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Who Has Been to an ROH show??

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Hey everyone, just thought I would throw this up hear. I am going to the April 23rd show in St Paul MN. It is the first show that I have been to that isnt a WWE or WCW show. I was just wondering what to expect. Obviously its a smaller venue and there will be less people. Although ROH could out draw some WCW house shows i have been to. Anyway, I was just curious if the boys are approchable for autographs and pictures before the show, or when the best time to do that would be. Any little tidbits that my fellow Smarks could toss my way so that I may enjoy my first ROH expierence to the fullest.

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Guest ToddRoyal

The wrestlers are- with very few exceptions- very approachable.


There will be some wrestlers out before the show to sign, and more during intermission. If you stick around after the show for a while, you'll probably run into the most people. Most of them are more than happy to stop and sign something or take a picture.


Some people, Raven and Credible notably, charge for pictures, but most will take a quick picture or sign something for free.

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Alot better than going to a WWE show, at least it was for me. I had front row seats at both Fairfield shows. Homicide did a somersault almost into my lap at the first one. Good atmosphere, very lively crowd, and all the wrestlers work hard.

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I've been to 8/16, 11/28, 12/27, 2/14 and 3/13.


The workers for the most part are very approachable for autographs/pictures unless they are running late. The atmosphere at a show is awesome. Here in the northeast, you'll see the same 1-200 fans at every show and you start to know them all. The 4/23 card on paper seems to be real good and I hope you enjoy it. Tell all of your friends about it..the higher attendance, the better chances for more returns (even though there is already a return date in July for St Paul)

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Thanks for the info fellas. A return is already set for July?? I hadnt heard about this, they only have events posted thru the NJ show in early July. I have been telling all my friends that like wrestling about it, but most of them are WWE marks and have never heard of ROH and dont want to drive the two hrs to the show. I am a little worried about the attendance as I just bought my tickets and there are still second row seats available. Hopefully there will be a big walk up for the show. I have a feeling the AJ vs Jerry Lynn match will be worth the 30 bucks on its own. Plus i get to see Chris Daniels live, can it get much better. Well yea Corney, The Brain and Corino could be there but that aint gonna happen. Should be fun. Thanks again.

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I've been to 8/24/02, 3/15/03, 8/16/03, 11/29/03, 12/27/03, and 2/14/04.


Expect a very smart crowd, because that's the fanbase ROH caters to the most. Go to the back of the building (wrestler's entrance) if you want an autograph, but expect to wait a little while. It's definitely worth it, a lot of those guys are cool, especially Samoa Joe. He's hillarious.

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