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Guest Anglesault

Best and Worst Treatment of Title Belts?

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Guest Anglesault

It's been discussed before, but how a wrestler wears his belt often makes it look more or less important.


Obviously, wearing it around their waist makes it look prestigious, and plenty of people do that. However their are also some horrible offenders.


Steve Austin would more or less drag the belt down the aisle and sling it into the ring. It looked awful.


Bikertaker would either wear the hardcore or tag belt around his neck, or rest the world title on the handlebars of the bike.


Bubba Dudley always wears the belt around his neck.


Cena wears the US title in a way where it's basically falling off him most of the time and it looks like he couldn't be bothered to strap in on correctly.


Anyone else?

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I never did understand why The Rock never wore the title belt around his waist, and dragged it like he did. Austin, I could see. Rock I never could.


And even though it was in character and made sense from a storyline standpoint...Hogan with the spraypainted WCW title and using it as an electric guitar during the nWo days comes to mind as well.

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Cena at least looks like he's happy to have the title. And I don't know if they make the tag titles in "size Bubba."


I always thought the belts should be worn to the ring and carried off after the match.

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Well, I remember Big Show wearing the hardcore title around his arm. That was good for him. Made him look big, which you know, is his hook. I like the way Austin dragged and threw it around, personally. Hell, he even made his own belt.

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Guest Trivia247

some times the belt just looks better on certain people.... guess thats because you see it so much on a certain person for years you can't imagine it elsewhere

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Guest Nater
Here's one that you can debate on whether it was a good or bad treatment of a title...

Apparently after Austin was throwing it around, some scrappy dog came in and picked it up.

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I always thought the way that HHH wore and presented the title made it look good.

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Guest Trivia247

if we wanna talk about belt look as well...


how about the fact that when Warrior won the Ic and World title belts they felt the need to change the leather color of it to like Yellow and blue. that kinda made the belts look more cheesy

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DDP wearing it backwards made him look like a total retard.

No offense to DDP or the fans of his...


But sometimes, he looked like a total retard just trying to be normal.


But maybe that's just me.

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if we wanna talk about belt look as well...


how about the fact that when Warrior won the Ic and World title belts they felt the need to change the leather color of it to like Yellow and blue. that kinda made the belts look more cheesy

Two reasons, IIRC:


In character reason: Warrior was just so way out there, he felt his belts needed to match how he was. Hence the changes in the strap color for the WWF and IC titles.


Real Reason: Warrior would often forget the belts when he was traveling, and they had to make new ones, so they decided it'd fit his gimmick to have colors for the belts.

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I remember on Challenge (I think), Bret Hart had an interview just after Survivor Series 1995. He talked about how it irritated him that Diesel would drag the belt to the ring. Hart said he'd wear the belt proudly for the WWF and had it over his shoulder.


Fits here.

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if we wanna talk about belt look as well...


how about the fact that when Warrior won the Ic and World title belts they felt the need to change the leather color of it to like Yellow and blue. that kinda made the belts look more cheesy

Two reasons, IIRC:


In character reason: Warrior was just so way out there, he felt his belts needed to match how he was. Hence the changes in the strap color for the WWF and IC titles.


Real Reason: Warrior would often forget the belts when he was traveling, and they had to make new ones, so they decided it'd fit his gimmick to have colors for the belts.

What a dumbass. Youd think that would be the first thing he'd remember to pack.

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if we wanna talk about belt look as well...


how about the fact that when Warrior won the Ic and World title belts they felt the need to change the leather color of it to like Yellow and blue. that kinda made the belts look more cheesy

Two reasons, IIRC:


In character reason: Warrior was just so way out there, he felt his belts needed to match how he was. Hence the changes in the strap color for the WWF and IC titles.


Real Reason: Warrior would often forget the belts when he was traveling, and they had to make new ones, so they decided it'd fit his gimmick to have colors for the belts.

What a dumbass. Youd think that would be the first thing he'd remember to pack.

Hey, this IS the Ultimate Warrior we're talking about here.


The guy that RENAMED himself Warrior.


The guy that did sprints to the ring, getting winded while doing it.


The guy who wrote a comic book where he believed he was the second coming a Jesus.


The guy in a special edition of that comic did bondage on Santa...


...need I say more?

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When he was in WCW they gimmicked a metal trapdoor in the ring so he could make those FANTASTIC unpredictable entrences and exits with the fog.


Bulldog got slammed hard on it one night and it messed up his back.

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When he was in WCW they gimmicked a metal trapdoor in the ring so he could make those FANTASTIC unpredictable entrences and exits with the fog.


Bulldog got slammed hard on it one night and it messed up his back.

Oh yeah.


I thought you meant from a match in his WWF time for some reason.


I do remember that.


Back on topic...if Kane had been WWF Champ for more than a day, and carried the belt like that...would that have been OK?

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Guest Coffey

I think the titles should be worn over the shoulder during promo's and such. Especially if the wrestler with the belt is wearing dress clothes. During an entrance for a match however, it should always be around the waist, assuming that it fits. After the match, the ref should put the belt on the winner. If a wrestler with a title has a manager, it would be ok for the manager to hold the belt up behind the wrestler while walking behind him...unless it fit on their waist.

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If a wrestler with a title has a manager, it would be ok for the manager to hold the belt up behind the wrestler while walking behind him...unless it fit on their waist.

Kinda like what Bobby Heenan did for Ric Flair during interviews during Ric's early WWF run?


You know...as the REAL World Heavyweight Champion.

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Where are all of the title history pics coming from? I thought the site got taken down.


Can somebody link me?

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Guest Anglesault
I think the titles should be worn over the shoulder during promo's and such. Especially if the wrestler with the belt is wearing dress clothes. During an entrance for a match however, it should always be around the waist, assuming that it fits. After the match, the ref should put the belt on the winner. If a wrestler with a title has a manager, it would be ok for the manager to hold the belt up behind the wrestler while walking behind him...unless it fit on their waist.

I also like managers holding the belt over their shoulder while their charge wrestled, much like Paul Bearer and Paul Heyman would do.

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