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OAO 2/18 Lazarush thread

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Nice work as usual. I like the way you've shown respect to Northcutt's improvement as a wrestler, instead of writing him off as chave due to a few poor showings. Just hope you get to keep the post when the Dames gets his TNA access back.

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I like Northcutt because he has shown visible improvement in the ring. Seriously, once they ditched the other Redshirt (Ryan Willis?) and replaced him with Legend, Northcutt's work really started to pick up. I want to see him in a singles match to see if he should remain a tag-only worker (ie. not so good that he could go one-on-one, but the tag matches hide his weaknesses) or not.


As-is, Northcutt is definitely one of my favorites in TNA. Hell, I'll make a list of my 10 favorite TNA workers at the moment.


Jerry Lynn

AJ Styles

Kevin Northcutt



CM Punk

Violent J

Shaggy 2 Dope


Chris Sabin

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I like Northcutt because he has shown visible improvement in the ring. Seriously, once they ditched the other Redshirt (Ryan Willis?) and replaced him with Legend, Northcutt's work really started to pick up. I want to see him in a singles match to see if he should remain a tag-only worker (ie. not so good that he could go one-on-one, but the tag matches hide his weaknesses) or not.


As-is, Northcutt is definitely one of my favorites in TNA. Hell, I'll make a list of my 10 favorite TNA workers at the moment.


Jerry Lynn

AJ Styles

Kevin Northcutt



CM Punk

Violent J

Shaggy 2 Dope


Chris Sabin

Ryan Wilson was the green hoss who was making Northcutt look like shit.


and damn it, now I want to order this week to see Raven back to his old self.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I'd say somethingh nice but I've been called out for Mortal Kombat.

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Guest Mosaicv2

all I have to say about TNA this week... im happy for the Jimmy Rave & Jason Cross return... but not Russo... of course :D

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Noticed in your post-match summary of the eight-man that you mentioned everyone but Jason Cross...what'd you think of him in there?

Coulda sworn I mentioned something about not seeing in Cross what everybody else seems to. My thoughts on Cross are that he's your average cruiserweight doing your average cruiserweight things. Aside from the Crossfire, he has nothing to set him apart from anybody else.

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Guest dvkorn

not being a dick here or anything...


but the continuous hate you show in your reviews for Jarrett is detracting from your reviews... IMO...


And i don't know if this is how you meant it... but it is how i took it...


YOu said... Jarrett is not so good a worker... by saying that, if this is how you meant it made you lose credibility and maybe with others as well, i'm not sure... but Jarrett is a good worker whether you like it or not... not that it will probably matter to you... but it is just my opinion... take it for what you will...

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The problem with Jarrett is that he's a painfully AVERAGE worker, just a notch above Billy Gunn honestly (in my book, anyways), that is promoting himself as the best in the company simply because daddy started it. Jarrett has all of the heel stuff down, but he's so vanilla that I can barely stand watching him unless his opponent is a significantly better worker.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The problem with Jarrett is that he's a painfully AVERAGE worker, just a notch above Billy Gunn honestly (in my book, anyways), that is promoting himself as the best in the company simply because daddy started it. Jarrett has all of the heel stuff down, but he's so vanilla that I can barely stand watching him unless his opponent is a significantly better worker.

Oh no....reffering to Jerry JArrett as Jeffs Daddy......signs of Dave O'Neill! QUICK! WE NEED AN EXCORCISM!

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Guest dvkorn
The problem with Jarrett is that he's a painfully AVERAGE worker, just a notch above Billy Gunn honestly (in my book, anyways), that is promoting himself as the best in the company simply because daddy started it. Jarrett has all of the heel stuff down, but he's so vanilla that I can barely stand watching him unless his opponent is a significantly better worker.

Maybe Jarrett and Dutch believe that Jarrett is the guy for the job to be the, or one of the, top guys in the company... Lets face it...


Jarrett probably still is probably one of the most credible guys on the roster to be in that position... 18 years as a pro... Main guy in memphis, former numerous time IC title holder, former numerous time WCW title holder... NWA Champion... had some great feuds and matches... last time we saw Jarrett before TNA started was in WCW where he was pretty much in the main event.... Nitro was still probably pulling in a couple of million viewers a week.. not completely sure on that one...


What other guy on the roster has that credibility...


Raven...probably really close... 16 years as a pro.. former multi time ECW Champ... SOme of the best feuds ever.. US title holder in WCW during the peak... Favourite among many though... last time we saw him in a major company though... by major meaning WCW & WWF... he was getting beaten by Jeff Hardy to get into the royal rumble....


D'Lo.. nah...


Dustin .. nah..


I'd say Jarrett and Raven are the two guys that are most credible... for say if a new fan tuned in...


Wrestling wise... saying Jarrett is painfully average is a bit harsh... He has had many great matches over the year... plus some great ones in TNA... I've said it before... he seems to have lost a little in starting in about mid 2003... still can damn sure work... Glen Gilberti, who is a significantly less talented wrestler had probably the 2nd best match of his career with Jarrett behind his street fight with AJ.. he's put on some weight since WCW and the start of TNA and that's probably what has made his work drop a little...


Talking... i think when he is on.. he can be quite good.. sometimes if he isn't in an interesting feud and/or has nothing interesting to say he can be boring..


I may be a bit bias seeing I mark a great deal, as you probablyg uessed for Jarrett but still.. i don't think i stretching things too far as having it sounds unreasonable.. anyway.. thats just hat i reckon...

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The problem with Jarrett is that he's a painfully AVERAGE worker, just a notch above Billy Gunn honestly (in my book, anyways), that is promoting himself as the best in the company simply because daddy started it. Jarrett has all of the heel stuff down, but he's so vanilla that I can barely stand watching him unless his opponent is a significantly better worker.

Maybe Jarrett and Dutch believe that Jarrett is the guy for the job to be the, or one of the, top guys in the company... Lets face it...


Jarrett probably still is probably one of the most credible guys on the roster to be in that position

The Last time Jarrett was on Nitro Dusty Rhodes put his head on a donkey's ass.At least not many people were watching.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
The problem with Jarrett is that he's a painfully AVERAGE worker, just a notch above Billy Gunn honestly (in my book, anyways), that is promoting himself as the best in the company simply because daddy started it. Jarrett has all of the heel stuff down, but he's so vanilla that I can barely stand watching him unless his opponent is a significantly better worker.

Maybe Jarrett and Dutch believe that Jarrett is the guy for the job to be the, or one of the, top guys in the company... Lets face it...


Jarrett probably still is probably one of the most credible guys on the roster to be in that position... 18 years as a pro... Main guy in memphis, former numerous time IC title holder, former numerous time WCW title holder... NWA Champion... had some great feuds and matches... last time we saw Jarrett before TNA started was in WCW where he was pretty much in the main event.... Nitro was still probably pulling in a couple of million viewers a week.. not completely sure on that one...


What other guy on the roster has that credibility...


Raven...probably really close... 16 years as a pro.. former multi time ECW Champ... SOme of the best feuds ever.. US title holder in WCW during the peak... Favourite among many though... last time we saw him in a major company though... by major meaning WCW & WWF... he was getting beaten by Jeff Hardy to get into the royal rumble....


D'Lo.. nah...


Dustin .. nah..


I'd say Jarrett and Raven are the two guys that are most credible... for say if a new fan tuned in...


Wrestling wise... saying Jarrett is painfully average is a bit harsh... He has had many great matches over the year... plus some great ones in TNA... I've said it before... he seems to have lost a little in starting in about mid 2003... still can damn sure work... Glen Gilberti, who is a significantly less talented wrestler had probably the 2nd best match of his career with Jarrett behind his street fight with AJ.. he's put on some weight since WCW and the start of TNA and that's probably what has made his work drop a little...


Talking... i think when he is on.. he can be quite good.. sometimes if he isn't in an interesting feud and/or has nothing interesting to say he can be boring..


I may be a bit bias seeing I mark a great deal, as you probablyg uessed for Jarrett but still.. i don't think i stretching things too far as having it sounds unreasonable.. anyway.. thats just hat i reckon...

I see your point about Jeff's credibility, as he is one of the more decorated(titles) wrestlers on the roster. But shouldn't Jeff be using that credibility to put over younger talent??? Jeff has seen first hand what it's like to be held down in his career(his WWF stint when the Kliq was there, WCW when Hogan and the nWo were running the company), so why is he constantly putting himself over? It repeatedly does nothing good for the company.

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I'll commend Jarrett on putting over Chris Harris. That match was acceptable for what it was (a match between an average worker and a worker that makes Test look great, and the former means Chris Harris {perhaps the only TNA talent I hold more digust for than Jeff Jarrett is both members of America's Most Wanted}), and Harris was made to look like he COULD have won. I don't agree with the booking (as I prefer clean finishes over dirty ones, and Harris could have been put over with Jarrett winning cleanly as well, which also would have put BOTH men over), but it wasn't too bad a match.


Jarrett when on the mic in short, brief promo's isn't bad at all. But when he starts stretching his interviews out is when he gets boring, and he usually does the 20-minute promo these days (which I've already had enough of from usually very good mic workers like The Rock and Steve Austin, so having a decent mic worker like Jeff Jarrett try to do it is bad). Not to mention the fact that logic seems to have been eliminated for much of the past 5 or 6 months of TNA (as people were teaming that had feuded relentlessly before, and I don't like the "Memphis style" of booking where the heels beg off and the faces are Superman, which TNA has done since Dutch took the book), and Jarrett acting like he is goes against what his face character stood for (I honestly believe that the best heels are the ones that, when even as faces, have the same beliefs and morals; notice how Raven and The Rock, two of the best heels of our era, didn't change their belief structure as faces).


Match-wise, I think Jarrett relies a little too much on in-crowd brawling, which he is awful at. In-crowd brawling only works best when both men bump like mad in the audience, and Jarrett refuses to drop down past a knee when brawling in the crowd. It also doesn't help when Jarrett shows a complete lack of psychology by mostly doing punches and then locking on a Figure-4 (say what you will, but even the X-Division spotfest guys use psychology in their movesets, as many of the moves affect the head and neck and back, and many of the finishers affect the head and neck and back).

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Guest dvkorn
I see your point about Jeff's credibility, as he is one of the more decorated(titles) wrestlers on the roster. But shouldn't Jeff be using that credibility to put over younger talent??? Jeff has seen first hand what it's like to be held down in his career(his WWF stint when the Kliq was there, WCW when Hogan and the nWo were running the company), so why is he constantly putting himself over? It repeatedly does nothing good for the company.

Not that i have seen every show up to the point we are currently at (I am in Australia, so have to wait a while for tapes) but maybe they are trying to build him up huge that when finally AJ or Raven or whomever beats him for the title will be more over than they were before they won the title... When he does lose the title, don't you reckon their'll be lots of, i dunno how to word it well, happiness maybe.. amoung the internet and the crowds that he finally lost the title...

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Guest dvkorn
Match-wise, I think Jarrett relies a little too much on in-crowd brawling, which he is awful at. In-crowd brawling only works best when both men bump like mad in the audience, and Jarrett refuses to drop down past a knee when brawling in the crowd. It also doesn't help when Jarrett shows a complete lack of psychology by mostly doing punches and then locking on a Figure-4 (say what you will, but even the X-Division spotfest guys use psychology in their movesets, as many of the moves affect the head and neck and back, and many of the finishers affect the head and neck and back).

Crowd brawling, some enjoy it, some don't... i find it enjoyable... Jarrett i think is alright at it... some of the matches him and lawler had with the moondogs back in 92 that i have been just watching again recently, are fucking fabulous... especially the concession stand brawl... very enjoyable indeed.... some of his ones in TNA with crowd brawling i have enjoyed with one coming to mind first up was him Vs killings where he won the title for the 1st time...


ANother thing... kinda related to crowd brawling but just another thing.. Jarrett is good at the little things.. in the Watts & Jarrett Vs Legend and Daniels from the Ultimate X 1 show.. they were in the crowd brawling.. Jarrett had daniels down and watts was taking legend past jarrett... jarrett turns from daniels and as legend passes by... he pokes him in the eyes.. and then goes back to daniels.. i loved it..


anyway.. i went off on a tangent but.. some like crowd brawling, some don't.. Jarrett i think is decent at it...

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