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Lil' Bitch

The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

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You call a lesbian witch struggling with an addiction to magic and a problem with overcompensating to help others as well as trouble expressing herself bland? A vampire who tortured and killed people for over two centuries but then was cursed with a soul and if he ever has a true moment of happiness he is reverted back to his evil self which he hates, who is in love with a teenage girl struggling with the fact that she was chosen to fight vampires and other demons and has isolation problems, BLAND?

I call that really fucking stupid.

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Oh and by the way, The Critic.


It was the Family Guy of '95: concentrated goodness that wouldn't have been so loved if it lasted longer. Also: Mid 90s Simpsons was a lot better, what was running alongside Family Guy sucked in comparison and made Family Guy look even better.

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I never got into the live version of Tick, though I'll have to Netflix it to judge fairly. My So-Called Life I can't really cry over, as it gave way for a lot of really good (and really good, albeit) teen dramas. I never got enough experience with Ben Stiller and The Mr. Show, but from what I've seen, I've liked. I fucking hated Firefly. Just couldn't get into it.


Here's my list, in no particular order: Family Guy, Homicide, Freaks and Greeks, Undeclared, Fastlane, John Doe, Andy Richter, Boston Public, MSTK3000, Off Centre, Clerks (fucking awesome, by the way), Becker, Daria (would've liked to see the show taken to college), and a few others that I'm surely missing.

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No love for Erie, Indiana? For shame people, it starred the guy from Hocus Pocus for crying out loud! Also was The Adventures of Pete & Pete cancelled? If so that might get a vote from me in the write-in section.

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How the hell could I forget The Critic? Thanks, TCR. That show got shafted by two networks (ABC and FUX, as in fucks up anything not named Simpsons, reality shows and immediate hits), a cable network who shows its reruns late at night (Com. Central) and shockwave.com!

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Guest Choken One
I never got into the live version of Tick, though I'll have to Netflix it to judge fairly. My So-Called Life I can't really cry over, as it gave way for a lot of really good (and really good, albeit) teen dramas. I never got enough experience with Ben Stiller and The Mr. Show, but from what I've seen, I've liked. I fucking hated Firefly. Just couldn't get into it.


Here's my list, in no particular order: Family Guy, Homicide, Freaks and Greeks, Undeclared, Fastlane, John Doe, Andy Richter, Boston Public, MSTK3000, Off Centre, Clerks (fucking awesome, by the way), Becker, Daria (would've liked to see the show taken to college), and a few others that I'm surely missing.

Boston Public was canceled?


I swore it was still on friday nights...

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Guest El Satanico

Boston Public was on its last legs and it was moved to Fridays. After the move it was on Friday for at least a few weeks, but then it disappeared.



The Critic was cancelled because it was too smart for it's own good and went over the head of midwestern humanoids. This is also why I'm surprised Arrected Development is still alive.

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Did Boston Public survive past the season premiere? I remember watching the season premiere after a LOT of hype and never found it again.

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Did Boston Public survive past the season premiere? I remember watching the season premiere after a LOT of hype and never found it again.

It lasted until last month and was removed for Feb. sweeps. It looks like it won't return back, since they ordered 15 episodes (aired 11 so far, but will air other stuff for rest of season, may play other 4 + series finale during summer)

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Guest Choken One
This is also why I'm surprised Arrected Development is still alive.

And the weird thing is, I just heard it'll be renewed for a 2nd season.

:D :D :D :D :D

that's because the head of Fox is HIGH on it and it's it's #1 critical hit...


That's how Sports Night survived two seasons dispite shitty ratings...


I'm expecting them to try to stick A.D with The O.C Somehow.

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This is also why I'm surprised Arrected Development is still alive.

And the weird thing is, I just heard it'll be renewed for a 2nd season.

:D :D :D :D :D

that's because the head of Fox is HIGH on it and it's it's #1 critical hit...


That's how Sports Night survived two seasons dispite shitty ratings...


I'm expecting them to try to stick A.D with The O.C Somehow.

I would hate it if they did that. I like how it fits in that Sunday block. And if they did you said, I'd have to choose between Smallville or A.D. (which Smallville wins).


BTW, are they bringing back Oliver Beene after this season? It's much better than anybody gives it credit for (Andrew Lawrence, the only good Lawrence; and Grant Shaud, who plays Oliver's dad, both absolutely rule)

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Guest El Satanico

24 has more of an audience that may be interested in AD than The O.C.


AD should just follow The Simpsons. Sunday is Fox's comedy night and always has been it seems.


Unless Fox is just running off the unaired episodes, Oliver Beane seems to be Fox's midseason replacement show. I agree that it gets sold short by nearly everyone and I think it's because it's so much like Wonder Years.

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Guest Choken One

The O.C is Fox's biggest show going right now...Not 24.


Hell, 24 might not have a 4th season anyways.

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Guest El Satanico

Yeah, but I can't see being the lead in for The O.C. as helping AD. The majority of The O.C.'s audience aren't going to be into it.

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Hmm.....I just saw a tentative 2004-5 Fox schedule....Beene's gone and Boston Public hangs on AND moves to Wednesday before OC. I can't really complain, it looks good!



7:00 Football

7:30 King of the Hill

8:00 The Simpsons

8:30 Arrested Development

9:00 Malcolm in the Middle

9:30 American Dad (Seth MacFarlane's new project)



8:00 The Bernie Mac Show

8:30 Cracking Up

9:00 Wonderfalls



8:00 That 70's Show

8:30 The Boondocks

9:00 24



8:00 Boston Public

9:00 The O.C.



8:00 ---------whatever they want to put there-----



8:00 World's Craziest Videos

8:30 Tottaly Outrageous Behavior

9:00 The Jury



8:00 Cops

9:00 America's Most Wanted

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Guest Choken One

Putting Boston Public before The O.C is a good idea...as they will likey EASILY slip American Idol 4 in that spot for the winter/spring season...


Why is KOTH still around and same with 70's Show?


70's show should be DONE now (since they lost kutcher anyways)...


Also is Fox's Saturday Night (cops/AMW) the longest lasting primetime lineup ever?

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Guest El Satanico
70's show should be DONE now (since they lost kutcher anyways)...

Next season will be the final season. Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace agreed to do one more season.



Is The Boondocks a cartoon of the comic strip? Cracking Up and Wonderfalls both have potential. American Dad sounds kinda stupid, but I'll give it a chance.

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Is The Boondocks a cartoon of the comic strip?

Apparently it is. Dayyyyyyyy-um. I don't know if that'll transfer well to a cartoon. But it's a damn good strip, and Baby Blues and Dilbert were decent cartoon shows for meh comic strips.....so, I'll definitely look forward to this.

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The Critic was cancelled because it was too smart for it's own good and went over the head of midwestern humanoids.

Hey, I'm a "midwestern humanoid," and when The Critic was on first-run on Fox, I got a surprising number of jokes as a 4th-grader.

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Hmm.....I just saw a tentative 2004-5 Fox schedule....Beene's gone and Boston Public hangs on AND moves to Wednesday before OC. I can't really complain, it looks good!



9:30 American Dad (Seth MacFarlane's new project)



9:00 Wonderfalls



8:00 Boston Public



9:00 The Jury

Awesome, for the most part. I'm hoping that MacFarlane will be able to make another awesome project.


Wonderfalls (a very funny and weird dramedy that is having its premiere the second Friday of March) and The Jury (another fucking cop show) look to only be getting picked up if they do well in their midseason runs. No idea when The Jury will actually premiere, or if they have enough faith in it to start it off on Friday nights next season. And by the way, talk about some GREAT lead-ins. At least Fox finally realized (partly) that they'll never be satisfied with the ratings for a Thursday or Friday show.


Boston Public LIVES!!!!!! YES!!!!! Holy shit. Fuck NWA TNA up their asses until the midnight replay! YES!!!!!


I wish they'd just let Bernie Mac die. My Wife and Kids, which isn't that good in the first place > Mac.


I'm actually anticipating the WB's predicted line-up for 2004-05. I stumbled upon Grounded for Life last night, and shockingly, the show's actually very funny.


What's the source for this, by the way?

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I thought it was dead after so many replacements in the friday spot but IT LIVES!!!


I want more of the goth girl storyline!

Exactly. Marla offered to adopt her, and wham, cut to fucking black, last episode ever. AHHHHHH!


Thank God that Fox is too lazy to develop another show.


And by the way, to whomever praised Oliver Beene, I have to partially agree. A lot of the jokes are way too campy, but I did enjoy this one.


Oliver's looking at the palm of his hand.

Older brother: Talking to your girlfriend?

Oliver: What?

Older brother: Ohhh. Wait a few years.

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I thought it was dead after so many replacements in the friday spot but IT LIVES!!!


I want more of the goth girl storyline!

Exactly. Marla offered to adopt her, and wham, cut to fucking black, last episode ever. AHHHHHH!


Thank God that Fox is too lazy to develop another show.


And by the way, to whomever praised Oliver Beene, I have to partially agree. A lot of the jokes are way too campy, but I did enjoy this one.


Oliver's looking at the palm of his hand.

Older brother: Talking to your girlfriend?

Oliver: What?

Older brother: Ohhh. Wait a few years.

Yeah, there was another campy but funny scene with Oliver on a bus with a thermos of pea soup:


*Oliver fumbles with soup, gets it open, some spills on shirt and the thermos and cup fall out the bus window into another car*

Kid: What happened to you?

Oliver: I.......uhhh lost my lunch.

*looks over to car, which has sped away*



And there was something in the same episode about the backstory of a kid named One Nad Fitzsimmons. He was running with scissors...(they showed a flashback with him falling, cut away, and he screams)

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I read the plot for American Dad, and it looks like Seth either has a smash or another Family Guy-esque cult favorite on his hands. If the promos say "From the creator of Family Guy..." I don't know if I will mark out or place a curse on Rupert Murdock and company. Probably both.


Arrested Development is one of the funniest shows on TV along with Scrubs and Monk. Everything on Fox's Sunday lineup is good except for The Simpsons. Although I did laugh a lot when Homer did the dolphin impression last week.


Cancel Bernie Mac. He's way overrated, as is his show.


I also heard that The Jury isn't a cop show. It's got a different cast every week playing a jury deliberating on a case. Could be interesting.


Oliver Beene is great. It's like The Wonder Years meets... um... something much funnier? I loved it when the gay kid's dog blew up. It just seemed so random.


Oh, and hooray for Boston Public. Vey good show. I also hope The Practice comes back. James Spader has completely OWNED that show since joining.

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Guest Choken One

I like the concept of The Jury.


It sounds like a 24 episode season of 12 Angry Men...


It would allow for many "big name" stars to appear...

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