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NBC Interested in Angel...

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From Buffy.nu:


From an inside source at NBC :


"It has come to our attention that there has been a vast public interest to see a return of this series. A forthcoming series is in negotiation, and NBC will go ahead with a sixth season if the public response is strong enough."


The reliability of the source has been checked with NBC Internal Documents.


Buffy.nu : We already know that the final meeting with angel writers and producers has been set up in a few weeks (we got the date), so you have time to show your support to these negociations by replying to this article !


We ask for help from all Buffy/Angel/Firefly websites and all the Whedon Fandom, NBC will check the feedback on this page, so show your angel love here !


Please Sign Here


Even though a lot of people don't like the show, support it for those that do and sign the petition. Thanks.

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I'd rather it just end. No more seasons, no movies, no TV specials. Joss and the others lost it after the 2001-2002 seasons. The end of Angel has been very weak so far, but it'd probably just get worse.

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I know. :P



But on the subject of shilling Whedon products.....everyone should order this after their done with the petition.





I'm so hyped!

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Honestly, I have mixed feelings on this. For one, the finale sounds awesome and it'd be a great way to end the show. Plus, the cast and crew are ready to leave the show, or they already have. Sarah Fain and Liz Craft are working for The Shield now, and even Boreanaz is relieved that the show is over.


Seeing Angel again would be great, but I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't happen.



*Finale spoiler*

Plus, no Wesley or Lorne? Booooo


EDIT: ...wait. You believe something that's just posted out of the blue from buffy.nu of all places? "A source from NBC" yeah, right.

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The biggest thing that won't allow this is James Marsters shaved his head.


People, without the hair...it ain't happening.

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The biggest thing that won't allow this is James Marsters shaved his head.


People, without the hair...it ain't happening.

Yeah, because hair doesn't grow back or anything... :rolleyes:

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I know. :P



But on the subject of shilling Whedon products.....everyone should order this after their done with the petition.





I'm so hyped!

They're. THEY'RE. Is it really that hard?

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The biggest thing that won't allow this is James Marsters shaved his head. 


People, without the hair...it ain't happening.

Yeah, because hair doesn't grow back or anything... :rolleyes:

it will never be the same.

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The biggest thing that won't allow this is James Marsters shaved his head. 


People, without the hair...it ain't happening.

Yeah, because hair doesn't grow back or anything... :rolleyes:

it will never be the same.

How do you figure? Grow it. Re-bleach. Doesn't seem like rocket-science to me...

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The biggest thing that won't allow this is James Marsters shaved his head. 


People, without the hair...it ain't happening.

Yeah, because hair doesn't grow back or anything... :rolleyes:

it will never be the same.

How do you figure? Grow it. Re-bleach. Doesn't seem like rocket-science to me...

Thats because you don't understand rocket science. 90% of it is hair bleaching...and it is some tough stuff.

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Looks more and more like you might as well file this under "someone screwing around" as it's looking likely that it's a gag.


Not surprising since people think the "Save Angel" campaign rather sad (not me, I'm actually part of it).


Hoping it's true, but now it's looking less and less likely.

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Bah, who am I kidding. This has to be fake, seeing how NBC releases their fall schedule next week, I believe it is next week.


Whatever, it still doesn't hurt to post.

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I know. :P



But on the subject of shilling Whedon products.....everyone should order this after their done with the petition.





I'm so hyped!

So, basically, you're dissing Angel S5... and then putting over the worst season of Buffy, IMO (Season 1 was short but at least you could point out that it was just setting up the story). Blecch.

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I know.  :P



But on the subject of shilling Whedon products.....everyone should order this after their done with the petition.





I'm so hyped!

So, basically, you're dissing Angel S5... and then putting over the worst season of Buffy, IMO (Season 1 was short but at least you could point out that it was just setting up the story). Blecch.

Season 6 0wns your bright and sunshiney worlds. Darker= DA SHIOT.

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Season six will be remembered by me for a few things


#1: The last season of the busty and lovely Amber Benson. Talented woman too


#2: Sarah starts looking like hell this season and begins to challenge Lara Flynn Boyle for the "huh, what the hell??" award.


#3: Plot holes galore.

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Season six will be remembered by me for a few things


#1: The last season of the busty and lovely Amber Benson. Talented woman too


#2: Sarah starts looking like hell this season and begins to challenge Lara Flynn Boyle for the "huh, what the hell??" award.


#3: Plot holes galore.

What Plot holes?

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Season 6 is one of the best!




Best year for the Anya/Xander ship!!


OMWF! Tabula Rasa!



It is so much better than the current/recent seasons. Much better writing. Consistent, coherent direction with actual storyarcs for each character. I also don't get the complaint that it's too dark coming from those who like season 7, with it's nonstop doom and gloom "oh god, the FE is gonna kill us all" promos.

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I'm still waiting for a SINGLE plot hole in season six. That was really a well crafted season. Everything that happened in the end, you could see seeds of it in the first freaking ep when you look back. How much better written can you be than that. Giles leaving, Anya and Xander not going through with the wedding Tara basically putting on the Red Star Trek shirt...that was a damn good season.


Throw in Warren going from super nerd to progressively darker as teh season went on and there you go.


The thing most hate about season 6 was Dawn being a teenager, but that never bothered me so GO SEASON 6~!

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Yes. Season 6 is one of the best at having a clear theme and direction and building it up throughout all 22 episodes. Every single character has their own seperate arc, which still ties to the main theme. It's so awesome.

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You want plot holes then just look at Buffy Season 5!


Buffy doesn't have the mystical energy required to open/close the portal dammit!!!!! Her jumping into it should have accomplished nothing!!!


Dawn was the key, which is made up of mystical green energy, which is what opens/closes the portal. The blood was basically a mode of transportation! Just because they have the same blood doesn't mean they both have the energy.

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You want plot holes then just look at Buffy Season 5!


Buffy doesn't have the mystical energy required to open/close the portal dammit!!!!! Her jumping into it should have accomplished nothing!!!

Well there is a perfectly good explaination for that.


*slaps papers in Laparkas face and runs*

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But seriously, i can't call that in season 5 a plot hole as that is obviously what they planned on doing from the beganing. They just did a shitty job of explaining it. Okay...The key opens and closes the door, Dawn is the key in human form. The keys energy is now Dawns blood...Dawn has summers blood...buffy has summers blood...they are made of the same substance with the same DNA and what not...so basically, the portal was fooled...or something.

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But seriously, i can't call that in season 5 a plot hole as that is obviously what they planned on doing from the beganing.  They just did a shitty job of explaining it.  Okay...The key opens and closes the door, Dawn is the key in human form.  The keys energy is now Dawns blood...Dawn has summers blood...buffy has summers blood...they are made of the same substance with the same DNA and what not...so basically, the portal was fooled...or something.

The portal was fooled? Yeah that's why I have a hard time with it. The whole "same blood" thing seemed like a big stretch to find a way to kill off Buffy. If it was the blood that mattered then that makes Dawn a little pointless if she doesn't have something unique that makes her the only key.


Plus Dawn didn't have to be a human with blood. She could have been anything. They made her human so that Buffy would look after her.

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Bah, who am I kidding. This has to be fake, seeing how NBC releases their fall schedule next week, I believe it is next week.


Whatever, it still doesn't hurt to post.



A) Even though NBC jumped in bed with Don Trump and have exhausted every last Fear Factor/Law & Order/New Dateline night possibility they can think of, I would think sci-fi would be the LAST resort with them. First they got to worry about two GAPING holes in their comedy lineups, neither one can be fixed by plugging in an extra Dateline or something


B) NBC has never been the sci-fi/horror/fantasy place that CBS, ABC and FOX have been, call it the curse of Star Trek and Manimal


C) Guarantee they will place Angel in a place where the target audience won't be able to watch it, either Friday or Saturday nights, essentially the nights TV networks just "give up" with the exception of family themed programing (hence ABC's TGIF lineup and CBS' "wholesome lineups" with Walker, ect...) which Angel is definalty NOT


It would be a bad move IMO



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