'm not sure I'd recommend it if you were going to download, say, "Toxic."


DC++ is the download program, if you find the right hubs. There's tons of hubs, tons of files, and - typically - pretty good connections.


Those would be the two programs I'd recommend, but both use ports that a lot of ISPs (University LANs, in particular) have already filtered, so it's not necessarily guaranteed that you'll get an awesome downloading experience with either of them (or any of the programs listed here, for that matter).


Other options:

- BitTorrent

- eMule

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Guest T®ITEC

Kazaa Lite Resurrection is here. It doesn't have spyware and it has an option to block bad IPs . It's what I use, and it's pretty sexy.

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