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Phish's Festival, Coventry...

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From Phish.com





PHISH will end their 2004 Summer Tour with a two-day festival, COVENTRY. The event will take place August 14th and 15th on the grounds of the Newport State Airport and adjacent fields in the rural town of Coventry, Vermont. COVENTRY is the band's first-ever home state festival, and first public outdoor Vermont appearance since 1995.


Located amidst the rolling hills and lush green valleys of Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, COVENTRY will be Phish's seventh "city-size" festival, with an expected turnout that will qualify it as Vermont's most populated city for the weekend of August 14th and 15th. As with all prior Phish festivals, COVENTRY will see the band performing three live sets each day, with on-site camping as well as numerous attractions and art installations created by teams of talented artists and performers.


Tickets for COVENTRY will go on sale on Thursday, May 20th, at 10AM for $149.50 (plus applicable service fees) via the Phish Tickets website, located at http://phishtickets.rlc.net . Starting Friday, May 21st at 9AM, tickets will also be available via Ticketmaster by phone or online at http://ticketmaster.com . Tickets may also be charged by phone at the following Northeast Ticketmaster numbers: 802-862-5300; 603-868-7300; 207-775-3331; 617-931-2000; 413-733-2500; 212-307-7171; 518-476-1000; 401-331-2211; 757-671-8100.


Gates for the event will open at NOON on Thursday, August 12. Ticket prices include up to four nights of parking and onsite camping. There is a limit of 6 tickets per person. Capacity is limited, so advance ticket purchase and carpooling is strongly encouraged.


In other tour news, tickets for Phish's August concert dates will go on sale this weekend. Specific ticketing and event information for all shows - including COVENTRY - can be found on the tourdates page at http://www.phish.com/tourdates/ . Tickets for the June leg of Phish's Summer 2004 tour are currently on sale.


We'll be creating a special web site for COVENTRY that we hope to launch within a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more info.


I was going to get tickets for their summer tour, but with this festival I'm just going to go and see that. IT from last year rule and was my first Phish show, so I'll defiently be going to see this.


Anyone else?

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Mole, I'm one of the few other Phish fans on TSM, so I'll respond.


I'm thinking of going this year, even though I'm getting a bit old to be going to shows (had an 'incident' with some douchebag that thought that just because I have short hair that it was my first show ... I had to break it to her that I'd been going to shows since she was in elementary school. That kind of turned me off of the whole scene. But I digress ...)


I went to the Lemonwheel and the NYE one in Big Cypress, and had enough fun at those to go again. I was planning on doing the Great Woods shows, too, but I don't know if I'm ready to invest that much scratch in Phish shows right now.

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

Dear God, it's a Great Woods reference! Thought I was one of the few left who called it that still.


I've got season passes to the place this year in section 1, so I'm going to just about everything.

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Wb4:20, I'll never ever call it anything but Great Woods. The best is when people interrupt me to correct me, as if I'm unaware that it's had a new name for a few years now.


(but then again, I call waiters "male waitresses" and stewards "male stewardesses" so I have no problem being pig-headed and beligerent).

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(had an 'incident' with some douchebag that thought that just because I have short hair that it was my first show ... I had to break it to her that I'd been going to shows since she was in elementary school. That kind of turned me off of the whole scene. But I digress ...)

I want to hear this story in more detail.

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(had an 'incident' with some douchebag that thought that just because I have short hair that it was my first show ... I had to break it to her that I'd been going to shows since she was in elementary school. That kind of turned me off of the whole scene. But I digress ...)

I HATE people like that. So fuckin what if it was your first show (even though it wasn't), just sit back and have a good time. Those are the people who are just fake fans, not real ones. Real fans wouldn't do shit like that.


IT was my first Phish show last year and I didn't get any of that shit, thank God.


Aren't Phish concerts just a really expensive excuse to get high?

Yeah, seeing how I don't smoke.


No, they are a reason to watch an awesome band jam out. Plus the fact it is a festival, so not just a concert. They'll play 3 sets and 2 shows, that is more music than most bands will play at one show.

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I guess I won't.

But I guess you will ...


It was a few years ago now, one of the last times that Phish played at Great Woods. A few friends and I got tickets in the pavillian, as in actual seats. I went to get myself a drink (can't remember if it was water or beer) and when I came back there were some hippies noodle dancing in the aisle, blocking my path to my seat. Figuring I'd just let them enjoy their noodle, and then when that song ended slide past them to my seat.


Well, evidently this girl (probably late teens, or early 20s) thought that she was more 'down' than I was, so told me that "the view is much better towards the front"; I responded by telling her that I knew what the band looked like, and didn't need a better view. So she told me that the sound was better over there, and I told her while I knew the seats near the soundboard had better sound that wasn't where my seat was.


At this point she'd not even dancing, just yelling at me about how "new fans are fucking up her scene" and "some people come here to dance and have fun" ... that's about all I can take, and I tell her to fuck herself, that I've been going to shows since '92 (NYE '92 into '93 was my first show) and that it was people like HER that fucked up MY scene. And then I told her to get the fuck out of my way while I went to my seat.


And that's the story of why I hate most hippies.



Aren't Phish concerts just a really expensive excuse to get high?


Nevermortal, remind me what kind of music you like, so I can make naive stereotypical observations on it? Thanks in advance.

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

Man, I got some of the same shit at a bunch of the shows I went to. Ozzfest was awful, because friggen' 15 year-olds thought they could kick my ass. Needless to say, being the inebriated Irish man I am, things turned out far uglier than they should have. Least for those two. Mind you, this was the year they had to add all the uncovered reserve seats after Ozzfest after the lawn got torn up and thrown on the roof.


Then there's the drunken blithering idiots who go to Dave Matthews shows. Yes, crazily enough, I like both Phish and DMB. What's wrong with me? Anyways, last time I went (2002 @ Great Woods), I wound up having to damn near wade through all the puke on the ground. Absofuckinglutely disgusting.


The one concert where I thought I'd draw flak but really didn't was Lollapalooza. And that was a great show, IMO. (2003 @ Great Woods).


For those wondering, Fenway Park is awesome for a concert if you're not underneath the grandstand, and Gillette Stadium is atrocious for sound quality.

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Bleh. Phish and Grateful Dead are hippie bands. What do hippies do? Smoke pot.



Since you didn't bother to answer my question, I'll have to use the 'search' funciton on top ...


Hmm, Lamb of God and Mayhem are metal bands. What do fans of metal bands do? Sacrifice animals and worship Satan.




Nice stereotyping, eh, Nevermortal? To begin with, I'm about as far from a hippie as you can find. I still dress like a boots and braces skinhead. Furthermore, while I do enjoy smoking pot, I've been into that far longer than I've been into Phish, and most of the shows I've most enjoyed, I've enjoyed without drinking or drugs.



{please note that nl5 really has no issues with black metal or their fans ... he just has issues with stereotypes. that is all.}


EDIT: And what's the point of posting in a thread if you don't fucking like the subject? Should I jump into one of the death metal or rap threads just to say that I think that band sucks?

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I dont get the Phish hate...


Very talented band, good songs. Jam music has its lameass scentesters just like metal does and the altrock scene. Who cares? Good music is good music...


I went to the Jager/Slipknot show earlier thgis year and about 50 metal shows before - theres always a few poseurs and retarded jocks who dont get it. But most everyone there makes sure everyone has fun and stays safe in the pits.


Im going to Bonnaroo in a couple weeks...Im sure therell be some dorks there but m also sure Ill meet a ple of cool new people and hear some great music.


Coincidentally, Ill be travelling from Wisconsin to the East Coast at exactly the time of Coventry, but after seeing Lolla, Crosby Stills Nash, Arlo Guthrie, and NYC's Howl Festival I probably wont have the time/money for this....but if I can make it, I will.

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Bleh. Phish and Grateful Dead are hippie bands. What do hippies do? Smoke pot.



Since you didn't bother to answer my question, I'll have to use the 'search' funciton on top ...


Hmm, Lamb of God and Mayhem are metal bands. What do fans of metal bands do? Sacrifice animals and worship Satan.



What? I do sacrifice animals and worship Satan.

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Nevermortal, did you ever follow Sick and those guys when they opened their new site? I seem to have forgotten where it is. Help woulds be appreciated.

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Bleh. Phish and Grateful Dead are hippie bands. What do hippies do? Smoke pot.



Yeah, all hippies smoke pot.....


Phish sucks. You aren't cool at college unless you like them.

I only know two other people at school like Phish and I get made fun of for liking them.


I've come to the conclusion that most college students like CHR music.

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