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Eddie Guerrero speaks on Title Victory

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More than a dream come true

by Aaron Williams



At 6:58 P.S.T. Eddie Guerrero made his way to the ring for his title shot against Brock Lesnar as one of WWE’s greatest underdogs. Thirty-three minutes later, he left, one of its proudest champions.


Where Guerrero’s victory will ultimately be ranked in the pantheon of the unexpected probably won’t be settled for some time, but given the fact that this was his first major championship match, that he was facing the indomitable Lesnar, and that a title defense at WrestleMania XX would go to the victor, it’s fair to say that few gave Eddie a chance.


For Eddie though, this was never about what others might think. It was about the years of sacrifice, conquering his personal demons, and working for the dream that never died. The result was more than he could have imagined and the emotions overtook him after his victory.


“It’s unbelievable. I can’t describe how I feel,” said a tearful Eddie just moments after being handed the belt. “It’s my dream come true, more than my dream actually. I know all things are possible now. Even though this was a dream of mine, sometimes I wondered if it was too farfetched. You want to grab all your dreams with all your heart, but sometimes they seem so far away that you can’t.”


“I think I sold myself short in the past, and I hope my victory sends a good message to everyone out there. I really hope it does. Who’d ever expect a Chicano, 5’9” and 220 pounds to win the WWE Championship? I’m just thankful and there are a lot of people behind it. I can’t take all the credit. “


Why did Eddie’s dream come true at No Way Out? According to the champ, there were several reasons. There were the many that have helped him, his faith, but also belief in himself and the work ethic to translate that belief into action.


“You can ask God and others for all the help you want, but you better bring the shovel because you’ve got to do the work.”


Eddie Guerrero certainly brought his shovel tonight, and for that, he can now lay claim to the championship he always dreamed of.


From wwe.com

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Guest Real F'n Show

I'm happy for Eddie, and after Mania when Benoit wins the big one, all will be good in wrestling for awhile.

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The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero. The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive. (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did. But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

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Guest Choken One
The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero. The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive. (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did. But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

Shawn was only 5'10 and 227.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash
This is a time for smarks around the world to rejoice. REJOICE~!


Reverend: Can I get an "Esse!"


Congregation: Esse!

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I can't put into words how refreshing and just plain AWESOME it is to have someone fresh (that actually earned it...therefore preemptively ruling out the future Orton title run) at the top. I'd also like to say how great it is to have a kickass young champion like Brock Lesner who can actually be pinned by a guy half his size and not sell it as a fluke (he was still in the ring KOd while Eddie was celebrating around the ring).


Of course they'll be doing the same thing on RAW soon. You know...with Benoit over HHH. It's not like there's any stupid stipulation or out of place former star to stand in the way of creating a new star on that show too...


Oh wait...that's exactly what's happening.



People complain about the lack of star power on SD...screw that. SD is the only place where they could even attempt to make a new star (And it's not only working with Eddy...but Cena as well. I'll even add Big Show who's been used SOOOO much better since the switch. And Chavo and Rey Rey sure got some time Sunday didn't they? And there was even a build for a CRUISER match!).


Of course RAW has Evolution.

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The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero.  The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive.  (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did.  But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

Shawn was only 5'10 and 227.

An inch can make all the difference my friend. Ask your mom.


Anyhow, does anybody know who the last WWE champion smaller than Eddy was?

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The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero.  The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive.  (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did.  But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

Shawn was only 5'10 and 227.

An inch can make all the difference my friend. Ask your mom.


Anyhow, does anybody know who the last WWE champion smaller than Eddy was?

Such a man does not exist. Jericho would be the only one who's close.

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The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero.  The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive.  (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did.  But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

Shawn was only 5'10 and 227.

An inch can make all the difference my friend. Ask your mom.


Anyhow, does anybody know who the last WWE champion smaller than Eddy was?

Such a man does not exist. Jericho would be the only one who's close.

Ivan Koloff was probably shorter but he was around 240 pounds. Of course now we're talking 30ish years ago.

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Guest Choken One

That shouldn't count since Vince wasn't in Charge and Jess and Senior weren't so enamored by SIZE.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
The cynic in me thinks that VKM will find out that Guerrero is only 5'9" and 220 pounds, and will have the decision overturned on Smackdown.


The rest of me says congratulations to Guerrero.  The fact that he was able to overcome his demons and succeed to this level is impressive.  (Acknowledging that wrestling is fake, and thus he really didn't succeed the way that John Daly did.  But he did succeed in that he reached a level of trust-worthiness to the point that the powers-that-be were willing to put their belt on him)

Shawn was only 5'10 and 227.

He was pretty much a homegrown talent too, unlike Eddy. He is white, unlike Eddy. And he was/is in the Kliq.

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For “Latino Heat” Eddie Guerrero, there have been many phone calls and much to do – except sleep – since last Sunday night.


“It’s been a big emotional rollercoaster,” Guerrero told WWE.com this afternoon. “But it’s all been up. It’s more of a high. You’re just there so long, you go numb. I’m finally getting some rest and some sleep.”


Today has been Guerrero’s first day at home since winning the WWE Championship at Sunday’s No Way Out in San Francisco. After the pay-per-view and SmackDown!, he headed to Los Angeles to film an episode of “MADtv,” along with Trish Stratus, Chris Jericho and the Big Show. It’s scheduled to air Saturday, March 13, one day before WrestleMania.


Guerrero said he was involved in a “Tonight Show” spoof in which a “MADtv” cast member played Jay Leno, and Guerrero and Big Show played themselves. Guerrero said the skit is very funny and being on “MADtv,” his first time on a sketch comedy, was a great experience.


Even today, as Guerrero tried to relax, he had other responsibilities. For one thing, he was scheduled to do an interview with GreenRoomMag.com, on online entertainment magazine that has also talked with Ric Flair, Brock Lesnar and John Cena for stories to be published in conjunction with WrestleMania.


“But it’s OK,” Guerrero said of the seemingly non-stop schedule. “This is what I wanted.”


People have been calling Guerrero all week to congratulate him on winning the WWE Championship, an inspirational victory for seemingly countless reasons. There’s the fact that Guerrero is 5-foot-9 and 220 pounds, a size considered by some to be too small to be WWE Champion. There’s also the fact that Guerrero’s win underscores the fact that he’s come back from personal demons that nearly ended his wrestling career, not to mention his life.


Guerrero said he’s talked throughout the week to his Alcoholics Anonymous sponsors as well as to members of his family. He said those are about the only people he keeps in contact with these days.


“My life has changed dramatically these last few years,” he said. “When you sober up, you have to change a lot of things – people, places, playgrounds.”

Guerrero said winning the WWE Championship has made him reflect on how far he’s come since hitting rock bottom in late 2001 and being released from the company.


“I made a comment one time when I was just coming back, somebody asked me how I felt that (fans) were booing me all the time,” he said.


“This is when I was going through all my personal stuff and I had just come back and it was ‘Eddie sucks! Eddie sucks!’ I said, ‘I’m just thankful that they’re booing me. I’m just thankful I get a response. Whatever it is, it’s a compliment to my work. That’s the way I look at it.’”


Guerrero said William Regal has also called him this week. Regal has also battled personal demons which Guerrero said “I’m not at liberty to discuss because that’s his personal life.” But he added that Regal “has been a big influence in my life.”

Some other old friends have also called, including Hector Rincon, with whom Eddie trained, as well as Superstars like Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. “People that I grew up with in the business,” Guerrero said.


He said he was honored that “Superstar” Billy Graham also called. “That meant a lot to me,” he said.


Guerrero’s title victory was also notable because of his roots. One would only need to pop in a copy of the Aug. 28, 2003, episode of SmackDown! from Eddie’s hometown of El Paso, Texas, and listen to the deafening reception, to understand what Guerrero’s success means to his local community as well as the entire Latin community.


But Guerrero is quick to point out that as WWE Champion, he represents all WWE fans, and all people.


“I hope I would,” he said. “I hope I just don’t represent La Raza. Don’t get me wrong, I love my people, and I’m so proud of my heritage. I always have been and still today – as Latino Heat – I go out and I am what I am. But when you go out, you represent everybody – Latins, Caucasians, African-Americans, everybody -- because it’s the WWE Title. And our fan base it not just one base, it’s all covers all races.”


The reception that Guerrero received on Thursday’s episode of SmackDown! is a clear indication that all people support him.


“That was incredible,” he said. “When something means so much to you in your life, and then you go out and the people that you perform for get up and clap for you, that’s like double the payoff. It’s a compliment to your work. It’s a compliment to everything that you do out there. It was really nice, a great feeling.”

Guerrero said he’s excited about WrestleMania, where he’ll defend the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle, even though the fact that he’ll be in a main-event match at WWE’s biggest pay-per-view hasn’t sunk in yet because “I’m still trying to catch my breath from this last week.


But he said, “Not only will it be a special night for WrestleMania and for WWE, but it will also be a special night for Eddie Guerrero, Latino Heat.”


From WWE.com

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