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OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

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Guest Anglesault
or when Brock himself starts commenting on how he loves wrestling and how he was born for it.

He didn't say that. He said he "thought" it might be what he was born for, and that he was trying to find out.

Actually, Brock's exact words were:


"There's some nights I lay in bed and really believe God put me on this earth to be a professional wrestler."


Or at least that was on the tape.

And then he realized that God doesn't like him anymore and booked him to feud with Bob Holly and get destroyed by the Undertaker.

If being put in a feud against Bob Holly was enough to kill his passion, then Brock was never really passionate about wrestling in the first place.

If I was world champ, and I was told to run away from BOB HOLLY for three months, I'd be severely disillusioned.


If I was then told that Undertaker was coming back specifically to destroy me, ruin my offense and do ridiculous damage to my career, I'd say "fuck this" as well.

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This was well worth the wait. I wonder if WWE will do this for WM 20. I just love the Behind The Scenes stuff, another reason why Confidential rocks.


Does anyone think he'll try the SSP again one more time at WMXX?


No way he would attempt such a dangerous move on No Selling Goldberg.


I missed the first 20 minutes...what happened?


Focused on Austin, very similar to the Stone Cold Truth segment on WM XIX. They also talked to the Rock though and how he felt about Steve.


I really wish he went with the Standard surgery.


Nah, because then we wouldn't have had the awesome Vengeance main event and Angle / Lesnar II at SS. Remember he was doing just fine until he botched the chairshot that fucked him up.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Trust me, 75% of Game Over isn't about video games. Come to think of it, I can't figure out what the writers of this show were thinking. Probably that people who watch UPN will watch anything.


The documentary was awesome. After Austin left in 2002 and was charged with beating his wife, I lost a lot of respect for the guy. After he came back and hogged up a lot of screen time on Raw, I lost even more respect. But seeing how emotional he was at WM XIX, well, at least it shows how much he loves this business. What really surprised me was the lack of mentioning HHH vs. Booker T, seeing as how Booker overcame so much.

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Guest Anglesault
What really surprised me was the lack of mentioning HHH vs. Booker T, seeing as how Booker overcame so much.

Probably because of that whole "HHH says black people can't be champion then wins clean" thing.

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What really surprised me was the lack of mentioning HHH vs. Booker T, seeing as how Booker overcame so much.

Probably because of that whole "HHH says black people can't be champion then wins clean" thing.

That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.

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That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.


I agree, I'd say out of all the burials from Trips, Booker got it the worst.

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I got one thing to say that nobody else noticed:


When HHH was talking about "members of the family" that you can't stand and don't want to invite to dinner, but you have to put up with them, there was a long focused shot on Hogan.





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Guest Choken One
That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.


I agree, I'd say out of all the burials from Trips, Booker got it the worst.

Umm....I don't remember Booker T being accused of being a Necrophilaiac.


NOTHING is worst then that.

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Umm....I don't remember Booker T being accused of being a Necrophilaiac.


NOTHING is worst then that.

Kane was actually booked kind of strong through that feud though. He beat the hell up out of HHH and stuffed him in a car. It would have been more effective if he didn't shout about how he was going to rape him or something that insinuated that, but anyway...


The home video was Gooker material, of course, but that was HHH making an idiot of himself and reflected more on himself than it did on Kane.


Booker was NEVER made to look strong against HHH. In fact, he had HHH making racist statements and Flair offering him a job as driver of their limo. Normally, Flair can do just about any-fucking-thing in wrestling and I love it. I don't care how stupid or offensive, Flair can pull it off.


But Flair sniping in racist statements at Booker was just... I don't know. It didn't work. But it was considered minor in the light that Booker would win and all of this wouldn't matter and would simply be dressing on the story of the match.


And he lost. And his match absolutely killed the crowd.

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That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.


I agree, I'd say out of all the burials from Trips, Booker got it the worst.

Umm....I don't remember Booker T being accused of being a Necrophilaiac.


NOTHING is worst then that.

That really wasn't that bad, because they didn't really leave you with the sense that Kane was actually a necrophiliac...it was just something HHH was saying to get under Kane's skin.


With Booker though, the Wrestlemania loss and his subsequent burial pretty much makes it look like all his career and all his years of hard work were meaningless. In the end, he was basically made out to look like a failure, and personally, I think that's a lot more damaging than anything that happened in the Katie Vick angle.

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Guest TheHulkster

It was a good show, but I was a little depressing. The message seemed like it was: "Wrestlers neglect their families and their health for the allure of the spotlight". That may be true to an extent. It certainly didn't make Wrestlemania or the wrestlers seem very glamorous underneath it all.

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Guest MikeSC
What really surprised me was the lack of mentioning HHH vs. Booker T, seeing as how Booker overcame so much.

Probably because of that whole "HHH says black people can't be champion then wins clean" thing.

That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.

Oh come on. I'd KILL for a "Little Engine That Really Couldn't" story.


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Guest Astro

I was at work, so I had my significant other tape it...


I get home pop the tape in...DEAD AIR!


I go to her and say "You know you taped dead air?!@@?@?@!"


She says "Oh I'm sorry! Why did you want to watch girls high school basketball anyway?"




Checks local TV Guide See's The Mania of WM Sunday afternoon...


me = "WOO HOO!!!!"

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