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Guest Cerebus

The McCain-Feingold Bill

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Guest Cerebus
Why the fuck do I even try.

No idea.

Yeah so I take it you read what I posted above? I didn't think so.

I did.


Is it basically saying that the Democrat's anti-Bush ads are illegal with soft money?


Obviously they should be...

Uh...no not really but I'm sick of this. If you want to REALLY learn about what McCain-Feingold is feel free to PM me, email me, or IM me (it's all down below). If not, just go on the way you're going with your worthless rhetoric. I'm beyond caring at this point.

Duder, do you happen to know where Tyler went? At least his rhetoric seemed a little more....thought out.


It seems the intellectual quota of the liberal posters in this folder has dropped significantly.

Im not a liberal...thats time #50 million for the special education class.


Its good so see youve chosen to steal ann coulter's philosophy of 'everyone not republican is a liberal', it makes your arguement all the better when you dont even understand the basic concepts and names of the polical parties. ;)

Calling us in special ed? Don't you think you should stop being so sophomoric duder?;)

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