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Guest Cerebus

"The Danger of Americanism"

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Guest Cerebus

Stumbled across this on the net today. A European weekly published this a little while ago, can anyone guess which country it came from?


Our camp includes not only those who are young enough to topple the old and build a new world. It includes all those spiritual forces that see the new in the collapse of the old, who want to build a new future with new ways and means.


The triumph of the Copernican worldview over the unfruitful dogma of the past, the triumph of science over empty faith, was a victory of youth. They followed the shining examples of their predecessors. The youth have always been the battering ram that helped bring the national idea to fruition. The discovery of the laws of inheritance has been the occasion and guidepost of a new youth movement that builds on the eternal culture-building values of race and blood. They lead from the deadly and destructive lethargy of materialism to the new world of tomorrow.


Americanism is certainly not a spiritual movement, nor is it a worldview that it is possible to oppose at the intellectual level. Its political beneficiaries have tried in recent years to give it, if not a face, at least a program or a goal: "the American Century." It is a collection of empty promises of the type democratic orators have always made — but this time on a world scale. There is nothing in them to excite a reasonable man. But that is exactly the point of Americanism! The key is not what it promises, but what it cannot promise. The key is not what it demands of men, but what gives them.


That would not matter if the world's youth were of the sound character that develops from racially conscious lines, tradition-rich families, good upbringing and close camaraderie. But that is not the way things are. The good fairy will not give youth the values they will need in life. The racially sound youth can be inspired by virtue of his blood. But the blood does not tell him what should inspire him. He can be misled into serving a bad cause. He can squander his enthusiasm if he matures in a spiritual vacuum. One should not underestimate the danger of Americanism, or its seductive power. It offers devotion to a culture of nothingness, independence, lack of restraint, a freedom from all obligation, from all honor, from all consideration.


That is the political danger of Americanism. It leads those who fall prey to it away from political thinking, away from responsibility, even to their nation, away from decency, even from national decency.


The American lad may use fine phrases to say that the nationalist is his political enemy. In reality, however, he fights a man who makes uncomfortable and difficult demands on him, the man who recognizes the fate of the nation as his fate, who respects the woman who will become the mother of his children, who wants to be a model, who always acts as if the eyes of the nation are upon him. The American lad feels his "freedom" restricted by such behavior. He wants to keep the hot music spinning on the record player, not be reminded that he must work as well as relax, that he must not only enjoy, but also honor the dignity of his nation.


That is neither comfortable nor pleasant. It is pleasant to talk slang and enjoy a loose moral life with those of like mind. Americanism has its delights, and he who is captivated by them not only sticks his head in the sand, he also gets some pleasure. It is nice to be able to dismiss all criticism of a too hearty enjoyment of life with the claim that one is defending human rights against Nazi brutality.


Americanism is not a logical development. It certainly does not spring from the descendants of the Virginia colonists with their Prussian sense of honor and duty, nor from the healthy farmers and citizens of the Midwest. It did not triumph easily against the often overdone moralism of Puritan circles. Its power grew along with that of Jewry. As is the case of everything that follows the orders of Jewry, Americanism's lack of culture and morality, its freedom-promising "Century of the Child," is nothing but a concealed way of ruining the youth.


Americanism is a splendid method of depoliticization. The Jews have used jazz and movies, magazines and smut, gangsterism and free love, and every perverse desire, to keep the American people so distracted that they pay no attention to their own fate. Even in politics, they are no longer influenced by the head, only by what is under the belt.


Americanism is not merely a moral-cultural form of degeneration, nor can it be combated by nonpolitical means. It has already been defeated when one digs it up by its roots and sees there plainly the words: "Made in Israel."

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
It is nice to be able to dismiss all criticism of a too hearty enjoyment of life...


Yes, it is. Fuck the anti-semite that wrote this article with something crooked and hot.

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German. "Jewry" and the displaced focus on alleged nationalism is a dead giveaway.

I concur

EDIT: Well, France did try to give Germany their Jews before the whole damn Holocaust really got started...Maybe could be some rag near Vichy?

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'll say it's some racist British thing no one reads, just to be contrary.

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Guest Cerebus

Marney is right and SJ is semi-right. Interestingly enough, it was published in 1944 by a weekly pulbished by the German SS, but it sounds as fresh as tommorow! The more things change...

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it was published in 1944

As long as we're keeping it current





...so, you guys think Hitler can get it done?

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Guest Cerebus
it was published in 1944

As long as we're keeping it current





...so, you guys think Hitler can get it done?


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Guest Cerebus
No, I'm afraid it was you who has been WHOOSH~!-ed

Crap...I will go. :(

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Guest wayzing
But back then Denmark was involved with Germany, right?...

Germany INVADED Denmark "back then".

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Guest MikeSC
German. "Jewry" and the displaced focus on alleged nationalism is a dead giveaway.

Dang. I was gonna guess Dominique de Villepin.


Well, I guess we see why the French were so keen to collaborate back in the 40's --- the apple hasn't fallen far from that tree.


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