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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Chris Coey

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

He comes in starts a thread in sarcasm and you all start acting like High Schooler's arguing over who was at falt for breaking up Ben and Jlo.

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He comes in starts a thread in sarcasm and you all start acting like High Schooler's arguing over who was at falt for breaking up Ben and Jlo.


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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen


1. Chris Coey writes fine wrestling reviews.


2. Chris Coey is not the nicest person in the world.


3. Not everyone here likes wrestling, though most people do.


4. Those that do might be well-served to watch some Joshi, just for a change, though it's not necessary.


I mean really, do I get bent out of shape every time someone mentions Creed or Nickelback or whatever in the music folder? No, though I might offer my own negative opinions about the subject.


Overall, nothing wrong is being done here, and Jubuki is not returning to the board.


So relax.

You forgot about popcorn being a food for the unwashed masses.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
How come *I* don't get threads with people arguing about me?


I put WAAAAAAY more time in here than Coey does.


I came here for a point, yes.


What is worse:


Someone writing an elaborate online article on a Japanese Womens Wrestling match




Someone debating the worth of said article online?


Personally, I don't think either are "bad" because that's what the internet is for - discussion. You sorta put all that "watta nerd" stuff aside when you create an online nickname and identity.


In other words, you're in a glass house. Recognize.

Someone debating the worth of the argument of someone debating the worth of someone's article about japanese wrestling is worse.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Coey can thank me for making the topic of him relevent around here.


Chris, you're welcome.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen


Is being a complete dumbfuck hereditary, or did your mother just lack the coordination to effectively use a coathanger?

If I'm a complete dumbfuck, what does that make you? To be outwitted by a complete dumbfuck?

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Guest goodhelmet

Ok, I was going to let Sass handle this but since he is MIA, I'll take it...


Sass convinced Chris Coey to write for the site based on his writing ability. Tom and Dames agreed and Chris was in. I helped setup his account and he started posting his articles on the site. Simply put, for a WRESTLING website, it is hard to find a better writer who actually analyzes and evaluates ...you know... WRESTLING. Does that make Chris a nerd who doesn't have a life? No, it makes him a literate wrestling fan who can convey the meaning of matches... and he does it better than anyone else.


For too long, WRESTLING fans have been conditioned to read some half-ass play by play, get a star rating slapped on, and justify it with a witty one-liner ie SK, Bob Barron, Justin Baisden, etc. That makes for lazy fucking writing. If you accept it, fine... but that makes you a lazy reader. Personally, when I go online to seek out views on one of my hobbies (WRESTLING), I want someone who can successfully reach the higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy and make sense. I am not saying that play-by-play doesn't serve a purpose. If you are recapping a show and someone who missed said show reads the recap, then the effort would surely be appreciated. Now, when looking at past matches and feuds, fuck the play by play. Give me some decent commentary on the positives and negatives of a match, and if you give a match some snowflakes then back it up! Sadly, most "writers" are incapable of this.


The misconception is that Chris is this fucking Joshi Nazi who doesn't accept other opinions or other forms of wrestling. Wrong. After talking to Chris, it isn't that he refuses to accept other forms of wrestling, he simply refuses to subscribe to the ignorant and lazy (As mentioned above) formula that so many other "writers" rely upon. Read the fucking articles. Here is his website... AIR RAID CRASH.


He happens to be one of the only people who reviews Japanese women's wrestling on a consistent basis. Look around in his archives.... All Japan, CMLL, NOAH, New Japan, WCW, WWF/E, Toryumon, etc. I think people assume that because a person doesn't go crazy with **** ratings and mark out for ridiculous moves that they take it too seriously or can't just sit back and enjoy it. He takes the time to question the logic and exectuion of the moves, the worth of a match compared to those that came before it, and the possibilities on how a match can be improved.


Now Zsasz....


You have talked shit about Chris and he's not here to defend himself and that's ok. He's banned so whatever. BUt you post at DVDVR, he posts at DVDVR, and you have the perfect opportunity to go there and test your wits with him there. Talking shit here and posting pics of some fat Star Trek nerd is pretty weak for a guy who spent time arguing with Marney on why she isn't the Poison Ivy of TSM. I have seen pictures of Chris (not hard to find) , I have seen pictures of many of the TSM board members. It is safe to say that he probably could get more pussy than ...oh.... 95% of the fucking board. If you think you have the goods then post your pic and put your money where your mouth is. In the meantime, shut the fuck up. If you think you can write a better article on wrestling then Bring It. In the meantime, shut the fuck up.


As it seems, this is basically trolling. Others here (BPS and Jay Doring) have no love for Chris yet they could actually give excusable reasons for their dislike for him. What's your beef? The fact that he owned you in a previous argument? The fact that he offended you and your thin skin? The fact remains that Chris wasn't brought on board because of his kindness towards others. He was brought on board because his writing on WRESTLING is better than anything you have ever contributed to the site or board. Deal with it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I was 14 when that Poison Ivy argument happened.


People fuck up.


Oh and I'm done here. i'm going to drop it.

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He was brought on board because his writing on WRESTLING is better than anything you have ever contributed to the site or board. Deal with it.

Shouldn't he stick to that, then, and not write entire articles running down not only the readers, but other writers on the site?

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Is your idea of wit "I know what you are, but what am I?"??


Not only did you answer a rhetorical question and call my 3 sentences a "debate" (which was more of a resolution than a debate), but then you regarded it as a triumph even after _I_ said debating anything online isn't "bad".


It's like me saying:


"Being Gay is Ok"


And then you saying:


"You are gay. OUTWITTED~!"


Would that be an insult?

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Shouldn't he stick to that, then, and not write entire articles running down not only the readers, but other writers on the site?


That's the best part of the QnA.


*remembers that he writes for the site*


*raises fist*



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Guest RickyChosyu
Shouldn't he stick to that, then, and not write entire articles running down not only the readers, but other writers on the site?

What 'other writers' did he run down, exactly? Everyone he mentioned does their thing some where else. And if you mean the 'I know I'm better' comment, you should try a couple of things called 'humor' and 'sarcasm' once in a while. Not that he isn't better than them (and it's not as if he's the only one who's said it in the last few days).

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Here's the deal, folks:


Chris is a damn good writer, who covers a wide variety of wrestling. He doesn't give you the standard recap you might be used to, and that's a good thing. I'm glad Sass was able to get him to come aboard, and I think it's a good thing for both TSM and for Chris himself.


If you have a problem with him writing for TSM, I suggest you get over it. We're not going to get rid of a talented writer because a bunch of people got their panties in a twist because he was mean to them on the internet. If you acted toward him the way many of you have conducted yourselves in this thread, then you bloody well deserved whatever venom and bile you got.


BPS and Jay: As staff writers, you both should be ashamed of yourselves for letting some petty dispute cause you to attack a fellow staffer. Have either of you ever heard of the idea of solidarity? A united front? We're all on the same side? Christ, grow up, both of you. Yes, I know Chris said he was better than all the other writers in his CRUN-CH Q&A. It's obviously just bravado and sarcastic shit-talking. I've done it here on the boards and in my own articles, and no one's ever birthed kittens over the fact. But Coey is "controversial," so everyone presumes the worst about him at all times.


Folks (this applies to everyone): If you have a problem with Chris, he's posted links to his own board and his email address in his articles. Grow a set and take your gripes up with him personally. Talking shit about someone when you know they can't respond is a cowardly cheap shot. If you want to discuss his articles like mature human beings, do so in Site Feedback. But I'm not going to put up with a flame party against one of our writers. I'll show a united front for them, even if no one else does.


This thread is closed. I suggest all of you find something better to talk about.

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