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Propane or charcoal?

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I work at a Texaco station and we fill propane tanks, just the regular 20 pounders like you'd put on a gas grill. Anyway, my dad has always used charcoal instead of gas. He claims it tastes better. What do you guys think? Most people I know use gas, for convenience sake, I guess. Sorry if this is on the wrong folder. -Jim



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Welll, if you are lazy like most Americans, you go with gas. If you go to Texas and want to BBQ with gas, you will get shot. Charcoal taste better, but it takes more talent to cook with it. Gas grills need the hickory or the Mosquite chips to counter-act the gas. The better one is a toss up but a nice grilled burger will work any style with me.

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Guest Brian

I'm a purist on the BBQ. I say charcoal, the actual chunks. I like the flavor, and you can always add the same smoke enhancers (herbs, woodchips) by simply soaking and tossing into the fire. It's not really that hard to control or cook with charcoal, you just have to understand it. It's just a matter of using direct and indirect heat.

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Is this a question? Charcoal for sure. I do all my grilling with charcoal, the way it's meant to be.


Though if Texas is charcoal country, why would prototypical Texan Hank Hill sell propane, and propane accessories?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I more or less live outside during the summer, so most of what I eat is cooked on a little charcoal hibachi. Good shit, that.

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Guest Brian

Gas has it's perks for things like clams. But charcoal takes the cake on just about everything else.

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I have always been a charcoal man but broke down and bought a gas grill. Still haven't used it yet, but should put it to use this summer. Whenever I have a bbq for a birthday I have about 30 people and get about 25 pounds of carne asada and by the end of the day, stray animals are chasing me.

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Welll, if you are lazy like most Americans, you go with gas. If you go to Texas and want to BBQ with gas, you will get shot. Charcoal taste better, but it takes more talent to cook with it. Gas grills need the hickory or the Mosquite chips to counter-act the gas. The better one is a toss up but a nice grilled burger will work any style with me.

What about Hank Hill? He sells propane and propane accessories. How can he be wrong?

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Guest The Notorious CRD



Taste the meat and not the heat, I tell ya what. Ah heh heh!

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Guest FrigidSoul

I'm saddened that it took that long for a King of the Hill reference to occure.


That being said when I cooked proffesionally we used gas grills with charcoal. Basically the grill emits gas from the bottom and allows the coals to heat up slowly and naturally rather than splashing them with lighter fluid.

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