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Raw from JHawk's Beak (2/16/2004)

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"Hate HBK" as in hating his work. That is my fault for not being more clear.


Anyway, I really really didn't get the impression that Benoit was feeding Michaels as much as you did. Michaels did go after the neck to start the match with stuff he doesn't normally use but once they transitioned to the Ab stretch and such, Benoit was done selling it. Which really didn't bother me excessively since neither guy gained a large enough foothold to make debilitating selling really appropriate. I did however appreciate that Benoit stayed in the sleeper quite a bit longer than Michaels due to the relative strength of his neck. Then Michaels stays in the Shooter and Ab Stretch longer than you'd normally see since of his historically weak back.


Anyway, it was an ok match. Nothing to get overly excited about and maybe around **3/4 which isn't bad by WWE TV standards.

IIRC, Beniot set up the Neckbreaker by whipping Micheals into the ropes, and ducking his head for it in the time honored transition spot.


Beniot than sold it as such,"hey dude, work my neck."


Micheals used the Enzui Lairat, but than looked lost, and acted like he didn't know what to do. After some stalling and pondering, he decides to use the elbows, but by than, Beniot had done lost his patience. Micheals just didn't seem to know how to fill his time with anything remotely intresting. All Beniot was trying to do was give him some focused offense, but Micheals didn't no how to react, probably because it would mean breaking from his routine.


Beniot stops selling the neck after the Ab stretch, because he had spent the past several minutes on offense, trying to work a back storyline into the match, since the neck thing became out of the questoin. Beniot did almost all the work in the match, be it setting up the tiny portion of neck stuff to controling the body of the match, to controling the end of the match.


Beniot was also the one giving Micheals all the openings at the end, such as letting him counter the third Backdrop and hit the Elbow Drop after the Superplex attempt.

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Guest Ray
So, according to you, Keller, Keith, Jhawk, and all those people in those forums are wrong and you're right?



You just deem the match overrated and expect everybody else to bow down to your superior wisdom?

Correct again. Would you like a prize? :)


It's called OPINION.

No shit. Their OPINIONS are WRONG because BY DEFINITION opinions can be wrong.


Just because people don't agree with you it's no excuse to push aside what they say.

I'll push aside what they say because they're wrong.


They thought it was a good match, you didn't, fine. There's something called respect. Apply it.

Soooo predictable. Wow, I never expected someone to whip out the #1 debate killer, "OPINION!"


Since you love "respect" so much, why don't you respect my opinion that the match is overrated?

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Funny how one match rating can stir so much debate.


Who knows? I'll likely watch the match again before the week is over with, and maybe I'll watch it and think I overrated it. But I loved it on first viewing, which is what I had to base the rating on.


I'm just glad that most of you are defending your opinions instead of flaming each other.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
So, according to you, Keller, Keith, Jhawk, and all those people in those forums are wrong and you're right?



You just deem the match overrated and expect everybody else to bow down to your superior wisdom?

Correct again. Would you like a prize? :)


It's called OPINION.

No shit. Their OPINIONS are WRONG because BY DEFINITION opinions can be wrong.


Just because people don't agree with you it's no excuse to push aside what they say.

I'll push aside what they say because they're wrong.


They thought it was a good match, you didn't, fine. There's something called respect. Apply it.

Soooo predictable. Wow, I never expected someone to whip out the #1 debate killer, "OPINION!"


Since you love "respect" so much, why don't you respect my opinion that the match is overrated?

How are Opinion's wrong? That makes no sense. Unless you are gonna pull out a Chewbacca/Ewok defense then maybe.



And not to start a fight, but Ghettoman thinks this match was **** on a scale of ********, but openly defends Randy Orton as something special.


WORST. BEATDOWN. EVER last night. I went to the bathroom for a few minutes, came back and it was still on.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I think White people are better than Black people.


Is that opinion wrong?

Spanish people are better than Japanese people.


How do we decide this? Who white people hate the least?

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I think you didn't answer my question.


That opinion is right.


Spanish and Japanese are not exact terms as people outside the countries still claim heritage and nationality as there are people who are Spanish - claim Spanish heritage - but don't necessarily reflect the general population; if you want to say Spain and Japan and compare the two countries, then you can as there are many accepted stardards by which you measure a countries worth. GDP, Infant Mortality rate, Life-span, Employment, etc. etc.


Much like matches. You can look at selling, storytelling, psychology, pacing, move performance and technique, etc. etc. I can tell you why I thought Benoit vs. Michaels wasn't ****; a lot of the people Ray was talking about probably couldn't and the *-rating merely reflects their "gut feeling" about the match. The problem with using feelings for an objective rating is that there are external factors (outside the match) which can effect your emotions.

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Guest Ray
How are Opinion's wrong? That makes no sense.

dictionary.com defines opinion as:


"A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof"


Obviously, a belief with no proof can be wrong.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
How are Opinion's wrong? That makes no sense.

dictionary.com defines opinion as:


"A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof"


Obviously, a belief with no proof can be wrong.

The definition seems to mean an opinion isn't right or wrong.


Back on topic, I didn't think the match was that great. I'd give it a *** rating from first viewing.

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Guest Ray
How are Opinion's wrong? That makes no sense.

dictionary.com defines opinion as:


"A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof"


Obviously, a belief with no proof can be wrong.

The definition seems to mean an opinion isn't right or wrong.

Opinion = belief with no proof. If proof that conflicts that opinion is provided, then it's wrong.

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Noble/Nidia was somewhat entertaining

Fact is, Rudo, if someone said this on this board, you wouldn't hold it up as an example of how people don't experience things the same way everyone else does. You would likely either call them stupid or say they don't understand quality wrestling and move on.


And this bit


I think the amount of empty seats at the Cow Palace who was used to seeing great SuperBrawl cards from WCW said exactly how I and my friends felt about this show.


Makes me wonder if he was watching the same show. They DID show the line outside, didn't they?

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I think the amount of empty seats at the Cow Palace who was used to seeing great SuperBrawl cards from WCW said exactly how I and my friends felt about this show.


Makes me wonder if he was watching the same show. They DID show the line outside, didn't they?

My guess they watched Heat, as for whatever reason that building was still about half empty during the six man tag. It was like they just stopped letting people in the building for half an hour and then made them all come in at once.

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Fact is, Rudo, if someone said this on this board, you wouldn't hold it up as an example of how people don't experience things the same way everyone else does. You would likely either call them stupid or say they don't understand quality wrestling and move on.


I actually _would_ hold it up as an example of how people don't experience the same things because that person would be saying it was *entertaining* rather than *good*. I can't really tell someone what to be entertained by. Just like I can't really tell what people "get" and "don't get", like a certain J-hawk. I can, however, question/ponder how anyone could be entertained by something so bad. I can also wonder how anyone could "get" something as deep as Eddies history of drug abuse *especially when stuff like his car accident and one of his best friends death* is omitted and _everything_ is based on spoken word rather than visual evidence. Personally, I find actually seeing it for myself to be more effective than just hearing about it. I don't think I'm alone in that regard.

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