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Guest Mikey2Dope

The "What Film(s) Did You Watch Today" Thread

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Guest Evolution

Notorious - 10/10

One of Hitchcock's finest, moves very fast at just over 90 minutes, and is simply a brilliant story that ages well.


North By Northwest - 10/10

Ditto here, I've been deprived to have never seen a Cary Grant flick before these two, this one is an exciting trip across America, including some almost surrealistic scenes at time (like the cropdusting scene and the Mount Rushmore scene)


Both very fine movies.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

This morning, even though it doesn't fit the theme exactly, inspired by a BanPlz thread, I woke up and watched:





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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Mallrats (with commentary track on) - 10/10

Which makes it perfect... When most critics would give it nothing...




Oh well, I might not give it a perfect score, but I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan, so it's gonna be up there.


And does your rating include the audio commentary?

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Guest Askewniverse
And does your rating include the audio commentary?




Pulp Fiction - 9/10

The Godfather Part II - 10/10

that's insane, that's like six hours of film. i can only imagine the internal monologue that inspired this:


"wow, what a great, long movie 'pulp fiction' is. i'm exhausted. what should i do now?...oh, i know! i'll watch 'the godfather part II'! THAT'LL get me energized!"

Heh, I just noticed this. For the record, I didn't watch the movies back-to-back. I watched Pulp Fiction the previous night and watched Godfather II in the morning.

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Guest Fook

Eurotrip - 3/10. Not a good movie. The characters were unfunny stereotypes and outright sucked, the supposedly "funny" sequences were completely stupid and were ludicrously set up, and the plot has larger holes than Paris Hilton after a gang bang.

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Guest MikeSC

I saw "The Goonies" for the first time in years. To quote myself from my discussion of the game "Chronicles of Riddick", it kicks so much ass your neighbor's ass will hurt. Loved it as a kid --- still love it.


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Guest MissMattitude
I saw Monster yesterday. I guess I'd give it 8/10, if only for Theron's performance.

I really want to see that. I watched Nick Brromfield's documentary on Aileen Wuornos, actually I think it was the second one he had made about her. It lead right up to her execution. i have seen some pictures of Charlize, and I couldn't believe the likeness.


I watched Big Fish for the first time today, fucking superb.

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night-before-last through last night: 'notorious', for the 3rd time. i pimp this whenever there's a hitchcock discussion, and it gets better every time i see it. this time around, it just might have topped 'vertigo'. claude rains owns this movie.


last night: 'battle royale'. eh. great concept, but it turned into a typical american action movie that starred japanese kids.


last night through this morning: 'good morning'. another disappointment, especially after hearing so much about how consistent a director ozu was. he does great detailed observations on the way people go through their day and interact with each other (the relationship between the two brothers was pitch-perfect & very understated), but the story never went anywhere, and ozu never really gave me a reason to care about the characters.

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Guest El Satanico

Down With Love


It's a good, fun movie with some good performances.

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Guest El Satanico

School of Rock: 7.5/10


A very fun movie, which was alot better than I expected. The fact that all the kids actually knew how to play, makes it even better. If you give Jack Black something decent to work with and let him go nuts without losing control of him, you'll get a good movie.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Brought this on DVD as a blind purchase.



Mission Impossible II (2000) - (6.5/10)

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