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Whedon not writing New X-Men

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Some of this I'm sure you guys know already.


First, Whedon, courtesy of Lying in the Gutters:

I love Joe Quesada. No really, I love him. He's a clever, intelligent and provocative person. He's a great editor-in-chief, he's a fantastic artist and writer but the way he plays the media, the fans, well, it's *genius*. Fried gold genius.


Take his SilverBulletComicBooks interview with Brandon Thomas.


Quesada: …this stuff about Whedon and Cassaday doing New X-Men is just a nasty rumor.

I know, I know, I can hear the people groaning all the way over here where I'm sitting. I just figured it was time to set the record straight so that there wouldn't be any disappointment later on. I've heard everything from Whedon to Gaiman to Vaughan on New X-Men and none of it is true in the slightest.


Thomas: So it's not Whedon, it's not Gaiman, and it's not Vaughan. Who is it, and after all this "hype" over Joss Whedon, is the reality as exciting as the rumor?


Quesada: You'll just have to wait and see.




You see, it is of course Joss Whedon and John Cassaday on "Astonishing X-Men," as LITG pointed out last week.


It's Austen and LaRocca as the new ongoing team, rather than just a fill-in, on "New X-Men"… as LITG is, well, pointing out now.

Nice to see that they've solved that Austen/Larocca issue. I suppose that Astonishing v2 is a mini though?


As for Bryan Singer, well from Comic Book Resources:


by Jonah Weiland, Executive Producer

Posted: February 10, 2004

Variety reported today that screenwriters Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, the duo responsible for the "X2: X-Men United" screenplay, will join "X-Men" director Bryan Singer as writers of Marvel's "Ultimate X-Men."


Details are sketchy, but what's known is writer David Mack is set to take over "Ultimate X-Men" with issue #51 this November and presumably the trio will debut their work after his run. According to Variety, Harris and Dougherty are currently hard at work adapting Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game," with Wolfgang Petersen ("In The Line of Fire," "Air Force One") set to direct. Once the due is finished with that they'll begin work on one years worth of "Ultimate X-Men" scripts and then launch into writing "X3," which Bryan Singer will direct. No further details were available at press time.

I guess business is about to pick up in Joey Q's 'hood...

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Oh, good. Chuck Austen gets a chance to do his standard hackjob. How many books is he writing now? How bout that Romeo and Juliet storyline, everybody?


Time to switch from New X-Men to Astonishing, whenever that happens...

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