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Non Spoiler Smackdown/Velocity match listings

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Ultimo vs. Nunzio (see post below)

Akio (with Sakoda) vs Bob Holly (with Billy Gunn)

Orlando Jordan vs Johnny "The Bull" Stambolli.

Doug Basham vs D'Von Dudley



John Cena vs Chavo Guerrero (neither title on the line)

Rico vs Charlie Haas

The Big Show vs Eddie Guerrero (non title)

Mark Jindrak vs Spike Dudley

Booker T vs RVD

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Ultimo vs. Nunzio also may be on Velocity. The announcers came out before the match so that usually means they either taped it for airing or....that. Even though the fireworks went off afterwards, they sometimes air matches that happen before.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Was Ultimo/Nunzio for the #1 Contender for the Cruiserweight title, considering that Nunzio won the four way last week?

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As someone who has read the spoilers, can I let everyone know that this could very possibly be the worst showing of Smackdown ever. Maybe watchable in the "so bad that it's good sense", but don't go on with high hopes, the spoilers look pretty abysmal.

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Guest What_ever
As someone who has read the spoilers, can I let everyone know that this could very possibly be the worst showing of Smackdown ever. Maybe watchable in the "so bad that it's good sense", but don't go on with high hopes, the spoilers look pretty abysmal.

You guys say that every week! :P

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Guest What_ever



It's about time that Smackdown! puts on a unique, exciting show!

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Yeah man. Weird spoilers this week. A lot of people thought they were fake at first, actually, but they're not. At least SD is trying some different things, I guess. Things to look forward to:


Mark Jindrak gets a gimmick

Rico and Jackie's runway debut

Kevin Fertig from OVW gets a debut vignette for a new character

Rene Dupree might get an interview segment thing starting next week?

And an angle at the end of the show that...well...we'll see.

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On paper it looks like one of their better shows in a while.


Someone said that there's a debut this week. Who is it?

Kevin Fertig of OVW (Seven, I believe his name was?) as a bleach blonde dark sinister type guy named Mordecai. We'll see what the vignette is like.

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