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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Wrestlers dumping water on themselves

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

This is a little thing that's bothered me for a while because I've never understood why they do it and who started it. The reason why this is on my mind is because I saw some of RAW the other night and noticed that Flair had done it. It looked ridiculous to see him in his sparkly robe with his head doused in water. Another time it looked stupid to me was when Mark Henry had it all in his braids. Is there anyone who thinks they can explain this phenomenon?

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Guest Choken One

If it were smackdown...i'd say this


"They need to wake up"...


but I think flair does it to look young(which it isnt doing)...


I loved how in the 01 rumble...Kane (#6)...went a hour...started with soaking wet hair and left with dry frizzly hair...

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Guest Stunt Granny
I loved how in the 01 rumble...Kane (#6)...went a hour...started with soaking wet hair and left with dry frizzly hair...


Ha! That's called the Bret Hart Effect, I swear he'd walk into a match with with it soaked in oil and 20 mintues later he was looking like Haku. You could always tell when Bret was bringing his A game by how his hair looked at the end of a match

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I loved how in the 01 rumble...Kane (#6)...went a hour...started with soaking wet hair and left with dry frizzly hair...

I'm surprised Kane was able to go nearly an hour in that match. I know it's not like a real match, but he really didn't take any breaks until the end when it was down to him/Rock/Austin.

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Guest Choken One

Let's not forget he always dumped about 11 people that night as well...


He deserved better then a Hardcore Three Way Match at Mania for that effort...Should have just done TBS/KANE (which would be a more Marquee match).

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Let's not forget he always dumped about 11 people that night as well...


He deserved better then a Hardcore Three Way Match at Mania for that effort...Should have just done TBS/KANE (which would be a more Marquee match).

That match gave Kane the CPR to revive his character that it needed. He just lost to Jericho in the fucking worst way ever at Armageddon and needed something to help him.


At least though the WM X-Seven Hardcore Title match was really good (by hardcore standards) at around ***.

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In my experience, wrestlers wet their hair so it looks better when it "flies" around as they're taking bumps. When you see the guy's hair flail aroud, the casual viewer thinks 'Man, this guy's really taking a beating'. It's a small detail like that.

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Guest Stunt Granny
He deserved better then a Hardcore Three Way Match at Mania for that effort...Should have just done TBS/KANE (which would be a more Marquee match).


Pooie! That would've sucked, refer to KoR '99 for details. Raven bumping like a cheap set of tires MADE that match.

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started with soaking wet hair and left with dry frizzly hair...


Same thing with HHH at Unforgiven last year. It looked like he had touched one of those static electricity balls by the time the match ended. :lol:

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Hogan is the exact opposite. Dry hair going in, 10 minutes later, soaking wet.

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Guest ian.
started with soaking wet hair and left with dry frizzly hair...


Same thing with HHH at Unforgiven last year. It looked like he had touched one of those static electricity balls by the time the match ended. :lol:

Same with his match against HBK at the end of the year on raw.


It was all afroesque

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Guest drdrainoscott

I can't believe no one mentioned Curt Hennig. He was the king of the long match afro.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
haha I just remembered about Henning.

Not to nit-pick, but it's Hennig.


God damn I hate when people can't spell his name right.

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It's to cool themselves off. Seriously. Try it. Exercise extremely hard for 12 minutes (cardio) with dry hair. You'll be pretty hot, no doubt. Do it with wet hair. Won't be nearly as hot, because the water will evaporate when your body heats up, cooling off the blood near the skin, and thus cooling down the rest of your body.

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It looks impressive too. I don't know why, but I always think that someone looks more intense with water dripping off of their face. It gives me the impression that they are more focused on the match (by taking precautions to not get as hot) and less focused on how they look. But that's jsut me and my insane mind.


I'd like to see some women do it once in a while.

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I'd like to see some women do it once in a while.

You KNOW guys will immediately picture "washing the car with my girlfriends" right away, right?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
haha I just remembered about Henning.

Not to nit-pick, but it's Hennig.


God damn I hate when people can't spell his name right.

omg he spelled his name wrong!


Does it make you feel better to correct him? Does it prove your smarky wisdom. Christ.


And the hair is done for the effect and because the ring lights are so hot that they need the cool down.


At least that's what I know. Scotty Mac of ECCW used to deliver my pizzas and we'd talk wrestling.

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Do you know how hot it gets under those lights? Those lights that are used over a ring are actual lights used for a stages and if you have ever been on a stage for whatever reason under those lights, douching yourself in water isn't to much of a bad idea. You get really hot under those lights, its almost like your baking.

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At least that's what I know. Scotty Mac of ECCW used to deliver my pizzas and we'd talk wrestling.


I'm still jealous, you know that right?


Even though I have talked to him a bit, but not for an extended period of time.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
haha I just remembered about Henning.

Not to nit-pick, but it's Hennig.


God damn I hate when people can't spell his name right.

omg he spelled his name wrong!


Does it make you feel better to correct him? Does it prove your smarky wisdom. Christ.

Yes, it does.


I'm sure you'd be annoyed I'f people mis-spelled Cobains name wrong....which I probably just did, because I don't know anyway.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
At least that's what I know. Scotty Mac of ECCW used to deliver my pizzas and we'd talk wrestling.


I'm still jealous, you know that right?


Even though I have talked to him a bit, but not for an extended period of time.

Of course you're jealous, I'm C.W.M. and you're just...C.C.



Nah, he's pretty alright....I think I can take him though.

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