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Gert T

Tag title matches at WM

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I was thinking with so many matches being added to WM as well as filler (Playboy Gown Match), should there be two tag titles matches? Along with not really much behind the tag title scenarios gaining steam should they just take 2 teams from SD! and 2 from Raw and have a 4 team elimination match, just for bragging rights, not necessarily for any titles, since they seem to be hell bent on getting as many people on as possible.

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But that will make the other brand's team look bad if they lose! We can't have that happen bah gawd!

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The sad thing is all the REAL teams on RAW suck and SD has no real teams except APA & WGTT, and niether are champs. I am NOT looking foward to the Tag Title matches at WM.

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Guest Choken One

Sadly it looks like


we're reduced to Booker/RVD Vs Le Resistance and APA/Too Cool/WGTT/Bashams.


Ideally...Booker/RVD vs WGTT in a Tag Team Interpromotional Match.


Was Flair's injury THAT bad they just HAD to rush the titles off him where they could have LEAST had RVD/Booker "FINALLY" win the titles after that long three week chase...


Seriously, just sent Le Resistance(re-package them), booker/RVD and Dudleys to Smackdown and absolve the WORLD TAG titles into the "WWE Tag TITLE"....and Raw "gets" Edge, Rhyno and Some other Hoss.

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The only interpromotional tag match I'd settle for would be TWGTT vs. either Booker & RVD or Dudleys. I think either of those could be a great match.

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TWGTT vs. Booker T and RVD, unify them. RVD/Booker T win, they jumpship to Smackdown! because of some loophole about unifying titles, and get away from HHH to have a fresh start.

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If they really wanted to get a lot of people on the PPV, why not the the 2nd APA Bar Room Brawl featuring people from Raw and SmackDown

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If they really wanted to get a lot of people on the PPV, why not the the 2nd APA Bar Room Brawl featuring people from Raw and SmackDown

Because it sucked the first time. And besides, why should The Easter Bunny get a WM payoff?

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Guest Choken One

They could always go with the traditional Battle Royal but since they already have a CW OPEN, a Three Way World Title match and likely 3-5 other multiple person matches...


WMXX is REALLY turning into WM15/2000 here.


The only person that doesn't have a slot yet that SHOULD is Matt Hardy...(and they could logically put him into the CW Open which would work since it's a OPEN and Matt can always use "The former champion" clause)


I don't really care if Le Resistance, Duds, and other assorted jobbers don't get in there.

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They could always go with the traditional Battle Royal but since they already have a CW OPEN, a Three Way World Title match and likely 3-5 other multiple person matches...


WMXX is REALLY turning into WM15/2000 here.


The only person that doesn't have a slot yet that SHOULD is Matt Hardy...(and they could logically put him into the CW Open which would work since it's a OPEN and Matt can always use "The former champion" clause)


I don't really care if Le Resistance, Duds, and other assorted jobbers don't get in there.

Agreed, I think there should be a battle royal at least on Heat. Personally, though, I'd rather see Lance Storm on the card than Matt Hardy. I've been digging Storm & Venis tag matches, so I wouldn't mind watching them face La Resistance on Heat or something. But if they just threw that match on the WM card, then that would be pretty old school.

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Guest Anglesault

WGTT has been buried in favor of WMBTT, 2 Cool and APA, so I don't want to see a SD! Tag title match.


There is NO reason for the Bashams to be on another PPV.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly but in this day and age...we MUST have a fucking reason.


Random Matches on PPV died in 1997.


I love watching WM3, WM5 and WM7 when most matches DIDN'T have a purpose...

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Guest Choken One
WGTT has been buried in favor of WMBTT, 2 Cool and APA, so I don't want to see a SD! Tag title match.


There is NO reason for the Bashams to be on another PPV.



World's Most Boring Tag Team...


Who would that be? I thought you already mentioned APA.

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Guest Choken One

I know...I was just saying I think APA is worst then Bashams.


At least it's FRESH crap...as opposed to putrid 6 year old crap

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Guest Anglesault

The APA has about 8 million times the heat of the Bashams, and I personally think they wrestle a smarter match than the Bashams. APA matches are never GOOD, but I don't find them to ever be boring matches. They know when to work in their big power or stiff spots and whatnot.


The Bashams work the most boring, basic match on earth with absolutely no big spots to speak of. Isn't their finisher a Side Russian Legsweep?


And Faarooq is a better character than both Bashams together.

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Guest Choken One

What is his "Character" really?


Beer Drinking Tough Ass Black Guy that has a KILLER catchphase...

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Guest Anglesault

I always thought hewas the grizzled veteran who thought he'd seen it all, but keeps getting proven wrong.

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Guest Choken One

That's true...


New Topic...


What was Simmons's best "Dayum~! "?


I mean, Situation, delivery, reaction..etc

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Exactly but in this day and age...we MUST have a fucking reason.


Random Matches on PPV died in 1997.


I love watching WM3, WM5 and WM7 when most matches DIDN'T have a purpose...

Actually, they made a comeback in the summer/fall of 1998. Fully Loaded and Breakdown I remember were loaded with pointless matches like Bradshaw & Terry Funk vs. Faarooq & Scorpio, Venis vs. Jarrett, Gangrel vs. D'Lo, Too Much vs. Al Snow & Scorpio, Droz vs. Marc Mero, Edge vs. Owen Hart, and more at the next few PPVs, too. And yes, I remember all those.

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That's true...


New Topic...


What was Simmons's best "Dayum~! "?


I mean, Situation, delivery, reaction..etc

I liked the Easter bunny one from Vengeance 2003.

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Guest Choken One

the best ones are the ones involving hot girls...


Esp when he drops the cigar...

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Seriously, just sent Le Resistance(re-package them), booker/RVD and Dudleys to Smackdown and absolve the WORLD TAG titles into the "WWE Tag TITLE"....and Raw "gets" Edge, Rhyno and Some other Hoss.

SD gets screwed in that deal. As it is they're lacking in star power anyway, something the freakin' Dudleyz aren't going to help too much.


APA matches are never GOOD, but I don't find them to ever be boring matches. They know when to work in their big power or stiff spots and whatnot.


I agree. Hardyz taking sick-looking moves from them (including a wicked-looking Dominator on Jeff one time) were always a cool match highlight.

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The Tag Team Scene as been so bare lately that it probobly wouldn't hurt to combine the two belt and just have one set of tag champs between two shows.

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Guest Choken One

The shitty thing is they COULD if they tried


-WGTT (Playing the Top Team in the land)

-Dudleyz (Always Over)

-Bashams (Mid-Card Heel Team)

-London/Kidman (Rockers 2.0)

-Palumbo/Stamboli (Mid-Card BIG heels)

-Rikishi/Jamal (Headshrinkers 2.0)

-Rhyno/A-Train (Big Man Team)

-Le Resistance (Rougeaus 2.0)

-Tough Enough III kids (Old-School Face team ala RNRexpress)


Put two Matches a night on Smackdown...Make us care about those teams...it's not that they DON'T have the teams...they just dont use them...for anything but Velocity.

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Guest Coffey

I was just thinking about Tag Teams the other day. WWE has a lot more teams than I realized, although some are more recognized than others:

  1. The Dudley Boyz
  2. The Hurricane & Rosey
  3. La Resistance
  4. Jindrak & Cade
  5. Benjamin & Hass
  6. The APA
  7. London & Kidman
  8. The FBI
  9. The Basham Bros.
  10. RVD & Booker T.
  11. Rikishi & Scotty Too Hotty
  12. Akio & Sakota
Twelve teams is most definitely enough teams to build a division around. The problem is they are spread out between two shows.

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