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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Rico the first man to win WWE tag titles TWICE as a mystery partner?


(by WWE tag titles, I mean the 'World' and/or the SD! tags.)


He's also the second man to win the World, THEN the WWE tags (first being Benoit).


EDIT: Rico's actually the 3rd man to do that; Edge won the World tags many times, then the WWE tags at No Mercy 02.

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Guest Hot Ticket

...couldnt have found a better person to do this with...really...I meanthat

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Rico's had the Raw titles before?

Teaming with Rikishi, they defeated Chuckabilly for the World Tag Titles in April of 2002 - they were the universal belts until the Smackdown tag titles were introduced in the fall of that year.

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Ohhhh...well then does that really count since it was before the brand extension?

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It was during the brand extention...the tag titles went to Raw when Lance Storm and Christian (the reigning champions) jumped over. Then Smackdown started their own titles.

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Ohhhhhh yeah they jumped ship err sorta. Ok nevermind then.

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Ohhhhhh yeah they jumped ship err sorta. Ok nevermind then.

..and even if the brand extension wasn't in effect, they're still the same titles, same lineage, etc.

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

Rico: wrestling's new tag team specialist. Hey, I'd rather see him with the belt than Billy Gunn

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..and even if the brand extension wasn't in effect, they're still the same titles, same lineage, etc


Geez I said My Mistake, get off my back! :P j/k

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I can honestly say that I haven't the foggiest remembrance of Rico winning the belts with Rikishi, and I can pretty much remember any champion of the modern era.


How long did they have the belts for, anyway?

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Guest The Midnight Rocking Warrior

They won the belts at Judgement day 2002, lost them about two weeks later back to Billy and Chuck

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I think they lost em in a double elimination match. Rico tapped out to a wristlock in 5 seconds...for the obvious reasons, than cheated to help C&B win.


They teased a face turn I think because whenever B&C weren't around he'd celebrate, or do it behind their backs.

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I remember how pissed Rico was when he was walking out with Billy & Chuck after the match, then saw his tag belt and grabbed it and hid it behind his back.


The fact that I remembered something from Judgment Day 2002 is sickening.

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