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SNK NEO GEO USA Reveals E3 LineUp

Posted By Bebito Jackson on 04.29.04


Let me guess. Lots of shooting and fighting maybe?


SNK NEO GEO USA announced its plans for the 2004 E3 show in a few weeks. Set up at booth #546 in the South Hall, SNK NEO GEO USA will be showing off:

- King Of Fighters: Maximum Impact (PlayStation 2: September 2004)


- Metal Slug 3 (Xbox: TBA)


- SNK VS. Capcom SVC Chaos (Xbox: September 2004)


- Metal Slug & The King Of Fighters Combo (Xbox, PlayStation 2: second half 2004)


- The King Of Fighters 2002 & 2003 (Xbox, PlayStation 2: second half 2004)


- Metal Slug 4 & 5 (Xbox, PlayStation 2: first half 2005)


- Samurai Showdown 5 (Xbox, PlayStation 2: TBA)


- Samurai Showdown 5 Special (Xbox, PlayStation 2: TBA)


- Metal Slug Advance (Game Boy Advance: August 2004)

The 2004 E3 show runs from May 12th – 14th at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Of course 411 will be there to keep you abreast of any “suprises” from SNK and more.


Metal Slug/KoF Combo for PS2? I wonder which ones.


KOF 2002&2003? Sweet.


Maybe this means Sony's loosened up a bit about their 2D hatred.

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The Metal Slug/KoF combo has perked my interest, but I'm still waiting to see which versions of each game we get.


I don't quite understand why they would release Samurai Showdown 5 if they're also going to release Samurai Showdown 5 Special.

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It's not that Sony just hates 2D. Their problem with the SNK stuff is that it's on really old, outdated hardware and they feel it's ridiculous to have a game like that be full price like a game with modern technology. They want a low price, tons of added content or collections of multiple games. That is why SNK is doing these bundles. It's the same for Capcom. Hyper SF II and 3rd Strike are coming, but as a bundle. They didn't allow the old Megaman Collection, but they're allowing the new one.

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What old Megaman Collection?


You mean the shameless ripoff scheme Capcom pulled in Japan where they'd release the original games ONE PER DISC individually on the PS1?


Also, who said those "old" games had to be full price? There have been budget games released for $10-$20 bucks for a while now. KoF99 was 10 bucks new, I think.

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Yes, that MM collection.



No one said the games have to be full price. That's the whole point. Making them budget titles increases the chances Sony will approve it.

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Yes, that MM collection.



No one said the games have to be full price. That's the whole point. Making them budget titles increases the chances Sony will approve it.

Yes, but Sony America were having a real problem with Metal Slug 3. I don't recall price ever being an issue in the whole thing.


I have no problem with what they did with the PS1 Mega Mans, and it's a shame Nintendo is doing the same damn thing with their GBA/NES line.

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As I said, there's other things they could have wanted too, like for them to bundle it.

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That would force them to wait until they made the PS2 Metal Slug 4, and even then what would they have to do when 5 rolled around?


They'd have little choice with a bundle unless they did 4 and 5 together, then bundled 3 with 1 or X, and X is already out on PS1.


Puyo Pop Fever's lack of a PS2 release in the States is likely for the same reasons.

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Yup. Or to recap what Ren was ranting about before..."GAY COWBOYS!...IN 3D!!"


Shame that the details on these aren't more specific. Hopefully we'll be getting most of them. If I get Metal Slug 3 (which I am for X-Box) and perhaps a Metal Slug 1 as part of a collection (it's a helluva lot for Saturn), I'll be more than pleased.


The GBA Metal Slug is supposed to be an original title too, as far as I know.

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Well, we got some KoF: MI info and pics now.


Click here for the article and pics.


The plot of the game revolves around a new boss named "Mephistopheles." Meph leads the most dangerous gang in town and has agreed to meet (fight) the winner of his own personal tournament. Should be interesting to see how everything ties together.


It'll be interesting to see how the finished product plays. I was amazed to see SNK boasting about FOUR different jump moves, and what they are calling the "Knock Back Attack." I have to admit I was sketptical and bitter when this game was first announced. I don't like 3D fighters. But this...this I'm willing to put my faith in SNK one more time for.

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Metal Slug 3 is suppose to be out by the end of May if not, early June.

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