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Steve J. Rogers

Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

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I don't why I started thinking about this, but I wonder how many former fans of Seinfeld actually don't like CYE, and what the demographic would be of that group.


I.e. Compare the two shows to say, Paul McCartney and John Lennon


I'm sure Beatle fans who were more likely to appreciate Paul's work would not nessecarilly like the grittyness and mind-altering state of Lennon's solo stuff (and alot of his Beatle songs as well)


To tie it back, Seinfeld, because it was on a network, had to toe a line and toeing the line meant innuendo, double entredes, ect which gave the show a nice "wink wink, nudge, nudge" charm to it that would make it popular to those who may have watched to show to seem "hip" rather than to the hardcore Seinfeld fan who actually found it truely funny and would find stuff like CYE funny as well


Essentially I'm wondering because when you get down to it, the "Larry David" character is a much more successfull (monetary wise) version of "George Constanza", if George was married, thin and lived in LA (I don't see a Jerry, Elaine or Kramer arctype though, not that there is anything wrong with that)


Of course it could be that if you liked Seinfeld and don't like CYE maybe it means you didn't like George. I mean WHO could not like Jerry?



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I like Curb much better. Seinfeld's supporting characters were good, but I just couldn't stand Jerry. Granted, CYE is only in its 4th seasons, and only time will tell how long it goes on. But it's funnier by doing less...can't explain it the way I want to

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Guest El Satanico

I love both


George was always the best character that got major screen time*. Larry David is George with some Jerry mixed in.



*Kramer never got major screen time outside of a few episodes a season.

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I love CYE yet find Seinfeld to be the most overrated show, probably ever. Or at least in my lifetime that I had daily access to.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Seinfeld is a lot funnier than Curb, if only because they had to be clever about some of the more explicit stuff and it made the showq feel smarter.

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I think Curb has a certain voyeuristic edge that Seinfeld didn't. Seems like a lot

of the scenes are shot with a handheld camera. And of course being on HBO, Curb

gets to swear, show scenes from Girls gone Wild, buy weed and solicite a hizzo.


Big finale tonight. Does Larry get to cash in on his 10th anniversary present?

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I love both of these shows and I may lean towards CYE being the funnier show. I think Larry is funnier than Jerry. They are both very good shows and each have laugh out loud moments almost every episode.

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Well I love both shows.


However, I'd give the edge to Seinfeld. Maybe it's becuase it's one of those shows that I can always watch and it will cheer me up or maybe because it's original. I don't know. I do enjoy Crub though although we have only had the first two season so far here in the UK. Maybe I'll prefere it as time goes on. It certainly had more of an edge than Seinfeld but Seinfeld is still one of my favourite shows ever.


I don't know if I could pick between George and Larry though!

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It's about Larry David, who co-created Seinfeld, living life after Seinfeld.


Someone put it best earlier...imagine George had become rich. What would he have done with his life?


Larry was the inspiration for the George character on the Seinfeld show.

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Guest Deebo

Side question here... did Larry David do the voice of George Steinbrenner on Seinfeld? I recently got into CYE and bought the 1st season DVD, on one of the episodes he figures out how to use the navigation system in his car and gets all happy and starts yelling, sounding EXACTLY like Steinbrenner did.

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Guest OSIcon
Side question here... did Larry David do the voice of George Steinbrenner on Seinfeld? I recently got into CYE and bought the 1st season DVD, on one of the episodes he figures out how to use the navigation system in his car and gets all happy and starts yelling, sounding EXACTLY like Steinbrenner did.


Yea he did.


He also plays Frank Costanza's cape-wearing lawyer in that one episode and does other random voice overs.

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Guest El Satanico

Larry David appears on Seinfeld randomly. I've seen him at least 4 times.

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Guest MikeSC
I don't know how anyone could find Seinfeld funnier. It isn't even close IMO.

I feel CYE is yet another in the long line of horrendously overrated HBO programs. Not terribly funny whatsoever.


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Dammit I didn't know the season finale of CYE was an hour.......I set the tape since I was out watching WM, and the tape cut off right as the play began in the final segment of the show.........argh. Oh well it will repeat.

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Guest HHH123007

The season finale of CYE owned....that's all I have to say on this subject.

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Larry David appears on Seinfeld randomly. I've seen him at least 4 times.

I remember him as a guy working in a booth when George goes to buy a pack of gum and is dressed as a king (can't remember which).

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Yeah but you hate everything




It's funny because it is true.


A question about CYE- is each season supposed to be a seperate entity from the last? Remember last season pretty much revolved around Larry investing into the restaurant, but there was no mention of Bobo's this year...

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Curb is a more hit-or-miss than Seinfeld is. It's either mindblowingly funny or really bad.


Seinfeld is a little more consistent, but there aren’t as many hysterical moments as Curb. Just a whole lot of amusing ones.


At the moment, I would give CYE the edge, but that may have to do with me seeing every episode of Seinfeld like a thousand times now. Have to wait and see if CYE has the lasting appeal Seinfeld has.

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it's funnier by doing less...can't explain it the way I want to

More and more comedy is going down that route, when the American version of The Office comes out you will see a perfect example of it (if they don't fuck it up). Most of these kind of shows (of which CYE is perhaps the most fully realised American effort) go for the 'painful' kind of laughter, rude and dislikeable characters acting innapropriately and causing embarassment or conflict.

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