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Guest Trivia247

An angle Randy orton could try

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Ok third generation, my bad



The whole point of the rant is its better to haveRandy Orton "legend killer" than Randy Orton "Gobbledygooker"

Oh, I agree man. 100%.

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Anyhow, back to the point of this post. I would love to see him against AA, Harley Race, Tito Santana, maybe Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. It would get cheap fan favorite pop, and marks would be angry that he beat their favorite childhood wrestlers.

Anyone notice how many matches Flair drops for Evolution? Anyone else waiting for the day that Orton RKO's Flair due to him "letting the team down?" :P

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Shitty? that feud got him way over and ended witha **** match

Not to mention a *** 1/2 tag at Mania.

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I'll bite.. what?


You aren't familiar with my "Funaki: Time Travelling Scientist from the future" storyline?!


I incorporate it into virtually everything I do.


Clearly, efforts must be doubled.

After doing a bit of research I have to agree that your efforts should be doubled... no wait, TRIPLED.. actually wait.. just doubled, yeah.

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I agree with both sides, due to continuity and promos it has been the best feud of the year, however it was boring in the stance that it was essentially HHH-Foley 2000, and Orton always got the upper hand.


After seeing many of those Kid Kash v. Legends in TNA, DO NOT line up other legens for Orton to "kill". The matches will be so bad, the effect of Orton beating them will not be greater than the crowd's disdain for the matches.

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Yes but if Orton didn't get the upper hand everybody would bitch about a retiree getting the upper hand on a new young star and how it isn't believable....the guy is YOUNG...I for one am tired of all the "new" stars actually being older guys that most sports would've already spit out by now...the influx of OVW wrestlers may be hard to watch some times but we'll also get to see them come into their own so to speak and maybe even watch some great matches as they grow as performers...look at it from a football or basketball perspective...rookies are exciting to watch and good to criticize from time to time...it could be worse

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however it was boring in the stance that it was essentially HHH-Foley 2000, and Orton always got the upper hand.

Foley wrote the whole angle, and was all about putting Orton over made last time I checked.

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