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song name/artist name help

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Have only heard it one


the chorus is like


"do you count the flakes when it snows...the leaves as they fall...do you fell the burn or just the afterglow"


kind of a cockney/yardie like rap style delivery ..I'm a big Cure fan and the song music is pretty much left alone so it intrigued me..only have heard it once though



thx in advance

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to be fair its not really a "rap" per-se


and trust me im an insane cure fan and i thought he did well with it..especially the way his lyrics mix so well with the song


it was weird to hear this for the 1st time ever and see "high" in Jersey Girl in the same week..nice to hear/see some Cure showing up in unexpected places

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to be fair its not really a "rap" per-se


and trust me im an insane cure fan and i thought he did well with it..especially the way his lyrics mix so well with the song


it was weird to hear this for the 1st time ever and see "high" in Jersey Girl in the same week..nice to hear/see some Cure showing up in unexpected places

Have you seen 50 First Dates yet? They have both Lovesong and Friday I'm in Love in the film....but Friday I'm in Love is godawful. Whoever decided to let the lead singer of Alien Ant Farm sing it should be shot in the face.

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Well I downloaded the song and it's not too bad. I especially like the chorus.


Anyone know anymore about this band?

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to be fair its not really a "rap" per-se


and trust me im an insane cure fan and i thought he did well with it..especially the way his lyrics mix so well with the song


it was weird to hear this for the 1st time ever and see "high" in Jersey Girl in the same week..nice to hear/see some Cure showing up in unexpected places

Have you seen 50 First Dates yet? They have both Lovesong and Friday I'm in Love in the film....but Friday I'm in Love is godawful. Whoever decided to let the lead singer of Alien Ant Farm sing it should be shot in the face.

I actually think 311 did a fine job with Lovesong. They tried to do the original justice while at the same time maintaining a unique sound.


Alien Ant Farm doing Cure, though.....that's a bad idea. So very, very bad.

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