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Ultimate Warrior in 1996

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Anyone know what the WWF had planned for Ultimate Warrior when he made his return in 1996? Obviously, he got to feud with Lawler and got to START a feud with Camp Cornette before International Incident, but do you think he would've eventually got the title back by the end of the year or anything?

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I'm just guessing here, of course (as I didn't even follow wrestling at the time), but I'd say _if_ anything was planned, it would be a Vader/Warrior feud for the title down the road. Vader was supposed to get the title from Shawn at Summerslam and then would move on to feud with somebody, and with Taker feuding with Foley it might have been Warrior.


Things worked out much better without him. :)

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I'm just guessing here, of course (as I didn't even follow wrestling at the time), but I'd say _if_ anything was planned, it would be a Vader/Warrior feud for the title down the road.

Title or no title, that's probably a safe bet as to what might have happened with the Warrior. The two actually had a short series of matches before Warrior left.

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It would have been weird had Warrior been around during the Hart Foundation angle.Would he have feuded with them or would the booking team have done something similar to what they did to the Undertaker and gave Warrior a storyline to keep him away from the Hart Foundation?

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I'm pretty sure Sid's 1996 was basically what Warrior's was supposed to be

It was up to a certain point. I definately remember reading that all Sid's stuff in the summer of 96 was all the Warrior's set plans.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I can't imagine how different WWE might have been in 1997. Would Austin have gotten a push vs. Bret? Would Bret turn heel? Would the Foundation form? Would Austin become the anti-whoevers in power beer drinker?


Or would we get Warrior vs. Undertaker at WM XIII? :throwup:

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They would definitely have put Ahmed Johnson over Warrior if Ahmed hadn't injured himself.I never saw the need to bring in Warrior anyway, Ahmed was mega over and would probably have had the World Title in 97 had he not Injured himself.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
They would definitely have put Ahmed Johnson over Warrior if Ahmed hadn't injured himself.I never saw the need to bring in Warrior anyway, Ahmed was mega over and would probably have had the World Title in 97 had he not Injured himself.

over and over again.



You left that part out :D

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Ahmed Johnson is probably wrestling's answer to Ken Griffey, Jr. He had such an unbelievable future that was absolutely ruined by inuries.

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