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Guest Redhawk

Great questions in wrestling

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Why is it that Ric Flair keeps climbing the top rope, when he hasn't been successfull in NOT getting caught for like 30 years now?



Why is it that during a big feud where a wrestler does something dastardly to another wrestler which leads to a match..........the wrestler waiting in the ring allows the other wrestler to go through his entire entrance including poses and stuff without jumping him?

Well, he DID win his 2nd NWA Title with a flying bodypress...


Also, when Test and Eddie Guerrero were feuding over the European Title, they should have had Test act all confused and dumb when Eddie said, "Esse." Esse...Test...Yes, I am channeling Brian Gewirtz.

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Guest OnlyMe
Because he hit his OWN guy...any good ref would see through that...

So? It's not the referee's job to determine motive or whatever. He's there to uphold the rules.

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I've heard JR once say that wrestling Test was a true test of your wrestling ability.


Jake Roberts used to bring Damien into the Rumble to the clear the ring and then the refs would make him get rid of it. My best guess here is that while using a weapon would not get dq'ed in the Rumble, it's not wanted and refs will make you get rid of the weapon before hitting the ring.


I've seen Flair hit stuff from up top dozens of times. It's not like he always gets slammed off the top, just like 90% of the time.


Let me ask OnlyMe this, what good would a DQ win of a manager hitting his own guy do? How would this get him over or push him higher up the card or in line for a title shot?


Usually in a tag match when the heels do the false tag they are in control. When the face makes the tag that the ref doesn't seen, it's usually while he is getting a major ass beatdown. So the referee simply assumes that the heels made the legal tag, because they easily could have while he doesn't believe the face did because he easily could not have. It's reasonable doubt.

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Here's one. Jazz's finisher is the STF. What does the STF stand for?

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Guest Fook

STF = Stepover toehold facelock



I don't think you quite get the point of this thread.

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Well, eiker, because that wouldn't be too fun. I believe the point of most No-DQ matches is that the competitors don't particularly like each other, and would prefer to cause as much punishment as possible. Besides, that'd be boring. A roshambo contest live on Pay-Per-View? Snoozefest.


Why don't hardcore wrestlers actually MOVE the cheesegrater when they put it against somebody's forehead? (please answer in terms of kayfabe)

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Well, skin is a lot tougher and thicker than your average cheese, so the grater would quickly get gummed up with skin and blood after about the first couple of gratings. There is also the idea that vigorous grating would cause the guy too much pain and he would fight back hard out of instinct or runaway too fast. Also, while the wrestlers truly hate each other, they don't want to kill each other. Cutting a man's forehead right down to the bone could kill him and a guy doesn't want to spend his whole life in jail for cheesegrating someone to death.

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If a wrestler comes out during a match and distracts Wrestler X just by being there (not actually interfering into the match by hitting him with whatever) so that Wrestler X loses the match, is Wrestler Y's win clean?

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No. Any kind of interference takes away from the cleanliness of the victory. Even if a wrestler was distracted by a HUGE EXPLOSION in the crowd and it caused him to get pinned, it still wouldn't technically be clean.

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Because he hit his OWN guy...any good ref would see through that...

So? It's not the referee's job to determine motive or whatever. He's there to uphold the rules.

That actually is a good point.


You never know in a situation like that, the Manager could make it look like he is turning but then after the DQ it turns out to be a ~SWERVE!


Wouldn't work though as smarks would see it MILES away!



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Kayfabe wise, when someone is crotched up top, why do they cooperate with the guy going for the superplex instead of just shoving him off the top rope? Obviously they shove him off when it's booked that way, but to me the superplex always seems contrived because the recipient has to stand up and help the attacker get the move off.

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Because he hit his OWN guy...any good ref would see through that...

So? It's not the referee's job to determine motive or whatever. He's there to uphold the rules.

That actually is a good point.


You never know in a situation like that, the Manager could make it look like he is turning but then after the DQ it turns out to be a ~SWERVE!


Wouldn't work though as smarks would see it MILES away!



Agreed on the rules standpoint.


If I see the guy's manager attack him, it's still a DQ, because it's classified as Forbidden Involvment From Outside Party, aka He Ain't In The Match.

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