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Guest UncleJesseMark

I'll be 2nd Row at Raw on Monday

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You could always bring a sign with a blatant political message contradictary to the conservative nature of WWE.


- The war in Iraq is not cool


- Legalize gay marriage


Or just go with an obvious smark sign.


- Kane is my dentist


- Shawn Michaels fears marines


- Jerry Lawler can't announce


- Austin 3:16 says I just beat my girlfriend


- Visit thesmartmarks.com


However, if you want to get on TV, go the mark route. Make a colorful sign that supports a top face or some generic insult towards a heel.

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Guest UncleJesseMark

Ok, I've made my decisions, Look for 2 signs tomorrow night on Raw









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Guest UncleJesseMark

Me and My friend, Andy had an awesome time! Unfortunately what one of the posters said was true, before the show, security took our posters, and told us that we were not allowed to stand up in that section. This was a bummer, but being as close as we were it was okay. If you taped raw, there are a couple of times you can see me.....holding up 3 fingers at the end of the edge/ric flair match, and as the camera pans in to Orton on the top rope during the highlight reel, it pans right over me giving a big middle finger to Orton. I'm in a dark red t-shirt. This was great because Jericho looked at me and shook his head as I was doing this. During heat I yelled I HATE YOU at Mike Chioda,and he acknowledged it, so now he knows.


Lillian is smoking hot up close. And a class act, signing autographs and taking pictures at almost EVERY single Break.


The T-Shirt Gun Guy was shooting, Austin, Lesnar, and Goldberg shirts into the crowd, and there is a new Eugene shirt they debuted yesterday, complete with name patch and Eugene, backwards (Just for anglesault) on the back. It was good stuff.


Speaking of Eugene, during the post-match celebration he put the world belt around his neck and ran around the ring some more. He is so over it's amazing. He got (along with Jericho), the biggest pop of the night.


Kanes Pyro is unreal, but the opening to HEAT was amazing stuff too...MY eyebrows are singed.


Overall an awesome night and the second week in a slow build to BadBlood!


Thanks for the ideas guys, but maybe next time!

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Guest Dynamite Kido
The T-Shirt Gun Guy was shooting, Austin, Lesnar, and Goldberg shirts into the crowd,

Damn they have to give these away now apparently........because I'm guessing their $5 bargan price isn't even moving them......

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Guest UncleJesseMark

I'm in the first pic, you just have to know where to look, I'm in the second row, left side, in the maroon shirt (same one in my sig) I'm the tallest one there, even sitting down. You can see me if you squint a bit. You can see me great on the tape as the camera pans to orton on the top rope as he comes out for the Highlight reel, flipping him off...fantastic.

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Guest EugeneMark

You should have given Chioda the finger after he said that Flair was only down for a 2 count. Atleast he won't sleep easy at night knowing Rockford, Illinois hates him.


Down with Chioda!

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Guest Repo Man Reborn
This Guy is Gay ----->


Vote for Ralph Nader


Paul London owns Triple H


Shut up and Wrestle


I hate retards


Nice Resthold


We Want Nash...Not.


I farted


Call the moves right JR


Nice tights

This guy wins.



I am broke in thirds.

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