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Guest Mosaicv2

Michael Lockwoods cause of death revealed

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Guest Mosaicv2
As suspected by Michael Lockwoods friends & family his official cause of death has officially been ruled a suicide.  The cause of death was ruled after toxicology tests showed an overdose of painkillers.  He was found dead with a empty bottle of 90,350 milligram Carisoprodol pills & a bottle Southern Comfort.  He was found at the kitchen counter of Steven Richards house.  Lockwood had been livin with Steven Richards since bein released by the WWE and had been workin for NWA TNA.  He had also just recently been served with divorence papers from his wife.


what a poor guy :(

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As suspected by Michael Lockwoods friends & family his official cause of death has officially been ruled a suicide.  The cause of death was ruled after toxicology tests showed an overdose of painkillers.  He was found dead with a empty bottle of 90,350 milligram Carisoprodol pills & a bottle Southern Comfort.  He was found at the kitchen counter of Steven Richards house.  Lockwood had been livin with Steven Richards since bein released by the WWE and had been workin for NWA TNA.  He had also just recently been served with divorence papers from his wife.


what a poor guy :(

Poor guy?


I don't feel bad for people that commit suicide.


Yes, he was having a rough stretch in life at that point, but tough people work through that. They don't give up by overdosing on painkillers....


...and killing themselves in their best friend's home.


Suicide is rarely an acceptable solution. Maybe if you're on the verge of dying, and you're in incredible pain, it might be okay to just end your misery. But besides that, it's just a pathetic way out.


I feel bad for Steven Richards, I feel bad for Lockwood's family, I feel bad for everyone that has been affected by Lockwood's decision.


I don't feel bad for Lockwood. His suicide was a selfish decision.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
As suspected by Michael Lockwoods friends & family his official cause of death has officially been ruled a suicide.  The cause of death was ruled after toxicology tests showed an overdose of painkillers.  He was found dead with a empty bottle of 90,350 milligram Carisoprodol pills & a bottle Southern Comfort.  He was found at the kitchen counter of Steven Richards house.  Lockwood had been livin with Steven Richards since bein released by the WWE and had been workin for NWA TNA.  He had also just recently been served with divorence papers from his wife.


what a poor guy :(

Poor guy?


I don't feel bad for people that commit suicide.


Yes, he was having a rough stretch in life at that point, but tough people work through that. They don't give up by overdosing on painkillers....


...and killing themselves in their best friend's home.


Suicide is rarely an acceptable solution. Maybe if you're on the verge of dying, and you're in incredible pain, it might be okay to just end your misery. But besides that, it's just a pathetic way out.


I feel bad for Steven Richards, I feel bad for Lockwood's family, I feel bad for everyone that has been affected by Lockwood's decision.


I don't feel bad for Lockwood. His suicide was a selfish decision.

I'm not a big fan on how he died, but how dare people dis-respect the dead!

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As suspected by Michael Lockwoods friends & family his official cause of death has officially been ruled a suicide.  The cause of death was ruled after toxicology tests showed an overdose of painkillers.  He was found dead with a empty bottle of 90,350 milligram Carisoprodol pills & a bottle Southern Comfort.  He was found at the kitchen counter of Steven Richards house.  Lockwood had been livin with Steven Richards since bein released by the WWE and had been workin for NWA TNA.  He had also just recently been served with divorence papers from his wife.


what a poor guy :(

Poor guy?


I don't feel bad for people that commit suicide.


Yes, he was having a rough stretch in life at that point, but tough people work through that. They don't give up by overdosing on painkillers....


...and killing themselves in their best friend's home.


Suicide is rarely an acceptable solution. Maybe if you're on the verge of dying, and you're in incredible pain, it might be okay to just end your misery. But besides that, it's just a pathetic way out.


I feel bad for Steven Richards, I feel bad for Lockwood's family, I feel bad for everyone that has been affected by Lockwood's decision.


I don't feel bad for Lockwood. His suicide was a selfish decision.

someone here has apparently never known a friend or family member who commited suicide. you apparently have never given thought to what drove him to this. but hey, its good to know that your life is so grand that you can shittalk people who commit suicide and have zero clue to what happens with this sort of tragedy.


and on a personal note....fuck you bitch.

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someone here has apparently never known a friend or family member who commited suicide.


Admittedly, I have not and I'm thankful for that.


you apparently have never given thought to what drove him to this.


Committing suicide because you can't deal with the physically wracking pain in your life is acceptable. If it brings you out of the terrible pain and misery, then I guess it's okay.


But over losing a job? Getting a divorce? These are good reasons for killing yourselves and ruining the lives of your family? Of your friends? Those are things you work through. They are NOT things to kill yourself over.


I said it before and I'll say it again - his suicide was a selfish decision. The people that were close to him now have to deal with a void in their life. But Lockwood doesn't. He hurt the people around him by finding an easy way out of his life. And I don't think that's fair to them.


I feel a lot worse for Steven Richards, at whose house he was "honored" to have Michael kill himself at, Lockwood's family that had to deal with the funeral arrangements and the fact that someone close is no longer in their lives because HE chose to take his life away, and Lockwood's friends.


but hey, its good to know that your life is so grand that you can shittalk people who commit suicide and have zero clue to what happens with this sort of tragedy.


I didn't shittalk him so don't push that bullshit on me. I didn't insult him on the basis of his entire life, I didn't insult his wrestling career....I insulted the way he died because it was selfish. I have been through tough times in my life, but I've pulled through it for the people around me. That's the way it should be.

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I'm not a big fan on how he died, but how dare people dis-respect the dead!

Just as I told snuffbox, I didn't disrespect Lockwood as a person or as a professional wrestler. Hell, I didn't even call him a coward. I separated Michael Lockwood: The Person from Michael Lockwood: The Death. I disrespected the way he died because, in my opinion, it was a terribly selfish decision. But I know nothing about how he was as an individual, so I made sure not to bash his character.


But go ahead.....make conclusions anyway about me "disrespecting the dead."

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It's still a shame. Whenever anyone dies it is a shame.

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Death is death either way you look at it. Beleave me when your thinking or even gonna do something to kill yourself, your not thinking about others, your thinking about yourself and your pain. Life is very hard for some, and for others its not. I've been in a rutt of sorts since Oct. 11th and Suicide has crossed my mind many times, but I look at myself and tell myself this is life, and life is the biggest bitch in the world but it can be beat. For some they can't accept that and they think life is over and they only think death is the only answer. No I can't say this was Crash's thoughts or anything, but death is death, and no one who dies no matter how they pass away, should be called selfish, or anything like that. Crash will be missed by many so many people. Life's a bitch but it can be beat, I know I've been in a constant fight with it for awhile now.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I am not going to post in this thread the right's and wrong's about talking about someones death. All I know is that a man that gave his life for the sport I love, and I respect that. I also am saddened by the fact that Crash had a daughter that now has no father. That's where my sympathy goes.


RIP Michael Lockwood aka Crash Holly aka Mad Mikey

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Guest MikeSC
someone here has apparently never known a friend or family member who commited suicide. you apparently have never given thought to what drove him to this. but hey, its good to know that your life is so grand that you can shittalk people who commit suicide and have zero clue to what happens with this sort of tragedy.


and on a personal note....fuck you bitch.

What about his DAUGHTER?


You know, the little girl who adored her daddy?


What about HER?


He screwed HER over by doing what he did. Screw him for that. That girl lost a definite piece of her childhood that nothing can replace, simply because he was too selfish to think of who he left behind.


you can feel bad for "poor Mikey" all day long.


I'll reserve my sympathy for that little girl whose dad decided that she wasn't worth living for.


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Guest MikeSC
Don't judge somebody because they committed suicide. You don't know their situation.

He has a daughter whose life he damaged beyond repair.


Screw Mike.


If his little girl isn't reason enough for him to live, then we're better off without him anyway.


...Again, I reserve my sympathy for the innocent victim here

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Don't judge somebody because they committed suicide. You don't know their situation.

Mike does...hes a poli-sci guru ;)


Im sure Lockwood never thought of his daughter, and other suicide victims never consider their families either when they do this. Christ, you really are clueless to life and pain arent you?


For those of you that can so shittalk a man and his family's tragedy like this - I am very happy that you have never had to experience pain like this in your own life. Good for you I say, good for you. Hopefully you never have to either, because if you cant grasp the situation when it happens to someone youve never met Id hate to see how you will handle horrific pain and tragedy in your own life.

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Don't judge somebody because they committed suicide. You don't know their situation.

He has a daughter whose life he damaged beyond repair.


Screw Mike.


If his little girl isn't reason enough for him to live, then we're better off without him anyway.


...Again, I reserve my sympathy for the innocent victim here

I'm not just talking about Crash here. It pisses me off when people generalize all suicide victims into "why didn't they think about their families". How about those that don't have anyone to turn to in the first place? Who the fuck are they going to turn to for help?


Maybe I'm just pissed because I've got a lot of personal experience with suicide. But just don't fucking group everyone who's committed suicide into the same boat and say they were selfish for doing it. 'Cause that makes you ignorant.

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Guest Corino 1000

"Committing suicide because you can't deal with the physically wracking pain in your life is acceptable. If it brings you out of the terrible pain and misery, then I guess it's okay.


But over losing a job? Getting a divorce? These are good reasons for killing yourselves and ruining the lives of your family? Of your friends? Those are things you work through. They are NOT things to kill yourself over.


I said it before and I'll say it again - his suicide was a selfish decision. The people that were close to him now have to deal with a void in their life. But Lockwood doesn't. He hurt the people around him by finding an easy way out of his life. And I don't think that's fair to them.


I feel a lot worse for Steven Richards, at whose house he was "honored" to have Michael kill himself at, Lockwood's family that had to deal with the funeral arrangements and the fact that someone close is no longer in their lives because HE chose to take his life away, and Lockwood's friends."



You obviously have no idea what its like to be depressed don't you? Honestly just f*ck off. Who do think your are talking bad about Crash? So now please f*ck off!!!! :angry:

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You obviously have no idea what its like to be depressed don't you?


Hold on....let me find something I wrote earlier in this thread.....ah, here it is:


I have been through tough times in my life, but I've pulled through it for the people around me. That's the way it should be.


Honestly just f*ck off.




*fucks off*


Who do think your are talking bad about Crash?


Previous quote I had.....ah yes, I found it:


I didn't disrespect Lockwood as a person or as a professional wrestler. Hell, I didn't even call him a coward. I separated Michael Lockwood: The Person from Michael Lockwood: The Death. I disrespected the way he died because, in my opinion, it was a terribly selfish decision. But I know nothing about how he was as an individual, so I made sure not to bash his character.


So now please f*ck off!!!!


AGAIN?! But I just finished!! Oh, allright, fine.


*fucks off*


.....Listen, I understand that reading the comments of others is a tough concept to grasp, but please try it. You said I have no idea how it is to be depressed, but I HAVE been depressed before. Yet, I worked through it for the well-being of my family and my friends. I wouldn't commit suicide just because I can't stand the idea of putting them through all that grief. Lockwood should have pulled through for his daughter, for his family, for his friends.....he ended the tough stretch HE had going in his life just so he could bring OTHERS into a tough stretch of their lives. That's not fair and if I have to be one of the only ones here to point that out (as well as Mike), so be it.

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Guest Ghettoman

Yeah fuck him, how dare he take his own life because he couldn't handle a stress none of us have dealt with.


That low life peice of shit, he should of at least left a note!

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Guest JRE

So...did anyone else get the pain-pill pop-up ad when they clicked on this thread? Yes, I'm serious.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
So...did anyone else get the pain-pill pop-up ad when they clicked on this thread? Yes, I'm serious.

Yup, what the fuck was that?

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Yeah fuck him, how dare he take his own life because he couldn't handle a stress none of us have dealt with.


That low life peice of shit, he should of at least left a note!

Why yes, because nobody in the world has ever dealt with a divorce or losing their job before. Those are NOT reasons to kill yourself and hurt everyone around you. Was he crippled with cancer? Was he a paraplegic that needed a respirator to breathe? Was every step he took wrecked with pain? I don't think so.


He had a divorce.


He lost his job (and got a new one rather quickly)


And he killed himself.


Sorry, it's not a valid excuse. This stress is something that can be worked through for your loved ones.


I'm not trying to step all over Lockwood's life here. Far from it. But I certainly don't think he should be referred to as a "poor guy". Steven Richards is a poor guy for having a best friend kill himself in Steven's home. Lockwood's daughter is a poor girl because now she lives without a father. Michael had full power over how to continue his life, and he chose to end it. I just don't feel too bad for him because he knew perfectly well what he was doing, yet continued until he died. I feel much worse for the people around him.

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I'm not a big fan on how he died, but how dare people dis-respect the dead


So does that mean I can't say Hitler or Stalin were bad people because they're dead? Extreme example I know, but the principle is pretty much the same.


I for one feel bad both for Mikey who thought the only thing he could do was kill himself (the rights or wrongs about that disicion I really don't know about so I'm not going to pass judgment) *and* for his family, especially his daughter.

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Guest MikeSC
Don't judge somebody because they committed suicide. You don't know their situation.

Mike does...hes a poli-sci guru ;)


Im sure Lockwood never thought of his daughter, and other suicide victims never consider their families either when they do this. Christ, you really are clueless to life and pain arent you?

So, a selfish coward is worthy of sympathy?


Why not save a little for that little girl, whose dad was too selfish to live for her?

Why not for Steven Richards, whose best friend was such a dick that he killed himself in his house.


Lockwood is LOW on the totem pole of sympathy here. REAL low.

For those of you that can so shittalk a man and his family's tragedy like this - I am very happy that you have never had to experience pain like this in your own life. Good for you I say, good for you. Hopefully you never have to either, because if you cant grasp the situation when it happens to someone youve never met Id hate to see how you will handle horrific pain and tragedy in your own life.

And if you're going to empathize with the cowardly little turd rather than his precious little girl whose life has been completely turned upside down, then you have no real sense of priorities.

You obviously have no idea what its like to be depressed don't you? Honestly just

f*ck off. Who do think your are talking bad about Crash? So now please f*ck off!!!! 

Crash is a character. He's irrelevant.


Mike Lockwood is the issue here.




A little girl that, no doubt, idolized him.


And he, rather than get his act together for her benefit (you know, ACTING LIKE A FRIGGIN' FATHER INSTEAD OF A SELFISH JERK HERE), said "Screw her" and checked himself out.


Him killing himself doesn't matter to me. I DO NOT CARE THAT HE KILLED HIMSELF.


I AM pissed that he left a poor little girl who did NOTHInG to deserve this a life without her daddy. That's a hole that can't be repaired, and that selfish little prick decided that wallowing in his self-pity and drowning his sorrows in a bottle of pills was more important than being a father.


Screw him.


Yeah, I said it. Yeah, I mean it.


He has a daughter whose life is damaged beyond repair. The damage he did to her is immeasurable.


But some of you here are too busy with the hand-wringing over "Poor Crash".


What about that little girl, the REAL victim here? What about Steven Richards, who had his best friend off himself in his house? Why should the selfish one get the sympathy of a friggin' soul?


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

because he's dead and whether or not we agree with his actions it's still sad that someone is dead.

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Guest MikeSC
because he's dead and whether or not we agree with his actions it's still sad that someone is dead.

Yes, it's a shame anybody dies. But, I lose all respect when they kill themselves and leave their children without a parent.


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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I'm not disagreeing. I wouldn't take it to the extremes that you have but my sympathy would definetly be more for the daughter.


I've experinced the selfishness of Suicide. it's a bad situation.


Sometimes the person feels that the child will be better of without them. doesn't make them right of course, but when you're in that frame of mind you may not be thinking logicaly.

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Guest KJ Brackish
You obviously have no idea what its like to be depressed don't you?


Hold on....let me find something I wrote earlier in this thread.....ah, here it is:


I have been through tough times in my life, but I've pulled through it for the people around me. That's the way it should be.


Honestly just f*ck off.




*fucks off*


Who do think your are talking bad about Crash?


Previous quote I had.....ah yes, I found it:


I didn't disrespect Lockwood as a person or as a professional wrestler. Hell, I didn't even call him a coward. I separated Michael Lockwood: The Person from Michael Lockwood: The Death. I disrespected the way he died because, in my opinion, it was a terribly selfish decision. But I know nothing about how he was as an individual, so I made sure not to bash his character.


So now please f*ck off!!!!


AGAIN?! But I just finished!! Oh, allright, fine.


*fucks off*


.....Listen, I understand that reading the comments of others is a tough concept to grasp, but please try it. You said I have no idea how it is to be depressed, but I HAVE been depressed before. Yet, I worked through it for the well-being of my family and my friends. I wouldn't commit suicide just because I can't stand the idea of putting them through all that grief. Lockwood should have pulled through for his daughter, for his family, for his friends.....he ended the tough stretch HE had going in his life just so he could bring OTHERS into a tough stretch of their lives. That's not fair and if I have to be one of the only ones here to point that out (as well as Mike), so be it.

I just thought I'd let you know you're my new favorite hero Mr. NY Untouchable after this post sir. You have officially earned my respect. I'm going to cast a lvl 33 respect aura on you (sorry...too much Diablo: LOD)



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Guest TDinDC1112

I have no respect for someone who commits suicide. Everyone's life is hard. Committing suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do. I have no time to feel sorry for someone like that.

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