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Guest glennsoe

This sunday's Cruiserweight match !

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Guest glennsoe

I just watched "Slamborre 98" and on that card was a "cruiserweight challenge", much like the match they are having this sunday - so my question is simply;


* For those who remember the match, will it be "like that" ? With the same rules ?


* For those who hasn't seen it or doesn't remember the match;


Jeicho was the cw champ and had to defend the title against the winner of the match (Jericho didn't join the match until there was one guy left (Malenko).


The rules were that you could be eliminated by pinfall or by getting thrown over the top rope or between the ropes AND both of your feet had to touch the ground for you to be eliminated !!


And of cource who can forget about Jericho's priceless introdution of the challenges as they made theire way towards the ring;


On Juvi; The ugliest man in all of sports entertainment

On Johnny Swinger; Johnny Singer? Johnny Stinger? Has anyone heard of him ?




So my question to you, fellow smartmarks; What do you think the match would be like ???


If they want to get the guys and the cw division over i'd say; Give the match 10-20 minutes, have lots of near falls and let them "fly" !! But knowing wwe logic this will get under 5 minutes and Funaki,Moore and Dragon are out within the first minute !!


Please i'm begging you wwe, don't let anyone "look foolish" in this match by being eliminated by a simple roll up !!


My final 5 would be; Rey, Chavo, Kidman,Nunzio and Knoble.....Have Knoble and Nunzio go at it and have Rey and Kidman double team Chavo.....This way on the next smackdown Nunzio denounces his "wwe name" and goes back to "Little Guido" and you got a feud with Knoble..


Plus Rey vs Kidman vs Chavo would be a nice feud too......But hey i'll sure miss the Hurricane in this match !!


Wouldn't it be ULTRA cool if hurricane came out when there was 2-3 guys left and started to "Vertabreak" everyone in sight, pin them in order and declare himself the champion....This way Heyman MUST take hurricane back to smackdown to defend the title !!


- Glenn -

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Good comparison, but its more like the CW Elimination match at Superbrawl Revenge but with more people in it, IMO.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Personally, I'm looking forward to the match.


Remember, this is WrestleMania, and yes, WrestleMania XX - this isn't going to be a SmackDown! opener, and a half-assed attempt by Vince to give the division some credibility.


But it could be a bit of a rat race - let's just hope that it pans out.

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I'm sorry, "It's Wrestlemania" doesn't work. They've put 2 4-way tag matches at WM, they've made one of their title matches a 3 way, they've put more focus on the special guest referee than these two supposed monsters. They have two womens matches and one of them features 3 of the most horrid women workers ever. "It's Wrestlemania" hasn't stopped them from booking a pretty shitty "Wrestlemania XX" card.

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I'm trying to figure out which of Sable, Torrie, Jackie & Stacy you don't consider to be horrible.


But, I hope that they give the cruisers at least 15 minutes. With that many guys, you need some time to give everyone their spots.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
I'm sorry, "It's Wrestlemania" doesn't work. They've put 2 4-way tag matches at WM, they've made one of their title matches a 3 way, they've put more focus on the special guest referee than these two supposed monsters. They have two womens matches and one of them features 3 of the most horrid women workers ever. "It's Wrestlemania" hasn't stopped them from booking a pretty shitty "Wrestlemania XX" card.


First of all, they've probably done of the, if not the, best job/s that they can with what they've got to work with right now.


I'll say "One of the best," which is inexcusable.


And secondly, I was referring to an innovative (to a degree) match like the Cruiserweight Open - not WrestleMania as a whole.


And RRR - could imagine Sable's ring dust?


And Jackie's... And Stacy's... And Torrie's...

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No it's not. It's not even close to the best with what they got to work with.


You're point was that it's Wrestlemania and therefore it will be somehow completely different from what they regularly do. The card itself is very much the same-as-always, despite being "Wrestlemania XX". Don't get your hopes up for the-most-exciting-match-ever, or anything like it. They won't let the cruisers steal the show.

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Guest Choken One

So, RRR...


What match WILL "steal" the show? Or what match do you personally feel will be worthy of "WMXX" status?

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Cruiserweight matches can be well wrestled in a WWE enviornment, but they will never reach the greatness of WCW/ECW/Japan/Mexico. The bigger ring and different tightening of the ropes will make sure of that alone, not to mention that they are instructed to "slow it down" WWE is just not built for cruiserweights unfortunately, since they have a good sized amount of cruisers on the roster with nothing to do. (ECW?)

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Hey RRR, the Cruiserweights won't steal the show when you've got Kurt Angle VS Eddie Guerrero, Triple H VS Shawn Michaels VS Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho VS Christian, at least.


By that, I mean that it'll be earlier on the card than the rest of them, so we can have an awesome match, with other, upper-card matches as equalizers.

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