Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Find the thread they started when the board had the big relaunch or whatever the hell that was called a couple months ago. It was either Tom or Sass that told me I would immediately be banned if I continue criticizing mistakes made by the mods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 (edited) ... Edited May 15, 2004 by Anglesault Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted May 15, 2004 (edited) Find the thread they started when the board had the big relaunch or whatever the hell that was called a couple months ago. It was either Tom or Sass that told me I would immediately be banned if I continue criticizing mistakes made by the mods. No, the burden of proof is on you to back up your own claims. EDIT: Congrats on posting another time in the thread without coming up with a locked thread you have a problem with, though. Edited May 15, 2004 by nikjohns Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Congrats on posting another time in the thread without coming up with a locked thread you have a problem with, though. The positive Bradshaw thread. The positive Judgment Day thread. The Stephanie McMahon thread. The Rapper Thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted May 15, 2004 1 & 2 were duplicate threads. 3 was utterly retarded, people wishing for the deaths of McMahons. 4 was too far off topic to be redeemable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSA09 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Jesus, nik the man gives you an example and just because you are too damn lazy to actually look you come up with a bullshit line of "the burden of proof is on you" Now that's lazy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Jesus, nik the man gives you an example and just because you are too damn lazy to actually look you come up with a bullshit line of "the burden of proof is on you" Now that's lazy. Read this. I'm not lazy, I'm right. It's not "bullshit". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSA09 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Whatever you say. We aren't in law school and you really need to not take this board that seriously. But as I can already see you'll just think you are right so I'll use better judgement and drop it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 1 & 2 were duplicate threads. 3 was utterly retarded, people wishing for the deaths of McMahons. 4 was too far off topic to be redeemable. I missed the pro-Bradshaw ME push and pro- J-Day card threads, but even if they were there, why not merge them? The Stephanie thread featured a couple of death threats, but for the most part, it was honest discussion on what a useless bitch she is. Deleting death posts and giving a warning at least keeps the legitimate parts of the thread going. The rap thread was a discussion about rap basically the whole time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 1 & 2 were duplicate threads. 3 was utterly retarded, people wishing for the deaths of McMahons. 4 was too far off topic to be redeemable. I missed the pro-Bradshaw ME push and pro- J-Day card threads, but even if they were there, why not merge them? The Stephanie thread featured a couple of death threats, but for the most part, it was honest discussion on what a useless bitch she is. Deleting death posts and giving a warning at least keeps the legitimate parts of the thread going. The rap thread was a discussion about rap basically the whole time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrigidSoul Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Since there are a million different subjects can I get links to some of the threads in actual question to read? I have reason to believe this is going to be easy to disect and fix Anglesault, I remember the thread you speak of when you gave your opinion on matters that needed to be handled. Both you and Downhome were critised at the time for doing so. I think the critisism they had towards the both of you was that they acknowledged the points but you both kept at it. That annoyed them. When conveying a point do it in a civil manner(like you would want done to you), explain it completely so you cover all your bases, and wait for a rebuttle. If you throw pot shots or attitude into the mix then its not going to get anywhere and its just going to cause more problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted May 15, 2004 I missed the pro-Bradshaw ME push and pro- J-Day card threads, but even if they were there, why not merge them? Does it matter either way? There were only two posts in both threads, which would be quicker to repost than to merge. The Stephanie thread featured a couple of death threats, but for the most part, it was honest discussion on what a useless bitch she is. Deleting death posts and giving a warning at least keeps the legitimate parts of the thread going. I agree, but I felt the thread had gone beyond that point. I don't like deleting individual posts, as I invariably get shit from it. The rap thread was a discussion about rap basically the whole time. There's a music forum for that. The topic had turned definitely to "does rap suck", which was in the wrong forum. Moving the topic would lead to a bunch of responses about "why's there are wrestling topic here?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 I missed the pro-Bradshaw ME push and pro- J-Day card threads, but even if they were there, why not merge them? Does it matter either way? There were only two posts in both threads, Because the threads were cut off at the knees. I agree, but I felt the thread had gone beyond that point. I don't like deleting individual posts, as I invariably get shit from it. So you figured killing all conversation on the biggest topic in a while was the solution. I think the critisism they had towards the both of you was that they acknowledged the points but you both kept at it. Because nothing was done to fix the problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrigidSoul Report post Posted May 15, 2004 I missed the pro-Bradshaw ME push and pro- J-Day card threads, but even if they were there, why not merge them? Does it matter either way? There were only two posts in both threads, which would be quicker to repost than to merge. That's the thing though man. When you agreed to the blue letters you agreed to make things better for the board and its posters, not what's easier on you. Really, if they were a couple posts than just merge the threads and place a response inside the thread you merged them with saying you did so. Kills that cluster fuck in the storage space as well. The Stephanie thread featured a couple of death threats, but for the most part, it was honest discussion on what a useless bitch she is. Deleting death posts and giving a warning at least keeps the legitimate parts of the thread going. I agree, but I felt the thread had gone beyond that point. I don't like deleting individual posts, as I invariably get shit from it. If you went and tried to veer the discussion back on track and it didn't work then ya, closing it is what needs to be done. I don't think many people would be too upset if you deleted a post that said something along the lines of "OMG, I hate her and wish she was dead" though since it doesn't add to anything. Just means taking some of your time to do that...but again, goes along with agreeing to the blue letters. The rap thread was a discussion about rap basically the whole time. There's a music forum for that. The topic had turned definitely to "does rap suck", which was in the wrong forum. Moving the topic would lead to a bunch of responses about "why's there are wrestling topic here?" I'm going to take a guess that this is about the Rappers in WWE or whatever the name of it was thread. You're correct that there is a music forum to discuss whether or not they like or dislike rap. If the thread got taken off course and into that direction go inside, tell them to take that kind of talk to the music folder and to keep on topic. If they keep it up then you can close it and cite that you tried veering the subject back on topic and they didn't follow. Its basically all about covering your ass in a way that makes things enjoyable for all the posters. Still, without specific links that's really all I can give for synopsis on this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrigidSoul Report post Posted May 15, 2004 I think the critisism they had towards the both of you was that they acknowledged the points but you both kept at it. Because nothing was done to fix the problems. Weren't your problems dealing with the new rules they wanted to put in place in the WWE Forum? If so(and I believe they were) then the problem was solved as they decided to scrap it until better methods could be developed. You said your piece on it and in the long run it caught their attention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 I think the critisism they had towards the both of you was that they acknowledged the points but you both kept at it. Because nothing was done to fix the problems. Weren't your problems dealing with the new rules they wanted to put in place in the WWE Forum? If so(and I believe they were) then the problem was solved as they decided to scrap it until better methods could be developed. You said your piece on it and in the long run it caught their attention. And when they scrapped it I stopped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrigidSoul Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Exactly, meaning the problem you had was fixxed. Riiiiight? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Yes... Is this leading somewhere? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrigidSoul Report post Posted May 15, 2004 Its leading to prove you wrong on the matters of them not fixxing anything after you conveyed your point. They didn't like how you brought it up to them, but they did take into account your feelings on the matters as one of the older posters(along with others) and scrapped the idea. Thus proving that they do listen to you when you bring something up. They just want you to bring up the problem without the 'tude, ya dig? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted May 15, 2004 For the longest time, I stopped posting in the WWE folder because I thought it was the product that was turning me away from the place. It wasn't... it was the posters and the posts being made. Then a funny thing happened... Sass became a mod... then Loss... then nik. All are quality guys, quality posters, and quality contributors to the wrestling talk. Then, all of a sudden, I found myself watching more WWE programming. I thought to myself, "Hell, since Sass encouraged me to post more, why not venture into the WWE folder and start posting there to get myself reacquainted!" I haven't made a post yet but I can see where Loss and Nik are coming from. *takes long breath*.... Anglesault... Oh God, where do we start with this one? Let's be realistic. I'm a stubborn bastard, and the guys on the closing spree are pretty damn stubborn. Rather than get into an argument that will never end and neither side will give in, I'll just phase myself off that specific board. This would be the best thing for everyone involved. Since the beginning of TSM , and maybe the Smarks for all I know, you have quasi-trolled in the WWE folder. Instead of voicing your opinion on Angle's mistreatment and letting it rest, you managed to hijack nearly every thread and make it a bitchfest and make yourself the center of attention. This is exactly the kind of behavior that has driven posters, quality posters at that, away from the WWE folder and made it the laughing stock around the internet. Fuck it, I blame you. Just off the top of my head, lets look at the quality posts or arguments you used to make... Situation: Angle is world champ. AS: Angle is the weakest champion ever! He is made to look like a buffoon. (Repeat in about thirty fucking threads regardless if Angle is the topic or not.) Situation: Kane vs. Test AS: Kane v. Test is the worst match ever. (Forget all of the horrible matches that came before or after. This one is merely mediocre.) Situation: Edge is pushed in 2002. AS: The spear is a horrible move. On this fact alone, Edge should not be pushed, it should be Christian! Repeat in about thirty fucking threads regardless if Edge is in the topic or not. (Forget that Angle had a fucking fireman's carry for a finisher. Forget that Edge has had more ***+ matches in a month than Christian has had in a career.) Situation: Orton is pushed in 2004. AS: sucks!!!! Repeat ad nauseum in about thirty fucking threads. Situation: Edge returns in 2004. AS: The spear is a horrible move. On this fact alone, Edge should not be pushed, it should be Christian! Repeat in about thirty fucking threads regardless if Edge is in the topic or not. There's no point in me going to a section of the board that has had all the appeal drained out of it when I can use other parts of the board. I can always talk wrestling elsewhere You drained the appeal a long time ago. As for talking wrestling elsewhere, I don't know if anyone else would want you. Your illogical arguments, thread hijacking and irrational behavior makes you the equivalent of Dave O' Dumbfuck who was banned from four boards in the span of a fucking month. I know for a fact that before you were eventually banned from "elsewhere", you would first be laughed at and then tossed aside. SNKT, DVDVR, TOA... your act would be tolerated for all of a minute. Somehow you have managed to survive, and even thrive, here. Kudos to you! But in the meantime, you shouldn't be bitching about (useless and redundant) threads closing. You should be thanking your lucky stars that you have been able to spew your ridiculous babble for as long as you have. Downhome... There are a few mods here, the newer mods, who just take their "job" way TOO FUCKING SERIOUS. You have got to be fucking kidding me? This is coming from a guy who has PM'ed the mods collectively more than any thirty other posters combined about "fixing" the WWE folder. This coming from the guy who takes the WWE folder so seriously that everytime he gets his feelings hurt, he goes running to the mods or creating a post crying about the mods. Most are doing a great job though, only using their "power" when they really need to, for good reasons. Before Dames left, and a new group of guys joined the staff most of us didn't even have a clue we had mods really, except for the times when people really got out of hand, people were just flat out spamming the boards, just flat out flamming other people, and that sort of thing. And most everyone was happy with that, and most who were not are the ones with something apparently up their ass. Now however, we all know damn well who is a mod, as they seem to make it a point to let each and every one of us know that fact. That's not a good thing. You know, I don't think this is about the job the mods are doing. I think this is really about the fact that no one on the staff even gave two seconds of thought about making you a mod... ever. Maybe you have this residual bitter taste in your mouth after you were kicked off your old board by the posters there because of the stand-up job you were doing. So on this basis alone, what makes you think you are qualified to either criticize or make judgments on the actions of the mods here when you were an overwhelming failure the last time you had a position of power? Once again, we have a situation where a poster should thank his lucky stars they have a place to post instead of being laughed off the fucking forum. I've said this before as well. This place, it's just about having fun and just goofing off while also getting into great discussions here and there. If you start trying to come off as Mr. Mod Almighty, people will look at this place as a place with less and less fun and room to just do what we've done for years. That being just posting, whatever we want as long as it's within the few rules and simple rules that we have here. This place was perfectly fine for quite some time without the mods ever getting in the way of anyone other than those who were true troublemakers. I see no reason at all why some want to change that. Why fuck around with a system that worked so well for so long? Once again, the system wasn't working. The WWE folder wasn't working. The mods at the time were unhappy with the direction of the folder. Dames personally told me he was unhappy with the folder. There were countless TSM discussions where the WWE folder and the fact that it was an intellectual wasteland needed to be dealt with. Enter the new mods... Sass, Loss, goodear, nik, and CC. For someone who likes the folder so much, you should be thankful there are decent posters that actually give two shits about the quality of the folder and make any attempt to clean it up. Your argument that everything was fine is wrong, invalid and an example of the problem at hand. When you shovel shit... you smell like shit. Seriously, do you think you would do a better job at being a mod? AS has already proven on another board that he lacked the maturity or leadership skills to handle a mod position. DH was driven away from his old board but it was the poster's fault, right? They were dumbasses, right? Then how valid is this line?... Downhome... The best and most succesfull type of message board staff (I can't believe that I'm having to say this) is the sort that the members do not even really notice. Just take care of the shit that obviously needs to be taken care of. When we start seeing "don't do this, do that, you can't do that there, no no no, all of you are stupid" coming from the guys over and over again, when it's over petty bullshit that has never been a problem then have a problem, a real problem. So which is it? You can't have it both ways. Were you a shitty mod yourself that you got driven away or is this above line just a bunch of bullshit? Once again, recognize that the mods are doing the right thing, you two are the source of some of the biggest problems this board has, and that you both sound like bitter assholes that covet the mod positions that others, including AS's friend treble charged, currently hold. Or maybe it is the fact that guys like nik and Loss are the antithesis of what you guys are. to quote Downhome... There, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Carry on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted May 15, 2004 So of the 4 highlighted, I still can't see what was wrong. Two were repeats, and two were judgment calls. That's the thing though man. When you agreed to the blue letters you agreed to make things better for the board and its posters, not what's easier on you. Really, if they were a couple posts than just merge the threads and place a response inside the thread you merged them with saying you did so. Kills that cluster fuck in the storage space as well. Where did I say it was easier on me? I said it's quicker to repost than to merge. And why do I even have to justify my choice of closing over merging to YOU? If you went and tried to veer the discussion back on track and it didn't work then ya, closing it is what needs to be done. I don't think many people would be too upset if you deleted a post that said something along the lines of "OMG, I hate her and wish she was dead" though since it doesn't add to anything. Just means taking some of your time to do that...but again, goes along with agreeing to the blue letters. Again, as I said, I think it was too far gone. Please don't insinuate that I am lazy or something. I made a judgment call that the bad greatly outweighed the bad, and the thread was unredeemable (irredeemable?) I'm going to take a guess that this is about the Rappers in WWE or whatever the name of it was thread. You're correct that there is a music forum to discuss whether or not they like or dislike rap. If the thread got taken off course and into that direction go inside, tell them to take that kind of talk to the music folder and to keep on topic. If they keep it up then you can close it and cite that you tried veering the subject back on topic and they didn't follow. Its basically all about covering your ass in a way that makes things enjoyable for all the posters. Still, without specific links that's really all I can give for synopsis on this I made a judgment call, that the thread was too far gone to be redeemable. here is the thread. It has 77 replies. The last wrestling related reply is about #38. There was no way the thread was going back on topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Tom 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2004 This is all I'm going to say on the matter. And yes, I'm going to close this thread after I reply, partly so that it doesn't turn into a constant bitchfest, but also because nothing more will need to be said here. Nik and the other forum mods enjoy the full support of the administration. Since I'm the admin in charge of the staff, that means they have my full support. If Nik (or any other forum mod, but I'll use Nik as the example here) thinks a thread should be closed, he's going to close it. If he thinks someone should be warned based on their conduct, then he's going to warn them. Nik's judgment is sound, and it really is just too bad if you don't agree with him. It's funny... I also admin on a site network dedicated to collectible card games. One of the sites is populated by a lot of 13-16 year-old kids, and has several times the number of members TSM has. Threads are closed far more often there, and no one has a problem with it. Why? Because it's one bloody thread out of many. If a thread gets closed, figure there was a reason for it. If you're unsure of the reason, then PM the mod in question and ask them, like a civilized human being, why the thread was closed. Abusing the folder mods via PMs will not be looked upon favorably by me, so let me emphasize the "civilized human being" part again. If someone thinks a mod is closing too many threads, they can start a thread here in Feedback about it, and present their points like (here it comes again) a civilized human being. Or that someone can PM me, again like a civilized human being, and discuss it. But abuse of the folder mods, in posts or via PMs, will NOT be tolerated. Anglesault and Angelslayer: Nik has been having problems with both of you of late, and has had to warn both of you at least once recently. The next time he has a problem with either of you will be the last time you present a problem to anyone on this board. Nik, let me know the next time they act up toward you. Downhome: Hell, just read Will's post. I couldn't say it better. Remember, folks: abuse of the folder mods will not be tolerated, and you should present any issues you have like a civilized human being. Closed for business. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites