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Lil' Bitch

The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

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Guest Banders Kennany

Shows that you could make a case for being up there IMO:



Men Behaving Badly


Angel (soon)



Is The Boondocks a cartoon of the comic strip?

Apparently it is. Dayyyyyyyy-um. I don't know if that'll transfer well to a cartoon. But it's a damn good strip, and Baby Blues and Dilbert were decent cartoon shows for meh comic strips.....so, I'll definitely look forward to this.

Baby Blues and Dilb were nothing like the strips though. Baby Blues (the strip) was really for moms and people who like predictable humor while the show was a lot like other animated network comedies. Also Dilbert got a big push from Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld guesting in one episode, but it was not good enough to stay. I thought that was surprising, since UPN has the shittest ratings. You would think me and some idiot would watch a show as an exclusive audience and that would make it there top-rated money bringer.


Why is KOTH still around and same with 70's Show?

KOTH is a show many people probably think is canceled because of its terrible time slot. It's becoming FOX's version of Just Shoot Me the way that baby is treated.



7:00 Football

7:30 King of the Hill

What is Football about? I assume it's not actual football, because that would take up more than a tiny half-hour chunk.

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7:00 Football

7:30 King of the Hill

What is Football about? I assume it's not actual football, because that would take up more than a tiny half-hour chunk.

It's the overlapping last half hour from the last game (which doomed Futurama to hell).

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Men Behaving Badly started good...but completly lost it when they changed the main guy.


And Two Guys, A Girl, And a Pizza Place started great...but pooped off midway through season 2

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And Two Guys, A Girl, And a Pizza Place started great...but pooped off midway through season 2

That's not true.


I'm watching all the reruns on WE (Womens Entertainment)...don't ask.


Anyway...with my DVR I tape it every day and then put them on VHS to save...I've found that season 1 is nowhere near as funny as season 4...which is the exact opposite of what I thought before. I used to think the show sucked at the end...but have discovered I was wrong in hindsight.

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I think I just got bored with it and quite durring season 3

So did I.


I really started losing it with the show right when they brought in Johnny and Ashley and Irene.


Suddenly it was 2 guy, a girl...and three people I don't like.


So I totally agree with when you think it got bad...


I've just been surprised by how much better the show was after that than I expected.

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Holy shit.


How did THE BOONDOCKS get picked up by FOX of all places? Either this will turn out like Daria did and be a success DESPITE being on a network that exemplifies what the show criticizes, or it'll be totally neutered and be more about Riley than Huey.


With any luck this will turn out great, though, especially if Aaron's writing it.

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Guest El Satanico

We know why bps now likes the later seasons of 2 Guys and a Girl.


Because the main dude from Firefly is in them.

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We know why bps now likes the later seasons of 2 Guys and a Girl.


Because the main dude from Firefly is in them.

Actually...he still isn't very good on 2 Guys and a Girl.


He came a long way as an actor since then.

I actually just watched Nathan in a decent direct-to-video thriller Water's Edge, that I assume he filmed after Firefly wrapped up.

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Guest Cerebus

I guess this is from the 90s because the bastards skipped out on Max Headroom :angry:

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You know...there were only 16 episodes before Johnny showed up...

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After season 2 I think they took it out of the title.

Mad TV had a hilarious skit at that time when network executives decided that people were liking the Pizza Place, but thought that the Two Guys & Girl needed to go. So essentially, the show turned into a security camera angled view of a pizza shop, with the ratings going down for things like the soda machine bring broken.


Odd, but it got a good laugh out of me.

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