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Cauliflower Alley Club Incidents

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This was originally written by Dave Meltzer:


Most of the talk around the Cauliflower Alley Club weekend revolved around Danny Hodge and Chavo Guerrero Sr., in a number of incidents. Guerrero Sr. showed up a few days early, and confronted Nick Bockwinkle on 4/14. Guerrero complained that the club had never honored a Guerrero and it got bad enough that security had to come. Guerrero was also mad that there were no rooms left at the Plaza Hotel, and reportedly flew back to Texas that night. He flew back and there were more foreworks on 4/16. He apparently was waving a recent WWE paycheck for $18,000, so it may be from the Mania house show, apparently trying to rub it in people's faces how much he was making. At least that is how a lot of wrestlers saw who would be happy he's still there, since he was originally brought in for a two week program and its only because his brother is such a huge star that he's likely still around. On that night, Guerrero got belligerent to Bob Orton Sr., who is wheel chair bound. Hodge had to step in and grab a hold on Guerrero, who couldn't move since Hodge still has his death grip.There were people who witnessed it that thought Guerrero was about to start a fight (Guerrero in his youth was a hell of a tough guy for his size, as I saw him take apart a college football star twice his size who hit the ring trying to show wrestling was fake, even though that was about 25 years ago; and in 1995, tried to start a fight with Vader at a post show party after the Bash at the Beach).


Anyway, when he recognized Hodge, nothing happened. The final incident saw Guerrero take off on Gagne and start screaming about being stiffed on a 1988 PPV show. While most recognize he probably was stiffed on a payoff, it was felt is was hardly the time or the place. Some watching thought Guerrero was trying to goad Gagne, now 78, into a fight. Gagne was calm through the situation and told Guerrero to come back and discuss things calmly when he hadn't has so much to drink. Unfortunetly, Verne at this stage, probably has no idea about what Guerrero was mad about, as he didn't remeber people introduced to him five minutes earlier, and couldn't remember how many grandchildren he had. Then Guerrero started claiming Gagne was racist and was predjudice against Mexicans (the AWA promotion was notorious about not promoting African-Americans and other minorities to the top level). Even life long haters of Gagne were mad at Guerrero, and he was escorted by security once again, and this time told not to come back. He was not back on 4/17 for the banquet, and was in Medicine Hat for the WWE Smackdown brand house show on 4/19.


The other story involved Hodge and Steve Scarpias, a Jiu Jitsu practitioner from Las Vegas who is a long time newsletter reader and has fought with the King of the Cage promotion. He talked with Hodge, who is now in his early 70s and looks like a nice, somewhat frail grandfather type. He wanted to show him how Jiu Jitsu has evolved in the past years and show him new submission moves that weren't around in Hodge's day. Everything Scarpias tried to show Hodge that was new, Hodge, who still has his double tendon grip strength, countered and stretched him. Hodge made him tap three times without exerting much effort at all, as Jack Brisco got a big kick out of it. Scarpias joked he can always tell his grandchildren some day that he was stretched by Hodge, and noted how I always say in fighting, because of the many different ways one can lose, that the fantasy unbeatable superman doesn't exist. Well, if Hodge came along now, we likely wouldn't have that saying.


If this is what goes on at these reunions, I must find a way to go next year. I guess this was Guerrero's revenge on people who screwed him and his brothers in the past.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Meh. He's got such a huge rep for having an ego that'd probably not be so great.

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