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Your Paragon of Virtue

Official PRIDE GP 2004 Thread

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Arona has submission skills, but having watched alot of his grappling & MMA matches, I think his blackbelt is not indictive of his submission skills, and that can apply to a lot of blackbelts out there who are more of the takedown & control style guys.


No doubt it's impressive Fedor kept from getting choke by both guys, but I think someone along the lines of a Noguiera, Rodriguez, etc. would have an exponentially better chance of find the choke (assuming they et in position to).

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Guest Fear
Cro Cop, someone who has been training in MMA for what, 2 years now? has just gotten owned and has 2 losses in the last 6 months. Leko, someone who is probably in a similar position to Hunt, got beat in his first match. Unless they Cro Cop him (ie: modify rules and/or give him easy fights to win), Hunt is fucked. As is this K-1 dynasty they're attempting to build.


Rudo, you didn't read the whole of my post. I said he'll get subbed in a heartbeat.


But the chances of him getting knocked out by ANYONE are ZERO, Rudo. You will not see Hunt lose the way Cro Cop did on Sunday, I promise you. You'll see him lose the way Cro Cop did at Final Conflict. Nogueira's chin ain't got nuthin' on Hunt's.


*wishes he had a gif of Mark Hunt ducking into a Mirko left high kick, eating his shin FULL on, getting knocked down.... then getting back up and contuining the fight like nothing happened*

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Guest Fear

Oh, and they're not attempting to build a K-1 legacy. Quite the opposite, actually.

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Guest Fear

*rolls eyes* Alright, then replace KO in my posts with that other technical phrase, "owned".


Hunt will not get "owned" like Cro Cop did against Randleman, I guarantee it. Neither will he be knocked down with a flimsy punch like Leko against Ogawa.

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