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Guest OctoberBlood

New John Kerry compaign sign

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Guest OctoberBlood





Actually, it's some moron protestor in San Francisco. Wow.

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Guest MD2020

I don't blame Kerry for these people; they're just stupid and crazy.


Here's a great article about them from Lieks.


Imagine if you woke from an operation and discovered that your tumor was gone. You’d think: I suppose that’s a good thing. But. You learned that the hospital might profit from the operation. You learned that the doctor who made the diagnosis had decided to ignore all the other doctors who believed the tumor could be discouraged if everyone protested the tumor in the strongest possible terms, and urged the tumor to relent. How would you feel? You’d be mad. You’d look up at the ceiling of your room and nurse your fury until you came to truly hate that butcher. And when he came by to see how you were doing, you’d have only one logical, sensible thing to say: YOU TOOK IT OUT FOR THE WRONG REASONS. PUT IT BACK!


The other day a variety of people gathered in various cities to say, in essence, put it back. The Movement to Reinstall Saddam commemorated the first anniversary of the Iraq campaign by expressing their outrage at the loss of an ally in the war against America. These people are the fringe of the left; yes. They are the Klan with out the sheets. Worse: they don’t have the inbred moonshine-addled mah-pappy-hated-nigras-an-I-hate-‘em-too dense-as-a-neutron-star stupidity of your average Kluxer. They didn’t come to this level of stupidity naturally. They had to work at it. I’m sure you’ll find in these pictures people who have cool jobs in San Francisco, people who get grants, write code, run the coffee-frother at a funky bookstore, and have no problem marching alongside someone who spells Israel with swastika instead of an S.


Or with this guy (Via LGF; the site has dozens of shots. Judge for yourself.)




That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a traitor. He may be an idiot, a maroon, a 33rd degree moonbat, but he’s still a traitor. That is a man who celebrates the death of Americans (and others) and supports the people who killed them. Oh, sure, he’s nuts. But he fits right in. So what were all these people against, exactly?


A free press in Iraq. Freedom to own a satellite dish. Freedom to vote. A new Constitution that might actually be worth the paper on which it’s printed. Oil revenues going to the people instead of Saddam, or French oligopolies. Freedom to leave the country. Freedom to demonstrate against the people who made it possible for you to demonstrate.


Freedom. More freedom now than before, and yes it comes with peril; it always does, at first. But freedom is either in retreat, or on the advance. These people marched to protest the premature bestowal of freedom by exterior forces. Better the Iraqi people live under the boot for 20 years, and rise up and get slaughtered and rise up again and slaughter those who killed their kin, then have Bush push the FF button and get it over with now. Better they suffer for the right reasons than live better for the wrong ones.


This has nothing to do with Iraq. This is all about the hard left’s worse nightmare. For years they have insisted that every occupant of the White House is a sawdust puppet whose limbs jerk to the strings of International Finance (cough Jews cough) and this satisfies the faithful; the President doesn’t have to be explicitly evil to be inherently evil. He’s the President. Say no more, nudge nudge. But Bushitler is explicitly evil. He attacked Afghanistan for that oil pipeline deal. He attacked Iraq for no reason whatsoever. It’s almost a godsend; finally, a homicidal maniac president who lives up to his advance. And the beauty of it, really, is that you can pinpoint the date when the mask came off. September 12, 2001. For some reason – Gaia knows what – he just decided to crank up the war machine and start killing brown people. Well, at least it’s all in the open now. Put on the old Crosby Stills and Nash albums. Tin soldiers and Nixon coming. It never changes. Us vs. them. Start printing the fliers. Contact the GLBT office in Kabul for a statement of solidarity with the protestors in Paris and London -


Oh come on, they have to have an office. Okay, go down to the Village, get a quote about how ten thousand people will die in Afghanistan, and how she remembers Kabul as a lovely city with a market where her mother went on weekends to buy flowers, whatever. Look, I don’t know why I have to say this - if Bush is defeated in Afghanistan he will be defeated in America, and that means Jesse Helms will not hold up NEA funding from a theater group because it wants to put on a play that says Reagan was Jesus’ HIV positive lover, HELLO, I mean it's symbolic? Focus on the larger issues, people.


An exaggeration, of course, but I always told that the “personal was the political” – a phrase that made my blood run cold. It’s an equation that has the power to weaken both elements. People think that it means the former will trump the latter, but I fear it would be the opposite. All personal beliefs are equal, of course. But some are more equal than others.


Why? Because they have the potential to be better for everyone, once we get rid of the things that hold us all back. In the future – which is right around the corner, better believe it – the machine will be smashed, and we’ll all have freedom in the true sense, which is freedom from people who don’t accept our definition of freedom. They’re stuck on old tight small private definitions, with their freedoms of “property” and freedoms to hold ideas that stand contrary to human progress. Doubleplus ungood thoughtcrime – sorry, sorry, I mean false definitions of freedom that are really about slavery, don’t you see? Slavery to old ideas that keep the new world – which is right around the corner, brother – from coming into being. It’s a world with full employment, and no industry. It’s a world of endless abundance and prosperity, without capitalism. It’s a world that has some Jews, but we’re not sure where they are and anyway they don’t count much anymore. It’s a world where the people of Iraq own the oil, and incidentally nothing runs on oil anymore, because it’s poison. It’s a world where everything in the West is so cool that China is shamed by our example and totally gets out of Tibet. Without a shot. Which would totally annoy the NRA if they knew it was coming, which it is.


Yes indeed. Um-hmm. Once we’ve wrecked the rare society that gave us the freedom to wreck it, true freedom will be ours.


These people want “freedom,” but only for themselves. Freedom to preen. Freedom to flatter themselves that they are somehow committing an act of bravery by Speaking Truth to Power. But they’re speaking Nonsense to Indifference. Pictures of Bush as Hitler sieg-heiling away would get them killed if this was truly the country they insist it is. Nothing will happen to them. They know it. They would be killed for doing this in Saddam’s Iraq, of course; they know that too. Doesn’t matter. Bush is worse than Saddam, in the macro sense. Saddam’s sins are an inconvenient obstacle; hard to defend the fellow, but you have to concentrate on the real villains here, the people who truly threaten progressive transnational peace and solidarity and justice and human rights and –


What? Did we march on the first anniversary of Saddam gassing the Kurds?


I don’t understand the question.

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Guest OctoberBlood
I don't blame Kerry for these people; they're just stupid and crazy.

Yeah, I know that. Just a joke. ;)

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Guest Cerebus

Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

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Guest thebigjig
Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

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Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I call them pseudo-hippies, in case you wonder the next time I throw that reference out (I haven't said that in a while though).


If you protest against child labor in countries that you can't find on a map, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


Interesting how this person's face is hidden by the sign. Real brave, douche...

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I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I don't mind them as long as they aren't throwing rocks in the windows of the nearest office building to fight big media or big capitalism or whatever the enemy is today.

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Actually, Jon Stewart is much more balanced than people think. He got majorly pissed off at his crowd one night when they kept acting like anti-war, anti-republican nutjobs and he really was trying to have a conversation with some republican guy who I can't remember the name of about President Bush. He gave Bush major respect that night and a few other nights as well.


Stewart just brings the comedy and brings it against both sides. So please, don't group him in with MTV....those freaks of nature.


And I've always had a hatred for anti-war protesters since they apparently threw rocks at my Dad when he came back from Vietnam according to my family members.


If you are against the war, fine. But don't act like a jackass about it.

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Guest MikeSC
Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I call them pseudo-hippies, in case you wonder the next time I throw that reference out (I haven't said that in a while though).


Interesting how this person's face is hidden by the sign. Real brave, douche...

If only his cardboard box under a bridge was hit by one of the planes...


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Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I call them pseudo-hippies, in case you wonder the next time I throw that reference out (I haven't said that in a while though).


Interesting how this person's face is hidden by the sign. Real brave, douche...

If only his cardboard box under a bridge was hit by one of the planes...



This may sound very cold but oh well.


Where are those crazed snipers when we need them?


That may sound cold as hell but I'm dead serious. If you even THOUGHT that was a bright idea to make that sign, you don't deserve to be around anymore.


I'm sorry if this sounded harsh but this is sick and I don't know how anyone with a conscience could make that sign.

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Guest thebigjig

I guess if they protest PEACEFULLY, then I'm not bothered by them as much... but the whole idea of protesting war and then rioting... just seems so damn ridiculous to me


And the protesters that spit on the troops... the 2004 "babykiller!" type protester makes me so angry I cant even see straight


And I wasnt calling Stewart a liberal or anything... I love the Daily Show, but I cant stand teenagers that base all of their opinions from news they hear on that show, and read from Rolling Stone magazine

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Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I call them pseudo-hippies, in case you wonder the next time I throw that reference out (I haven't said that in a while though).


If you protest against child labor in countries that you can't find on a map, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


Interesting how this person's face is hidden by the sign. Real brave, douche...

We used to call those kids "hempies" when I went to school. They were usually characterized by wearing a lot of hemp products, listening to Phish and then driving the SUVs their rich parents bought them to random protests for things that they knew nothing about.

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And I wasnt calling Stewart a liberal or anything... I love the Daily Show, but I cant stand teenagers that base all of their opinions from news they hear on that show, and read from Rolling Stone magazine


No problem, I just dislike when Jon and the Daily Show gets grouped in like it's a one sided affair.


They do at least give you an idea of some news stories and if you actually spend the time you can research them. I get some news from the show but I don't use it as a base for my opinion.


The show is just comedy but it may be more balanced than any of the other fake news channels like CNN and FOX NEWS.

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And I wasnt calling Stewart a liberal or anything... I love the Daily Show, but I cant stand teenagers that base all of their opinions from news they hear on that show, and read from Rolling Stone magazine

"The Daily Show. Where more people get their news than probably should."

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Guest MikeSC
Remember the delightful one that said "We support our troops when they kill their own officers?" Jackasses.

I may be against the war... and I know this sounds strange, but I HATE peace protesters... especially the young MTV watching jackasses that get all of their news from the Daily Show and Rolling Stone magazine

I call them pseudo-hippies, in case you wonder the next time I throw that reference out (I haven't said that in a while though).


If you protest against child labor in countries that you can't find on a map, you might be a pseudo-hippie.


Interesting how this person's face is hidden by the sign. Real brave, douche...

We used to call those kids "hempies" when I went to school. They were usually characterized by wearing a lot of hemp products, listening to Phish and then driving the SUVs their rich parents bought them to random protests for things that they knew nothing about.

Heck, I'll say it: Phish sucks.


...Marijuana: It Kills Your Taste In Music

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Guest thebigjig

Well.... I consider FOX a fake news outlet, but not CNN... CNN isnt NEARLY as liberal as they used to be, and its kind of typecast that way intentionally by conservatives


My main problem is with Rolling Stone magazine... which is so slanted to the left that even I cant stomach... not necessarily because I dont agree with what they're saying, but because this magazine is aimed largely at teenagers that know NOTHING about politics... and in a lot of cases, they'll soak up everything they're reading, and I dont think thats right

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Guest MikeSC
Well.... I consider FOX a fake news outlet, but not CNN... CNN isnt NEARLY as liberal as they used to be, and its kind of typecast that way intentionally by conservatives


My main problem is with Rolling Stone magazine... which is so slanted to the left that even I cant stomach... not necessarily because I dont agree with what they're saying, but because this magazine is aimed largely at teenagers that know NOTHING about politics... and in a lot of cases, they'll soak up everything they're reading, and I dont think thats right

What was it that Frank Zappa said about them: Magazine written by writers who can't write for readers who can't read --- or something like that?


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Guest thebigjig

lol I havent heard that, but it sounds about right... Rolling Stone should just stick to music... PERIOD


and even then I have issues with it

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World news in a magazine that has the same name for a band that isn't sure which country they are in from time to time cause they don't have the brain cells left.


Rolling Stones news coverage is JUST barely above High Times and below Sports Illustrated for Kids.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I refuse to belive that that many people read Rolling Stone. It's the definition of rag.


And the amount of people that get the news from Daily Show frighten me, mainly because I don't know if they can tell what parts are real and what parts are jokes.



ps - Phish is awful

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Guest Cerebus



It's "Most rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." I love Frank Zappa.

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Guest MikeSC


It's "Most rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." I love Frank Zappa.

That's it.


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We used to call those kids "hempies" when I went to school. They were usually characterized by wearing a lot of hemp products, listening to Phish and then driving the SUVs their rich parents bought them to random protests for things that they knew nothing about.


One man's hempie is another man's pseudo-hippie...

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

Come on! Come on! Where's the decency? The DECENCY?! Pretty funny that the person is hiding their face. How could anyone(except if you're not American, or afraid of buildings) hold up that sign with a straight face?

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Guest OctoberBlood
New John Kerry compaign sign


Wow, clever.


Why doesn't it surprise me that you misspelled "campaign"?

Holy shit. I posted this at a few places, and this is the only one who has a bitch who has to complain. And yes, they have their share of little democrat/Kerry followers too... they didn't mind the joke.


If you are gonna get all uptight, then don't freaking read it. Ignore it. And move the fuck on. Most of you people talk trash and make little parodys about Bush all the time. Can't handle one about Kerry? Get over it and don't act like bitch by pointing out a typo.

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Tyler is anal like that. Personally, I didn't think the "John Kerry connection" was that funny anyway. Just wait until Pitt loses to OK. State and laugh all you want then at where Tyler throws his support (Howie/No on recall/etc.)...

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