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Guest wayzing

Will The Rock make the fans turn on Foley

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Guest wayzing

Watching the Evolution/Rock'n'sock Connection RAW segment I felt it came off as Rocky saving Foley more than Foley being smart and realizing Evolution would never honour a one-on-one commitment.


The Rock, looking very bad ass with his hair back, comes down, cleans house, grabs THE STICK!!! (Dames, finish that move already) and explains that the game of beating Mick Foley up is over.


Rocky was portraited as the guy who can take anyone out while Foley has been the guy who can take a beating from anyone.


If this continues Rocky will be the cool guy who saves the geek from the bullies. Foley needs to explode sometime before WM. The JR interview was kinda awkward I think. Not bad, but not up to his usual (amazing) standard. It didn't really communicate that crazy fire inside Foley imho.


Foley has gotten good pops from the crowds so far but why not? Look at the competition. But it's different with the Rock involved.


Will it be an unplanned mismatch or are we seeing someone sowing seeds for an eventual Rock/Foley feud?


Or am I just seeing things :huh:

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I originally thought the same thing after watching the end of last week's show...but I just don't know if Rocky and Foley are going to be around enough to do a full feud.

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Did you see though... the crowd didn't care... cause it was THE ROCK and FOLEY in the same damn ring together again... the show ended with DUELING "Rocky" and "Foley" chants...which blew my mind.


The mark in me is just saying "who cares WHO they face...they're back together!!!" and is just giddy as a fucking 1994 HBK mark or something. Back when they first teamed, the Rock *hated* the phrase "Rock & Sock Connection", but it was used because Rock had a little soft spot for Foley...they were buds, but not GREAT buds...as Rock would put down Foley every once in a while just because Foley took it and even made fun of himself.


Monday seemed to be Rock coming out and saying "This man is my friend, BIATCH~!" and by him using the name and even by him 'coming to save the day' ...it just showed them as two guys who used to HATE each other turn into two guys who are like best of friends. It took five years...but at least it's continuity (if you want to call it that). They beat the shit out of each other and now it's mutual respect and friendship.


Even if Rock and Foley are BOTH gone after WMXX... at least they get to go out making the fans go absolutely fucking insane in the biggest wrestling show of the year. Those two are going to get one of the biggest pops of the night, with EASE...and I honestly can't wait for it.


...but like I said...I am a pretty big mark for the R&S Connection.

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Monday seemed to be Rock coming out and saying "This man is my friend, BIATCH~!"


Seemed more like "This man is MY biatch, BIATCH!~"


I sooo wanted Rock to say "nobody, but NOBODY, will ever give Foley as big an asskicking as the ones the Rock gave him."


Also, if the Rock made the fans turn on Foley...I would be laughing my ass off.


Then I think of face Orton, and laugh some more.

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If they really wanted to piss of the crowd, The Rock could turn on Foley and have Evolution win. :D

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If they want to piss off the crowd let Batista and Orton control the whole match with Foley getting a beating of his life. Then Flair comes in and hot tag to Rocky, Rock bottom, but Evolution cheat and win with no real build up to anything....


So THAT is the match in a nutshell.

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Guest Repo Man Reborn

I mark the F out when I get a heel Rocky, but I think I would enjoy it more to see Randy made to look like a fool.

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I don't expect either part of the R&S connection after Mania...


But will their combined efforts be enough to get Orton over?


For that matter, do you (don't you?) think this match will end with an RKO and 3 count?

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