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Working on it as I type this. Currently reviewing the Diamond/Siaki vs. Kash/??? (and it definitely WASN'T Brian Lee) match. I hope I get feedback for this one, since the only people that usually give me feedback are the posters from TotalNonStop that completely agree with me (all two of them).

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I'll feedback ya lazman. you're always good for a good read.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Working on it as I type this. Currently reviewing the Diamond/Siaki vs. Kash/??? (and it definitely WASN'T Brian Lee) match. I hope I get feedback for this one, since the only people that usually give me feedback are the posters from TotalNonStop that completely agree with me (all two of them).

I didn't watch until the replay. I assumed he was masked.


Plus it's Shadow from the Xplosion tapings from a few weeks ago.




And I usually feedback! DAMN IT! Damn holding him down! Damn! [/Michael cole mode]

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Guest BrokenWings
I'm a fan of your reviews, I just don't always respond. Glad to have a Lazarush this week :cheers:

As am I.


I didn't like how they played up like he was totally unknown; I would have prefered them as recognizing him - or at least having a NAME.


I thought the show was solid this week. Not good, but solid. And the piledriver reversal on Red was S.I.C.K.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I'm a fan of your reviews, I just don't always respond. Glad to have a Lazarush this week  :cheers:

As am I.


I didn't like how they played up like he was totally unknown; I would have prefered them as recognizing him - or at least having a NAME.


I thought the show was solid this week. Not good, but solid. And the piledriver reversal on Red was S.I.C.K.

The positive is it MAKES SENSE Tenay/West had no idea who it was.




Ex.: Survivor Series 1990. Gorilla Monsoon acted like he knew Undertaker for years, even though it was his first show in the gimmick.

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Guest MikeSC
Working on it as I type this. Currently reviewing the Diamond/Siaki vs. Kash/??? (and it definitely WASN'T Brian Lee) match. I hope I get feedback for this one, since the only people that usually give me feedback are the posters from TotalNonStop that completely agree with me (all two of them).

I can bash you for no reason, if you'd like. Make you feel like somebody at the other TNA board read it. :)


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I'm yet another guy who reads the stuff and doesn't feedback. Heck, you and Dames are the only way I have ANY idea of what's going on in TNA since I don't have cable and can't order the shows

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

By the time the Lazarush is posted it will be time for Bound for Glory.

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Well, it's actually great to know that so many people like the Lazarush. Makes it known that what I do for three hours every Thursday afternoon is worth it.


Anyways, I sent it to Goodear, since my account only allows me to submit my articles for approval. It should be up shortly (or whenever Goodear decides to put it up).

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