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OAO America's X-Cup

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Guest TDinDC1112
Everyone is just grasping for anything they can to be negative here.



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Guest Coffey

I think everyone is grasping for anything they can to be positive here, so there you go.

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Now that I'm back at college, the only way to see the shows is to have them taped at home and then sent to me which takes a couple days, so I just saw the show.


First of all, the techincal difficulties. NEARLY ruined the show for me. It seems like TNA pulls this shit whenever they have a bigger than usual audience, and for the life of me I don't understand how a TAPED show could have transmission problems. But yeah, that fucking sucked that the show cut off and we couldn't see the end of the Juvi/Sabin opener. Luckily it only happened once though, because if it happened again I would have requested a refund. On next week's show they should issue an apology and show the finish of the match. The rest of the night was just some warped audio that got better as the show went on and the slightly annoying "technical difficulties" message at the bottom of the screen.


Now, luckily the action was good enough to save it. THIS is the type of show TNA should be looking to put on every week. Maybe not with the same 8 guys, but it's clear their strength shows when they put the emphasis on the wrestling rather than being WWE lite.


Opening match was really excellent. Juvi and Sabin were picking up right where they left off from last September's Super X Tournament. The sequences and reversals to reversals were awesome and fresh and something you never see in the cookie cutter bland WWE style. Loved the reverse hurricanrana by Juvi, always one of my favorite moves because of how difficult and dangerous it is. When Sabin hit the sick Cradle Shock, I thought that was the finish...well apparently it was, as the next thing I see is a blue technical difficulties screen and then about a minute later, the Franchise being interviewed. FUCK! Yeah that was definitely the low point of the show. We learn later that Juvi won, and this was still the best of the single matches, around ***3/4 with lack of ending.


Second match was just a showcase squash for Garza over Dutt. Garza is really different that his WCW days, lots of muscle mass, a short haircut and a mustache. Not much to this, except that SWEET twisting splash to finish it by Garza. Around * only though.


Lynn vs. Aguila was the second best of the single's matches. Aguila's INSANE dive over the ringpost and his crazy twisty armdrag into a slam thing were the higlights. Lynn's cradble piledriver was taken like a powerbomb though. About **1/2.


Fourth singles match wasn't that much, but featured a lot of flipping and flopping, and clotheslines too. Primetime's ropewalk rana is still so cool. Negro getting the role up win shocked me though, giving AAA the 3-1 lead. Call it *1/2.


The first tag match with Lynn/Dutt vs. Juvi/Negro was the better of the two. Just fast paced hard hitting action throughout. Juvi did another sick inverted rana, out of the corner this time which makes me happy. Everyone dives on each other at the end, so it's hard to keep track, but AAA gets the win to get a dominating 5-1 lead. ***1/2 I say.


Second tag wasn't quite as good, but Garza acting like a total dick and mocking the fans and Elix was pretty funny. NWA needed the win here and got it. About **.


The bigass 8 man elimination at the end, was indeed AWESOME and the match of the night to see. Crowd was real hot here too which is always nice, and kind of rare over the last couple months. See, TNA? Give the fans good wrestilng and they'll respond! Suprised to see Dutt gone without eliminating anybody. I mean, I know they wanted to make him the scrappy underdog, but they made him come off like a real loser. He loses his singles match in squash fashion to Garza, then loses the tag match and is perceieved as the weak link, I was SURE they were going to do the big spot where Dutt gets a key elimination, even as a fluke, yet he was Garza's bitch again. I guess they needed an easy fall guy, but it again makes him look like a big loser that cost NWA big. Elix's crazy octopus like sumbission to Negro was really cool and looks like it hurts too. Everyone gets to do their crazy train wreck spots, including Garza's sweet corkscrew, but Sabin ends his night with a awesome looking cradle shock. 7-7 is all tied up as for the first time all night the momentum is with Team NWA. I've never seen Aguila do a Shooting Star Press before, and this one had good flow but he might have come up a bit short on it though. Its good to eliminate Primetime though. Juvi and Sabin's exchange was awesome and the highlight of the match I think. These two just work so well with each other as evidenced with their match last fall, and the one earlier tonight and their exchange in this match. Stiff chops, and Juvi kicks out of a stiff looking cradle shock, and delivers an even STIFFER 911-JUvi Driver! Wow, that's one dangerous move. Now, Lynn need to get 2 pinfalls to tie it up, which would mean, there would be a captain's match next week to determine the winner, or else Team AAA takes it home. Lynn busts out a cool move to eliminate Aguila (I think its the Krytonite Krunch but I could be wrong) and then goes at it with Juvi. Another VICIOUS 911-Juvi Driver gives team AAA the win, which SHOCKED me. I was sure they're we going to do the final match next week and have TNA go over, but I guess they went for the suprise. The move is so dangerous that Lynn apparently hurt his neck on it. He just went dead weight after it, so I hope he's ok. Anyway, a really exciting match truly worthy of being called Total NonStop Action. And AAA has been put over strong in case they come back again. ****1/4 let's say for this one.


As for the rest of the show, Jarrett's cut scenes were getting annoying. I like the guy, but only when he wrestles and in small doses on the mic. Having him on the screen every other segment wailing about a new director of authority is really grating on the nerves and not in the way they want it to be. It was like part of what's been wrong with TNA over the last few months being interspliced with a show that shows how awesome they can be.


Of course the big angle at the end was Jarrett fires Tenay. I guess Hudson takes over commentarry, then again with them hyping the new DOA for next week, he can just as eaily be hired back next week. I don't mind Jarret playing the power hungry heel, but Jesus give this authority figure crap a rest. It's way past stale in WWE and it's even worse when TNA tries to copy it.


Anyway, a thumbs up show, technical difficulties aside. I would reccomend a replay, just be warned of the cutout of the ending of the first match and some odd distorted audio at times throughout the show. If TNA could have gotten their production together for a TAPED SHOW it would have been perfect.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Now that I'm back at college, the only way to see the shows is to have them taped at home and then sent to me which takes a couple days, so I just saw the show.


First of all, the techincal difficulties. NEARLY ruined the show for me. It seems like TNA pulls this shit whenever they have a bigger than usual audience, and for the life of me I don't understand how a TAPED show could have transmission problems. But yeah, that fucking sucked that the show cut off and we couldn't see the end of the Juvi/Sabin opener. Luckily it only happened once though, because if it happened again I would have requested a refund. On next week's show they should issue an apology and show the finish of the match. The rest of the night was just some warped audio that got better as the show went on and the slightly annoying "technical difficulties" message at the bottom of the screen.


Now, luckily the action was good enough to save it. THIS is the type of show TNA should be looking to put on every week. Maybe not with the same 8 guys, but it's clear their strength shows when they put the emphasis on the wrestling rather than being WWE lite.


Opening match was really excellent. Juvi and Sabin were picking up right where they left off from last September's Super X Tournament. The sequences and reversals to reversals were awesome and fresh and something you never see in the cookie cutter bland WWE style. Loved the reverse hurricanrana by Juvi, always one of my favorite moves because of how difficult and dangerous it is. When Sabin hit the sick Cradle Shock, I thought that was the finish...well apparently it was, as the next thing I see is a blue technical difficulties screen and then about a minute later, the Franchise being interviewed. FUCK! Yeah that was definitely the low point of the show. We learn later that Juvi won, and this was still the best of the single matches, around ***3/4 with lack of ending.


Second match was just a showcase squash for Garza over Dutt. Garza is really different that his WCW days, lots of muscle mass, a short haircut and a mustache. Not much to this, except that SWEET twisting splash to finish it by Garza. Around * only though.


Lynn vs. Aguila was the second best of the single's matches. Aguila's INSANE dive over the ringpost and his crazy twisty armdrag into a slam thing were the higlights. Lynn's cradble piledriver was taken like a powerbomb though. About **1/2.


Fourth singles match wasn't that much, but featured a lot of flipping and flopping, and clotheslines too. Primetime's ropewalk rana is still so cool. Negro getting the role up win shocked me though, giving AAA the 3-1 lead. Call it *1/2.


The first tag match with Lynn/Dutt vs. Juvi/Negro was the better of the two. Just fast paced hard hitting action throughout. Juvi did another sick inverted rana, out of the corner this time which makes me happy. Everyone dives on each other at the end, so it's hard to keep track, but AAA gets the win to get a dominating 5-1 lead. ***1/2 I say.


Second tag wasn't quite as good, but Garza acting like a total dick and mocking the fans and Elix was pretty funny. NWA needed the win here and got it. About **.


The bigass 8 man elimination at the end, was indeed AWESOME and the match of the night to see. Crowd was real hot here too which is always nice, and kind of rare over the last couple months. See, TNA? Give the fans good wrestilng and they'll respond! Suprised to see Dutt gone without eliminating anybody. I mean, I know they wanted to make him the scrappy underdog, but they made him come off like a real loser. He loses his singles match in squash fashion to Garza, then loses the tag match and is perceieved as the weak link, I was SURE they were going to do the big spot where Dutt gets a key elimination, even as a fluke, yet he was Garza's bitch again. I guess they needed an easy fall guy, but it again makes him look like a big loser that cost NWA big. Elix's crazy octopus like sumbission to Negro was really cool and looks like it hurts too. Everyone gets to do their crazy train wreck spots, including Garza's sweet corkscrew, but Sabin ends his night with a awesome looking cradle shock. 7-7 is all tied up as for the first time all night the momentum is with Team NWA. I've never seen Aguila do a Shooting Star Press before, and this one had good flow but he might have come up a bit short on it though. Its good to eliminate Primetime though. Juvi and Sabin's exchange was awesome and the highlight of the match I think. These two just work so well with each other as evidenced with their match last fall, and the one earlier tonight and their exchange in this match. Stiff chops, and Juvi kicks out of a stiff looking cradle shock, and delivers an even STIFFER 911-JUvi Driver! Wow, that's one dangerous move. Now, Lynn need to get 2 pinfalls to tie it up, which would mean, there would be a captain's match next week to determine the winner, or else Team AAA takes it home. Lynn busts out a cool move to eliminate Aguila (I think its the Krytonite Krunch but I could be wrong) and then goes at it with Juvi. Another VICIOUS 911-Juvi Driver gives team AAA the win, which SHOCKED me. I was sure they're we going to do the final match next week and have TNA go over, but I guess they went for the suprise. The move is so dangerous that Lynn apparently hurt his neck on it. He just went dead weight after it, so I hope he's ok. Anyway, a really exciting match truly worthy of being called Total NonStop Action. And AAA has been put over strong in case they come back again. ****1/4 let's say for this one.


As for the rest of the show, Jarrett's cut scenes were getting annoying. I like the guy, but only when he wrestles and in small doses on the mic. Having him on the screen every other segment wailing about a new director of authority is really grating on the nerves and not in the way they want it to be. It was like part of what's been wrong with TNA over the last few months being interspliced with a show that shows how awesome they can be.


Of course the big angle at the end was Jarrett fires Tenay. I guess Hudson takes over commentarry, then again with them hyping the new DOA for next week, he can just as eaily be hired back next week. I don't mind Jarret playing the power hungry heel, but Jesus give this authority figure crap a rest. It's way past stale in WWE and it's even worse when TNA tries to copy it.


Anyway, a thumbs up show, technical difficulties aside. I would reccomend a replay, just be warned of the cutout of the ending of the first match and some odd distorted audio at times throughout the show. If TNA could have gotten their production together for a TAPED SHOW it would have been perfect.

Do you understand that the technical difficulties had nothing to do with TNA?

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I feel bad for you guys. I got the 10:30 p.m. show on Viewer's Choice and there was not one technical problem, it was just like any other broadcast. I wouldn't have even known there had been any problems had I not read about it here.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I basically said fuck the sound and I did the commentating myself with a few friends popping in with color. Great times. Show was good. I was a bit torn on the JJ segements. On one hand they made the show feel less like a throwaway show from a story standpoint, like the SXC was. On the other they overshadowed the contest at times.

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I just finished watching this show from top to bottm, and I thought I'd say a few things about it. I know it's two weeks old, but whatever.


I have no idea how anyone could say this show was sub-par, bad, and HORRIBLE. I don't understand how someone could watch this show, and even think such things.


Now, maybe it's because I'm used to the current WWE product and haven't watched much Puroresu, Lucha, or anything else like that, not to mention not watching any TNA in months, but I loved the show. Each and every match pulled me in, they booked it in a way and Tenay and West put it over as a VERY important event, it just felt really good. Not to mention that I loved each match on the show. Yes, there were blown spots here and there, but it wasn't some sort of huge night of screwups like some in this thread made it out to be. The only really bad botch that really hurt the flow of anything, was the Skipper screw up in the very last match. That one, I'll admit looked horrible.


I am also glad that AAA won. Sometimes I just hate when we are fed a cookie-cutter, cliched, anti-climatic ending. Had Lynn pulled out the tie in the end, that's exactly what it would have been.


The only thing that I really "hated" on this show was the very end, post-match. We have AAA in there celebrating their victory and JJ comes out and basicly treats them like trash, to go forward with the Tenay angle. They should have allowed AAA to totally celebrate, let that go for a few mintues while Tenay and West put them over, as well as the entire show, and then just have them leave on their on. Then, right as Tenay says good night and all of that JJ's music starts up, and you get a surprise right when you think the show is over. Then they could do the JJ/Tenay angle.


I would have been fine with that.


I was also fine with the JJ stuff throughout the show, I didn't see anything wrong with any of that between the matches. The Funk thing was ok as well, as it didn't take up much time and it was just filler to promote for the next weeks show.


I give the show two thumbs up. It wasn't the best show out of all of the wrestling shows that we've ever seen, but it was one of the best that I've seen in years.


I loved the feel of the show, where they didn't really make anyone out to be a heel/face. It came across to me as a legit competition, as the guys really trying like hell to win it all for their respective group, etc... The matches ended perfectly fairly, the better man won each match, and all of that. I love stuff like that in professional wrestling, we need more shows like what we had with this one.


One more thing. Is Don West really a moron, or is this just his character? I like the guys voice, a lot actually, but he comes across as a pure moron. He makes more mistakes than JR on a bad night. The most obvious one that I heard that made him look like a moron was at the very end durring the last match. The fans are getting behind Lynn, and they are all shouting "Jerry Jerry" over and over again. They show a shot of Skipper and West goes something like "Listen mike, Elix is getting these fans behind Lynn by getting them to say USA, USA, USA". Then we have silence for a second, and then West goes "JERRY JERRY JERRY".


Also earlier in that very same match, he says "And Mike the only way to win this match is by tag and submission", and Mike seems to just about ignore him really and just says "pin and submission".


Those are just two of his many either flat out mistakes or just looking like an idiot. Is he always like this?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

West isn't bad or anything, but yes, now and then he says something stupid. Still better than Lawler I think. Te biggest + on him is his hard sell, which is what they need to do to keep viewers every week. Pimp and pimp hard.

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