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Guest wildpegasus

Raw House Show results

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Guest wildpegasus



by 1Wrestling.com



Submitted by Maria S. Johnson

The National Anthem was interrupted by La Resistance


Lance Storm vs Rene Dupree

Usual tie-up at the beginning with a lot of back and forth chain wrestling. Whatever Dupree came up with, Lance would counter until Conway distracts Storm and Dupree takes over. Dupree beats on Lance until Lance connects with an impressive dropkick then Conway interferes. Storm knocks him off the apron, Dupree with a dropkick to Storm's gut, Lance recovers and ties Dupree up with a Boston crab for the submission win.

Good opener and great crowd reaction for Lance.


Dudleys vs Jindrak and Cade

Teddy Long comes in and flaps his chops at the Duds. People start shouting for tables. Teddy asks Finkel if he's been drinking again cause he sure smells like it. Crowd laughs. He's Co-GM for the "night" and threatens to fire Finkel if he catches him drinking.

Cade rolls out before Bubba Ray finally smacks him in the mouth and Bubba says he'll do it again. Cade kicks him in the gut and takes over, Bubba re-coups, tags in D-Von. Cade tags Jindrak in. D-Von takes out both, back body drops Jindrak before tagging in Bubba again. Action goes back and forth before Bubba drops Jindrak on his head. 2 count for Bubba. Both guys do the ropes. Cade slingshots Bubba on the top rope and takes over. Ref is constantly trying to get D-Von out as both guys continue to beat on Bubba. Cade gets Bubba in the camel clutch for a long time. Finally, tag is made to D-Von, who comes in guns a blazing. D-Von goes up for the "What's up?" and Teddy Long gets on the apron. Jindrak pushes D-Von off the top turnbuckle and Cade rolls him up and pins him for the win.

Good match. Great crowd reaction!


Matt Hardy vs Nick Dinsmore

Dinsmore starts off with punches. Hardy throws him in the corner and follows up with a back body drop. Lots of mat wrestling by Dinsmore. Hardy takes over and wins with the Twist of Fate.

Hardy actually got cheered. He didn't play the heel role at all.


Horshu vs Val Venis

The crowd didn't pay too much attention but Venis wins with the Money Shot. A lot of punching and kicking.


World Tag Team Tile Match - Randy Orton and Batista vs Rob Van Dam and Booker T

In short, Randy took some moves--he took a scissors kick and RVD's 5 Star and the pin.

RVD got the biggest crowd response. He got Booker to do a spinaroonie while he was sitting split ways on the ropes.




Teddy Long comes out to preach again. He calls out Chris Benoit. He runs his flap at Benoit so Benoit puts him in the crossface. That was great. Got great crowd reaction.


Hurricane vs Kane

What else--a squashing by Kane. Hurricane got in a couple of shots at the beginning but then Kane pummeled him. Kane, at one point, was going for the chokeslam and the Undertaker's music started. Crowd went nuts for that. He ended up chokeslamming Hurricane anyway for the win.

Hurricane got a good ovation.


Christian vs Chris Jericho

Christian calls Trish "trailer park trash" like the rest of the people here in Chattanooga. Jericho walked out slowly then he came storming in and started beating Christian. He threw him over the top rope and then went outside. Christian tries to take off to the back but Jericho goes after him and brings him back. Jericho goes for the Liontamer. Christian gets to the ropes and breaks the hold. More back and forth action then Jericho goes for the lionsault and jams his knee. Then Christian goes to work on him for a while. Christian tried standing to work the knee more and Jericho kicked him in the ass into the middle turnbuckle. Christian gets Jericho in the Liontamer and holds it for a few minutes. Jericho breaks the hold and gets the roll-up for the win.

Christian attacks him after the match and works on his knee some more. Jericho played the knee injury very well and put on a great match to boot. This was probably the best overall match on the card. These two should have a great match at Mania. They work well together.


Women's World Title---Triple Threat Jazz vs Victoria vs Molly Holly

Jazz and Molly go after Victoria first. They beat on her for a few minutes. She re-coups and throws Molly out of the ring so it's down to her and Jazz. She catches Jazz in the Widow's Peak for the win.


World Title Match-- Chris Benoit vs Triple H

Earlier, after Benoit had put Long in the crossface, he got up and told HHH that he was going to win the World Title in Chattanooga, Tennessee and that HHH would be the challenger instead of the champ at Mania.


Anyway, this match went about 20 minutes. These two work good together. It's unfortunate that they are not having a one on one battle at Mania.


Lots of mat wrestling between the two but when they needed to go to the air, they did. HHH even came off the top rope. Benoit hit the flying headbutt. He had HHH in the sharpshooter too which got broken because HHH reached the ropes. Orton and Batista came in. Randy got knocked down and rolled outside then Batista tried to come in but Benoit nailed him before he made it in then HHH nailed Benoit with Orton's title belt and hit the pedigree for the win.

Benoit got a great ovation afterwards.








Undertaker's music



La Resistance (for interrupting the anthem)




HHH even got cheered and Orton and Batista got jeered but not badly.

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Benoit put Theodore in the Crossface? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*wonders if we'll see that happen on tonight's show.

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World Tag Team Tile Match - Randy Orton and Batista vs Rob Van Dam and Booker T

In short, Randy took some moves--he took a scissors kick and RVD's 5 Star and the pin.

RVD got the biggest crowd response. He got Booker to do a spinaroonie while he was sitting split ways on the ropes.










Undertaker's music

RVD is the most over guy on the RAW roster and he's stuck with the tag team belts instead of main eventing Mania for the World title, HBK doesn't deserve to be there at all.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
RVD is the most over guy on the RAW roster and he's stuck with the tag team belts instead of main eventing Mania for the World title, HBK doesn't deserve to be there at all.

Blah blah blah.


Who has had more **** matches in the past year? Who has more credibility as a main eventer? Who can you always rely on to steal the show at a big event? Not RVD and his stale, "unorthodox" offense. Quit bitching.

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RVD is the most over guy on the RAW roster and he's stuck with the tag team belts instead of main eventing Mania for the World title, HBK doesn't deserve to be there at all.

Blah blah blah.


Who has had more **** matches in the past year? Who has more credibility as a main eventer? Who can you always rely on to steal the show at a big event? Not RVD and his stale, "unorthodox" offense. Quit bitching.

If you are talking about HBK, the guy only had 2 **** matches, one with Jericho and the other with HHH.I don't remember any of these so called 4* matches, unless you were watching his dvd when Shawn was in his prime and you thought they were from 2003. The majority on this board knows that Shawn can't have back to back matches like he use to b/c his best days are already gone.HBK is a part time wrestler and friends with HHH that's why he's getting this undeserving push not because he is a great wrestler, but b/c he is kissing the right ass.

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When was the last time RVD has really been given the chance to have a **** match? I mean, seriously... when was the last time he had enough time and a worthy opponent (Randy Orton doesn't count).

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Exactly, and a good reason for him to have a 5* match, the guy is a tag champ and he still doesn't have a feud for Mania, and he hasn't been in a real feud since 2002 with HHH.

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