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Guest Trivia247

Ventura for President

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Guest Trivia247

I appreciate Jesse being on WM don't get me wrong. I love the fact he was on and on the mic. But what the hell was that self promoting stuff at the Hall of Fame at during his segment with Donald?


Ventura gonna run in 08 under the "Its about time a wrestler gets in the whitehouse" platform. Sounds kinda like Hogan's fake Presidental run back in 98-99.


first of all, Ventura looks more like he should be back doing commentary than being in a political office again. that beard alone was eerie.


Had he seriously wanted to run, he would do like he did when he ran for Governor and kept himself as distant from his wrestling past as possible. Main stream voters would kinda get turned off by it.


Would the Smarks vote for Jesse?


if he shaved his beard and kept to the same brutal honesty approach he was in Minnasota I probably would. maybe.. probably...maybe

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Guest Choken One

I thought it was more time killing filler then anything else...doubt it was a REAL presidential Announcement...I was half expecting Backlund to show up.

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Guest BDC

Just like to point out that the segment you're referring to reminded me a great deal of Conan O'Brien's "Frankenstein wastes a minute of our time."

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